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File: 12 KB, 480x360, 0F6B6BD0-3B70-4E84-9CE1-133A5AE4F177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13911035 No.13911035 [Reply] [Original]

> Be Indian
> Unironically make it because of ETH and BSV (won’t sell BSV until 10k btw)
> Be happy
> Get ready for retirement
> Realize that money doesn’t solve shit
> Realize that people will still give me dirty looks tomorrow due to all the negative stereotypes of being Indian
> Realize that even though I’m not really ugly and I’m 6 3, you have to be 10/10 to get past those perceptions
> Realize that people only respect me and like talking to me once they get to know me.
> Realize that you can’t know someone without first approaching them, but all people have negative perceptions
> Realize that all races of girls automatically mentally swipe left on me
> Realize that even Indian girls hate me due to self hatred issues
> Realize there’s no support groups since everywhere I go (biz, reddit, etc) Indians are the butt of jokes
> Realize I don’t feel like living anymore and not sure how long I can continue
> Realize I’m going to die alone

>> No.13911047

> Be Indian
No offense op but I stopped reading after that and don't really care what you have to say.

>> No.13911049


>> No.13911068


>> No.13911071

I’m used to it by now

>> No.13911077

begone pajeet

>> No.13911087

>due to all the negative stereotypes of being Indian
Not the stereotypes, you guys just act like stereotypical incels
t. slav who gets along with indians very well

>> No.13911103

just take shower and get a hair cut bro

>> No.13911119

excuse the /pol tards, they dont know better.

stop the street shitting and get your shit together, find a gf, breed, all will be good

>> No.13911167

What is the fucking point of even waking up tomorrow when even supposedly supportive posts have to meme me as a “streetshitter” not realizing that these memes literally spread like wildfire and affect someone’s life and how valuable they are perceived as no matter what you do individually. Goddamn fuck this life.

>> No.13911185

Give me some of your internet money and I'll still for you

>> No.13911193

OP the fact that your going to make it is even worst once your Indian community finds out.

>> No.13911200

Stop hating yourself and get an Indian gf; stop worshiping whites.
>Realize that even though I’m not really ugly and I’m 6 3, you have to be 10/10 to get past those perceptions
You'll never be a 10/10 to white people because you're not white (Why would they think your Indian traits are objectively good?). At most, you can maybe be a 6.5/10 to them. Don't worry about them, you can always be a 10/10 to other Indians.

>> No.13911203

if you start using a toilet, take a shower once in a while and don't constantly beg for money people might not even notice that you're indian

>> No.13911215

Learn to laugh at yourself or get the fuck off 4chan.

>> No.13911220
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Money can buy happiness, you brownies just never do it right because of the rampant materialism on your part of marble. Listen to this.


>> No.13911222

well look at Nav the Indian rapper people like him cause he can rap

>> No.13911232

>(won’t sell BSV until 10k btw)
i have some bad news shitskin...

>> No.13911234


Yep checks out

>> No.13911239

Easy for you to say when you don’t have negative stereotypes literally surrounding your entire life no matter where you step in the world. That’s like a slave master telling a slave to just be fine with slavery

>> No.13911241

Even with a lot of money, you'll always be a poojeet

A rich one

>> No.13911246
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Well maybe if people of your country would stop shitting in the street and throwing dead corpses in the river the world would give a decent look at you.

>> No.13911252

I don't know why but this had me laughing so damn hard

>> No.13911256

Well you’re deff not gonna get a white girl that’s for sure but I’m sure you can find some decent looking pajeet once you make it from eth and lose all your bsv scam money

>> No.13911257

Yeah I’m sure he’d love to be a broke, virgin, and racist cumskin despite having all advantages in your life like you. Enjoy poverty.

>> No.13911261

its 4chan bro
americans are le creatura mutt
brits are snaggletoothed femboys
the rest of western and central europe is something between a pastanigger and achmed
slavs are based subhumans
anything yellow is both fetishized and chonged
blacks, however, are loved and adorned by the general 4channel community
im pretty sure its either meant to gaslight or at the very least excuse yourself from a shoddy argument you made without proving anything, but at the end of the day its just retarded and it ends the second you close the browser tab

>> No.13911264

go back to bloody india curry smelly pajeet

>> No.13911269

Found the poopoo

>> No.13911281

I’m Indian and I’m dating a white girl and just recently broke up with a Spanish chick and have also dated Indian girls. The fuck you on about?

OP, don’t listen to these virgin racist whites. They haven’t created shit or done shit and never will. You can get anyone believe me. They’re actually losing the game right now. It’s so easy to cuck a racist white nowadays since they’re so insecure and always thinking and thinking and thinking..while I just fucking swoop in and steal the girl. I unironically am dating my current mate because of this. Have already received threats from a white racist who loves her kek.

>> No.13911282

Go back to India. Problem solved

>> No.13911283

every guy on this planet is being taunted by other guys, that's how male brains work, and most ppl take the most obvious thing (your skin color, origin) to taunt you, stop being a faggot, put your tears aside and man up.

>> No.13911284

Now that you mention it that is really fucking funny

>> No.13911289

Also remember that all limitations in your mind. All of them. Literally all. Display confidence and girls will flock to you especially since you’re tall. Don’t underestimate the power of your height and confidence even if you’re not the best looking.

>> No.13911298
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Go use some of your new wealth to bleach your disgusting shitskin, shitskin

>> No.13911299

I mean attractive white girls. No Stacey is gonna get with a poolet

>> No.13911302

Am I the only one that thinks that toilets are horrible for crapping? Even the first-world asian countries prefer to have "hole in the ground" type toilet more often than not - even Korea.

>> No.13911305

"India superpower in 10 years" get the fuck outta here

>> No.13911322

Changing the goalposts are we? She’s objectively a 9/10. But then again to be fair, so am I and used to model so that plays a part.

I’d kms if I was racist, poor, and ugly like you.

>> No.13911324

>unironically telling a pajeet to breed

>> No.13911340

a 9/10 poo is a 4/10 white

>> No.13911341


i think your personality is intrinsically melancholic and self-critical, and that you do not even know how to chan.

at one time, anon. was both the default setting and the meaning, and a person would leave their name, their skin tone, and their gender at the door to subsume themselves into the collective.

but here u are, begging for our sympathy, and for what? being indian. why announce the source of your shame here or on your reddit? you're creating a masochistic little persona for yourself online, with what appears to be a side business in attention seeking humblebragging.

you are one weird turkey, and thats nothing to do with your nationality. get a grip. tits or gtfo.

>> No.13911358

Bro your country literally SHITS IN THE STREET LMAO GAME OVER

>> No.13911362

The only reason anyone dislikes Indians are because Indians who become moderately wealthy in the USA bring their home country's attitude to wealth and treat middle class, and working class, people like absolute shit.
I've had many friends who were Indian, both South and North, and they can be great people. I have, however, also worked for an Indian who literally broke employment contracts, made people redundant at will, lied constantly, and made people work required 16 hour days after getting them to sign on for the job for 40 hours a week (he did pay overtime, but he completely misrepresented everything into his own favor compulsively).

Memes aside, as long as you poo in the loo and aren't a gigantic cunt because your family were untouchables or low-caste in India, no one *actually* gives a shit. It's just banter. Anglos/Mutts love to roast eachother.

>> No.13911376

Everybody is race obsessed these days.

Blame leftists. Thanks intersectional theories!

>> No.13911379

>meme me as a “streetshitter”
Listen Anon. I know it's not your fault and I'm sure you use toilets like all other sane people.
But you have to admit that there is at least a significant minority of your kind that do shit in the street. Only way out I see is dooing everything you can to stop those streetshitters in mumbai. That way at least future generations of your indian bros might have a chance.

>> No.13911383

> racist 2/10 cumskin coping this hard

Don’t worry John, one day, you’ll get your dick wet. Watching me pity fuck your chick of course.

>> No.13911400

intersectional theories should favor against the typical notion of race being a significant factor.
Out of all the slices of priviledge, by far the most important is class/socio-economic status priviledge

>> No.13911417


>> No.13911490
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kek laugh about it pajeet, I'm moroccan and atheist and redpilled, I larp as atheist bluepilled with liberal friends, I larp as muslim redpilled with old people at work, I larp as muslim bluepilled with young people at work, I larp as american on biz, I larp as jihadi muslim on pol.
Welcome to clown world and don't let fat neets affect your view of yourself

>> No.13911492

Try to lose the accent if you have one

>> No.13911521


fuck off ranjeet

>> No.13911532
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>doesn’t solve shit
>butt of jokes

>> No.13911535

>he doesn't know that race unironically doesn't matter and people want good looking, intelligent male of any race
put it this way: if 99% of indians died and only the few indian giga chads remain to repopulate the nation then perceptions of indians would rise very highly

stereotypes are a perception of the average but you're not average are you anon?

>> No.13911549

are there any people you dont larp with

>> No.13911553

Wrong. Both facial attractiveness and perceptions matter. It’s why ugly as fuck black guys still get laid. 100 years ago, they’d have no chance

>> No.13911566
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>no one *actually* gives a shit. It's just banter. Anglos/Mutts love to roast eachother.
Actually true, its really just a test to see if you get butthurt or if you're an alpha.

>> No.13911573


Stay in india, and leave our Aryan board

>> No.13911576

start to see race as merely a form, and you are the physical manifestation of that form. The stereotype doesn't define what you are, and consequently you have a duty to manifest this 'form' in its highest state through you and your lineage

>> No.13911594

> leave our low IQ, ugly, racist, virgin, poor board

FTFY. Let me guess. I bet you don’t have a single BSV kek.

>> No.13911617

BSV is poo engineering in a nutshell. Just cobble together something that seems like it might work and sell it off to some mark.
>atheist and redpilled

>> No.13911648

>7 posts.

LMAO look at this insecure smelly pajeet.

No wonder you're easy prey on here

>> No.13911656

I unironically very much like Indians.

>> No.13911660


>> No.13911682

>our Aryan board
That would be pol, you got lost I'm afraid

>> No.13911879

Yes, when I'm fapping to tranny porn on /gif I'm being myself
I meant not fedora tipper, but more like chimpanzee joe rogan brainlet spirituality, might talk about dmt spirits today and tomorrow sperg about materialism

>> No.13912086

God's honest truth, what you say is completely true. I don't say this to shit on you or any other non-whites but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is how attractive you are. From the moment you are born to the moment you die. Money can bring some 'false' attraction but it's vapid and hollow. Authentic attraction is literally the most important thing in life. It's hardwired into our entire existence as a species.

You can have a net worth of $1bn+ but if you are an Indian, ethnic, manlet, or otherwise physically unattractive and ugly you will have a miserable life, no matter how much you try and fake it. It is the brutality of the world in which we life. Sorry brother.

>> No.13912105

fucking hell how hard is it to just stop shitting in the street? get a toilet man

>> No.13912116
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Why's that East Asian are being perceived much better than Indian?

>> No.13912200


>> No.13912203

>What is the fucking point of even waking up tomorrow when even supposedly supportive posts have to meme me as a “streetshitter” not realizing that these memes literally spread like wildfire and affect someone’s life and how valuable they are perceived as no matter what you do individually. Goddamn fuck this life.
What is the fucking point of even waking up tomorrow when even supposedly supportive posts have to meme me as a “streetshitter” not realizing that these memes literally spread like wildfire and affect someone’s life and how valuable they are perceived as no matter what you do individually. Goddamn fuck this life.

>> No.13912216
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I never hated Indians until I worked retail. They'd always come in smelling like curry and unwiped ass, fucking scowl on their face, complain about prices "thats too costly sir" waste my time as a commissioned sales person to ask me about products and then leave to go buy it online, never having any intention of buying from me. I even caught one shitting on the floor of the bathroom, not even in a stall just diarrheaing next to the sink.

Now the incessant BSV shilling by you cockroaches makes me hate your kind even more OP, go fuck yourself.

That's about all, peace out.

>> No.13912230

Nice blog Pratyush

>> No.13912232

fuck off pajeet

>> No.13912282
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>blacks are loved and adorned by the general 4chan community
really wish this wasn’t a joke

>> No.13912346

The joke was meant to mean that everyone is made fun of here, and that you shouldnt base your self worth on what autists say on 4chan. And if your black go back to Africa your kind shits up any place you go.

>> No.13912387

except the ones that are muslim wash thier ass instead of primitive paper wiping. it's the 21st century you still walking around with shit on your ass

>> No.13912392

nobody cares about indians bro. just look rich and dont creep on white girls (get a hot indian girl OK?)

>> No.13912422

this the problem with lesser races. if you dont want to be called streetshitter then you have to put in some work to fix the stereotype aka get indians not to shit in the street...

same for blacks if they want people not to stereotype them, then they need to start KKK that shit in the ghetto (start lynching gangbangers)

>> No.13912426
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>> No.13912433

Literally no normal people in the West smell like shit while 90% of Indians I encounter smell like rotting fecal matter. I'm not even saying this to be a dick or a troll, it's a fact. If you can't smell the poop on yourself you probably are one of the 90%ers. Splashing a handful of water in your ass crack doesn't wash the shit away. True Chads wipe their ass then go in the shower to wash their asshole with soap and water.

>> No.13912437

Don’t feel like moving. sorry

>> No.13912447


Wright thinks that being a bitcoin miner means pointing at bitcoins and yelling "Mine!"?

>> No.13912449


Indians are literally Aryans you low IQ /pol/tarded subhuman.

>> No.13912450

You're spending too much time on here and taking these pajeet comments way too seriously. Sounds like you might have social anxiety too. You're reading into your social interactions way too much. I know the feel. Just try to get out there in the real world more.

>> No.13912462
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BSV is just lame

>> No.13912464

Bro this is 4chan, the designated shitting street of the internet. We’re all equal here.

>> No.13912472
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Go back to India and worship Kali or something if you can't handle the bantz.
The fact that anonymous people on the internet are influencing your self-esteem really says a lot about you. As far as real life goes immigrants will always have it harder than natives, but the West will soon be predominantly immigrant.

>> No.13912520

Don't worry m8 india will be superpower by 2020 and then you'll have the last laugh

>> No.13912526

Indian detected

>> No.13912528
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>mfw i am Brazilian and one of my favorite YouTuber is Indian

>> No.13912609

The only negative stereotype I hear of in real-life and not an internet meme is you have to be careful when doing business with Indians. Anything involving large sums of money.

My friend who is a real estate agent said the job made him racist lol he will refuse Chinese or Indian clients because of all the sour business dealings with them

>> No.13912621

Serious question: why not move to India to be with your own kind?

>> No.13912731

> Be Indian
> Unironically make it because of ETH and >BSV (won’t sell BSV until 10k btw)
> Be happy

So you were happy until you got brainwashed by 4chan with all those "realizations". Just "unrealize" all that shit then. lol. I know how that feels because I'm a manlet with a perfectly great life with people that respect me and then I allowed 4chan's hivemind to frame a different perception of reality for me and fucked up my mentality. If one frame of mind allows us to live good life and 4chan's frame gives a shit life it's the ultimate cuck move to allow their perceptions to become our perceptions.

>> No.13912785
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No it's more like
>Be Indian
>Flood a perfectly functional image board that people used to enjoy with my team of shit coin shills and ruin everyone else's good time
>Ruin the image of myself and my countrymen in the eyes of the online world
>"Why do the white racist incels persecute me so?"

>> No.13913241
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But there's none in China, Korea.
Do you think Japan single handedly change the narrative?

>> No.13913262

>Made it
>Bought BSV
>Unmade it

>> No.13913271

(Poo)r guy

>> No.13913295
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Yeah OP being Asian sucks but I can't imagine being an Indian.
There's a reason stereotypes are referred to as that because it's always fucking true.
I was in a plane and this street shitter was in my window seat. He didn't wan't to give up and the stewardess had to come get his ass off. Worst part of it was I had to sit next to him while he sulked like a fucking baby.
I fucking hated Indians before this and I hate them even more each and every day.
Fuck all of you Indians

>> No.13913337

Honestly I don’t want to kick you while you are down, but maybe try being around your own people. Find a wife in your own culture. I think this would make you a lot happier anon

>> No.13913381

Go to the gym Patel. Pajeet women love money, if you get joocey and have money you should be good to go. Just uh, don't be like all the other gym pajeets who wear polo shirts and only use machines. Lift heavy with barbell compound lifts and wear normal gym clothes. And shower.

>> No.13913386

This man gets it how to solve all problems of the world. Make your own country cool so we would like to be you.

>> No.13913392

Don't let anonymous shitposting and memes dictate your life or self worth. Would you think this way had you never come here? Don't be so impressionable.

>> No.13913432

If you have an American accent no one is going to be racist to you. If I you have an Indian accent then you’re straight off the boat so your culture is different and Americans will look down on you. In that case, find a nice woman from India and have some American kids who will turn out just fine. Besides being communist trannies of course

>> No.13913471

Also, this faggot is unironically not gonna make it if you guys keep reinforcing his self pity. That streetshitting retards just needs harder bantz.

>> No.13913499

Pretty sure this is why you guys do arranged marriages

>> No.13913606

This is by design so that womens asses smell more
No one wants unscented sniffs. Another testament to white superiority.

>> No.13913622

Give away, do volunteering. Stop focusing on yourself, and also nobody cares if you are rich. Look at craig, everybody hates him nobody respects him

>> No.13913652

You dont have to be sorry yet.

>> No.13913660

>nobody cares if you are rich

>> No.13913664
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, danceRevolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a partner dance: Salsa, Swing, Kizomba, etc.
Take lessons, workshops.
Get good at it.
Pick your dance wifu and buddies

>> No.13913799

>look at craig
>everybody hates him nobody respects him
your s o y is showing

>> No.13913923

Unironically, yes.

>> No.13914503

These are some tips to get rid of the filth of a poo.

1. Stop eating fucking curry or in general indian food, they make you stink, even when you sweat women can smell that shit. At the bar, they flew from you because of that.

2. Get rid of your stupid Indian accent, certain accents are hot for women and men alike. For example, most of the Latin accents I.e. Spanish, Italian and French accents in English. I recommend you to learn either of those languages and spend at least a year in Italy, Spain or France.

3. Dress like a man who actually made it, Rolex, Italian suits, leather and expensive cologne.

4. If you wear glasses don't wear the hipster ones, they look awful on your species, try with contacts or borderless ones.

5. Buy a fancy car, hoes love cars

6. Don't ever talk about neet stuff, Indian culture and your family. They all suck for women.

7. Bleach your teeth

8. Bathe everyday for at least 30 minutes scrubbing the curry and shit away. Once you stop eating curry and your shitfood your smell will be normal. Eat a lot of lemon and pepper, that's how westerners smell.

9. Only drink expensive whisky, beer is for whites only.

10. Don't ever speak in your stupid language near westerners.

If you do all this maybe, just maybe people will stop bullying you.

T. a South American Chad with sexy accent

>> No.13914680


After you do all that:

11. Dont ever tell people you are indian, say you are from the middle east and your ancestry is somewhere near India.

12. Dont ever feel pride of your culture in public. Secretly and sometimes openly we hate your culture, hoes love yoga and shit though.

13. Don't ever have kids, adopt white kids if you can or import them from European shitholes. Say they are yours so people can think there is white ancestry in your poo blood.


Get fit.
Learn bartending.
Play a sport, the fancier the better.
Fill your social media with expensive shit, like cars, high end Scorts, your vacations in Sicily and Monte Carlo.

Good luck.

>> No.13914737

how much money did you make? sounds like you haven't made enough desu

>> No.13914759

this guy again kek

>> No.13914792

being ashamed of who you are is beta as fuck. horrible advice

>> No.13914796

Go back to india then faggot. I can't imagine moving to another country dominated by a different ethnicity and REEEEEEEING that they treat me different. Fucking of course they treat you different. The west is one of the least racist places on earth faggot

>> No.13914819

I had Indian food last night. Was the best food I've had in a while.

>> No.13914826 [DELETED] 

Anon what coin are you going to shill here?

>> No.13915141

Anon i can assure you that people looks harsh to me too, since i don't dress with hipster gay dresscode, and i'm an average white caucasian male.

Don't fall for the race meme, we're joking here, and don't fall for the "i feel offended" meme, because you're not a fag.

>> No.13915235

Just use your money to become white like Michael Jackson.

>> No.13915272

>all that matters in life is having a partner
you will never ever make it

>> No.13915312

Lmao just go to church

>> No.13915362

Worthless spic

>> No.13915462

My best friends family is originally from India don't listen to the internet so much op, there's no getting around the stereotypes, but you have to be better and bigger than them, both accept & not accept them at the same time. Good luck op