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13909534 No.13909534 [Reply] [Original]

And we all know how dumb most people are. They will think they’re smart because they read a reddit comment once.

Remember this: the masses never use their brains. Especially the racist whites. I’m unironically Indian and bought BSV at 52.

Use your brains idiots. I know most of you have pea sized brains and there’s a reason we have the highest IQ in America unironically and why we run tech companies but still, I’ll give you some hints:

1. If Craig wasn’t Satoshi, the real one would have BTFOed him by now like he did with Dorian

2. A multimillionaire wouldn’t risk perjury and jail time with so much to lose and not much to gain since he’s already rich

3. Jon Matonis Gavin Andresen Ian Grigg Andrew Heaven (extremely respected and decorated journalist) all witnessed him sign

The core cucks keep bringing up the blog post he himself ADMITTED he forged to throw off Wired. But they didn’t do research. They never read the book “the satoshi affair” in which he is SELF ADMITTEDLY stubborn and resistant to authority and also scared of jail. THIS is why he didn’t sign in public before and why he will sign...after the courts have proven it. After he gets his way.

Most of you haven’t created anything so you won’t hnderstand. I have a similar personality where I do things my own way which is why/how I run a company with a million dollars in profits each year. Most people won’t understand this. And that’s fine.

Because most people are and will always stay poor. Only a few will make it. To the doubted, enjoy poverty. To the believes, you don’t even know what’s coming. 10k minimum by EOY.

>> No.13909549
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There's nothing wrong with racism.

>> No.13909557
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Unironically, racism is wrong. Pic related.

>> No.13909578

so still no evidence... i see.

>> No.13909587

Man, I guess some people will never be saved. That’s fine, I guess. Without poor people, no one would be rich.

>> No.13909592

The best part is your are all dumb buying a chunk pump n dump of fake news your coin go back to $60 soon

>> No.13909693

>A multimillionaire wouldn’t risk perjury and jail time with so much to lose and not much to gain since he’s already rich
I wouldn't expect rational behavior from a compulsive liar, which I am very sure he is.

Remember him claiming he writes 10 papers and reads over 20 books every WEEK.
How mentally ill do you have to be to make claims like that?

CSW is a liar and a conman.

>> No.13909719

He writes a blog post almost every days. He has written tons of papers. And all of his degrees can be verified. You are a hater out of spite because you wishfully think that Satoshi is the ideal version of the person you have in your head. Because of your stubborn thinking, you will miss an easy 100x. And honestly, you deserve it.

>> No.13909734

Yeah, CSW is just cut from a different cloth. A cloth soaked in steel chippings and mountain lion piss.

>> No.13909746

>blog posts are papers
His twitter shitposts too?

>> No.13909786

Watch this very short vid, just released from the Coingeek Conference, and tell me CSW isn't a likeable man.


He's thanking his lead dev all the while acknowledging his own flaws. All the haters calling him a psychopath, thoroughly BTFO.

>> No.13909787

based pajeet

>> No.13909794
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>I’m unironically Indian
There's a Vishnu living in the Blockchain

>> No.13909797

>conman is charismatic and likable and easily fools people into believing him
Who would've expected that from a conman...

>> No.13909800



>> No.13909829

>hated by all the soi crypto mainstream

>> No.13909871

we will see in a week or two if you can stay above $100 this time

>> No.13909886
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50k imminent

>> No.13910006

Conmen have superficial charm and charisma. CSW is legit.

>> No.13910015

>CSW is charismatic and likable
>most hated man in crypto

>> No.13910055


>> No.13910162

Dayum, not see that one before.

>> No.13910248


>> No.13910383

>St. Augustine of Hippo was African
So is Elon Musk. They’re both white.

How can you trust anyone so ignorant?

>> No.13910787

poltard SEETHING

>> No.13910807
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>> No.13910821

>I’m unironically Indian
poo goes in the loo

>> No.13911009

Oh look, it's another one of those totally organic BSV threads with the same spacing and writing style which only gets maybe 20 responses. It sure is a weird coincidence that they all run over the course of a few hours a day and then die down considerably. It's also very weird when people come into this thread and point out direct contradictions between craig and satoshi's mindsets and knowledge, things like
> craig claiming financial law is his area of specialty while satoshi said he wasn't a lawyer and couldn't answer legal questions
> craig claiming that he has no idea about real world coding and was an academic coder only, but satoshi saying that he expresses himself better with code than words
> craig pushing for a gold backed payment system in feb 2011 and seeming to not be aware of btc at all at the time
> consistently calling it 'Bit Coin' when he started mentioning bitcoin later on in that same year, but satoshi in his posts never, ever separated the two words
> craig even questioned why you would use xs rather than burn addresses, while satoshi actually invented the base58 scheme for these addresses as they intentionally exclude numbers and letters that look similar
> claiming in his GQ interview that he hasnt moved any bitcoins outside of hal finney and zooko, while satoshi was sending btc to Hearn in 2009
> oh, and he still can't sign with an address and now hides behind the institutional skirts of the courts to avoid doing so to this day
and you "totally real fans" of the bsv fork can't address a single thing because your handlers haven't given you enough material.

Really good campaign guys. The fake news release about the bsv relisting fooled the chinks at least, hopefully you can get out before the volume there dries up once they realize they were had.

>> No.13911021


>> No.13911060

Cope, the post.
If you're not riding this wave purely for profit then you deserve to stay poor, you textwallposting cuck.

>> No.13911159

> cope
> stiff
> debunked
Ah yes, one of the many cries of a subhuman, nigger who is incapable of defending his retarded investment or doing anything save taking orders from a fraud. You know what the best thing about this project is? Whenever it dumps, there are no pink wojaks. Do you want to know why that is?

Not even the pajeets who shill this garbage are even invested in the coin. They just get their payment per post and that's it, That's how we can tell that you're all fake, curry saturated trash.

>> No.13911186

Cool post bro.
Don't spend your (You) all in one place.

>> No.13911211

Academic coder doesn’t mean you don’t code.

He claimed he knows law recently after completing a degree. Didn’t have one during his time as satoshi developing bitcoin.

Satoshi has actually used the word “BitCoin”.

He questioned those addresses as a piece of rhetoric. As in “tell me, why was X put in place?”

He was Talking about his earliest transactions not the ones after. He also sent btc to another person X whose name he never mentioned (read the satoshi affair). He doesn’t mention that in the gq because it was a later transaction.

Took me a minute to debunk you lol.

>> No.13911236

> cope
> stiff
> debunked
Ah yes, one of the many cries of a subhuman, nigger who is incapable of defending his retarded investment or doing anything save taking orders from a fraud. You know what the best thing about this project is? Whenever it dumps, there are no pink wojaks. Do you want to know why that is?

Not even the pajeets who shill this garbage are even invested in the coin. They just get their payment per post and that's it, That's how we can tell that you're all fake, curry saturated trash.

>> No.13911238

God i hate these kind indians so so much
Most know there place, but this faggot right here got himself a bit more rupees and thinks he’s legit.
Off yourself.

>> No.13911262

> Academic coder doesn’t mean you don’t code.
He said he didn't know anything about real life coding, satoshi claimed differently
> He claimed he knows law recently after completing a degree.
He has claimed proficiency in law for some time, having only formalized it recently
> He questioned those addresses as a piece of rhetoric. As in “tell me, why was X put in place?
Wrong again - he specifically asked why you would use xs rather than zeros in a burn address when he was criticizing btc
> He was Talking about his earliest transactions not the ones after. He also sent btc to another person X whose name he never mentioned (read the satoshi affair). He doesn’t mention that in the gq because it was a later transaction.
The direct quote - "I haven't moved any bitcoins. I have sent them to Hal Finney and Zooko and that was it. Full stop." when asked if he had sent any - this wasn't restricted to a particular timeframe.

Poor effort, low IQ response pajeet. Try again.

>> No.13911291
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glorious days Sirs to the moons with <name_of_shitcoin> yes yes

>> No.13911301

Paul Le Roux made Bitcoin to launder money. Craig worked for him and never made anything useful.

>> No.13911335

Sanjay vinshnu is the real electric rupee

>> No.13911393

Go Go buy more sirs

>> No.13911407
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>> No.13911419
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OP is inbred.

>> No.13911563

>I’m unironically Indian and bought BSV
we know

>> No.13911711


>> No.13911812
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>> No.13912104

Ver also.. terrible people.

>> No.13912132

Tiananmen square

>> No.13912686
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A true holder of Bitcoin is someone who holds onto and follows Satoshi's Vision. To do so you have to have really strong hands. You have to weather storms, and FUD, and lies, and attacks. You have to resist defamation trolls, slander, and de-list campaigns. You have to recognize dirty tricks. You have to be ok with being an outcast and with being rejected by those that lack understanding. You have to have confidence in the truth, and in justice prevailing, even when things look bleak.

Holding is about staying with it, even when your enemies have landed some blows against you. You have to have confidence in Satoshi's design and common sense prevailing. You have to be an independent thinker, someone who recognizes value for what it is, and does not get lead astray by the crowd, or by scammers and trolls, or by "number go up" logic. This is the real world, and the blockchain with real world utility is the one that will survive and thrive long term. The true holders have the courage to persist and endure all those things. Holding was never supposed to be easy. Its work, its risk, it is uncomfortable at times, but in the end it pays off. Because you can't have highs without the lows, and you cannot have triumph without first experiencing defeat. Welcome to all the true HOLDers, it is amazing that after 10 years the chance to be a true early adopter of the real Bitcoin is still there for anyone with eyes and understanding to seize it.

Be a Holder not a HODLer. Bitcoin is growing up.

>> No.13912716
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>> No.13912738

>I’m unironically Indian

I know