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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13906473 No.13906473 [Reply] [Original]

so few realize how far away things really are

>> No.13906493
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>> No.13906507

Buy a bag of Nerva

>> No.13906513


how long till chainlink smart contracts see mass adoption OP

how mucb time left do i have to accumulate ?

>> No.13906554

will take close to a decade to reach its potential. you should be able to accumulate in a few months after we bleed from a mainnet pump. however the recent pump could very well be the mainnet pump in which case it will dump and stay under this price for at least another year or so

>> No.13906561


>> No.13906582


>> No.13906586

How much link to make it? Do I still have time?

>> No.13906595

This is a legitimate question. How long? Within our lifetimes? I'll be pretty sad if I don't get to see crypto become widely used in my lifetime.

>> No.13906602

>How much link to make it? Do I still have time?
1k suicide 10k to make it.

>> No.13906613

I did and got dumped on hard by the faggot miners. Its alright tho, I'm still holding hoping to make my initial investment back

>> No.13906615

I would say within a decade. It’s legit but we are unimaginably early. I genuinely feel bad for anons who believe we will see 100 dollar link anytime soon

>> No.13906627


do you have evidence or do you just say things and hope they're right?

>> No.13906639



>> No.13906642

1k suicide? What does that mean?

>> No.13906666

You have to go back. Nigger.

>> No.13906670

some anons have waited 24 months, 12 months, 6 months, 1 week. but the real waiting starts now. the marines will have their hands tested. remain strong in your faith. do not be tempted. there will be newer and sexier coins tempting you. but never lose sight of what you know to be true in your heart.

>> No.13906675

It prevents your suicide

>> No.13906685
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>> No.13906693



>> No.13906699
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It's more of an event horizon than a distance. No matter how much closer you get, it'll never be.

>> No.13906701

This. My mistake for spoon feeding

>> No.13906704

Only uneducated, financially illiterate "investors" expect anything over $1.50 in the next 5 years. Adoption and use will drive price pumps

>> No.13906721
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This is why....


>> No.13906756

Absolutely Based, Link pilled and Praise Kek

>> No.13906762

That's objectively false. Barely any crypto project has adoption and is being used by any sizable user base. That didn't stop them from hitting 20bn+ during the last bull run.

>> No.13906786
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>No matter how much closer you get, it'll never be.

I pray this to be true. Like sisyphus. Think about it.

sisyphus was truly happy for an eternity. Why? He always had a goal to work towards. There was also something to keep his mind busy.

What happens when the singularity hits? No more shitposting on /biz/. No more exciting price action threads. No more breadcrumb threads. No longer a Sergey conference to look forward too. Just you, alone with your riches, and every fren you made along the way disappears, cast back into anonymity.

What happens when sysiphis rolls the boulder to the top of the hill? He sits there for eternity with no struggle left in his life, nostalgic, yearning for the days when he worked towards a goal in his life.

>> No.13906870

Fuck "it's the journey" mindset. The journey sucks and Sisyphus is miserable.

>> No.13906924


>> No.13907243

Nice numbers anon

>> No.13907263

Realistically how much longer do you guys think I have to accumulate in the sub 5-10 dollar range?

>> No.13907382

You're wrong though. Its been proven advancement towards a goal is what generates positive emotion. No goals = depression, nihilism, suicide. The sisyphus myth is rooted in reality

>> No.13907406


The fact that anything can be considered a worthy goal if you believe in it means your statement is useless in itself

day by day my most important achievement is taking some magnesium to take the most powerful nastiest shit once a day, it feels good and it's worthy, i feel advancing everyday while doing this

>> No.13907421

it's been proven by jew psychologists that god isn't real and usury isn't a sin also a boy can be a girl and you should cut your foreskin off to make facecream for postwall roasties goyim

>> No.13907451

Do you need a spoonful of crumbs or just more dick in your mouth?

>> No.13907566

This is only true for the outside observer. Those of us who are about to pass the horizon will experience the singularity.

>> No.13907970

End of 2024 at the latest

>> No.13908052

That’s the point anon

>> No.13908082

A fucking decade? are you serious? My dick wont even work then

>> No.13908097

Damn, are you guys going to be ok??

>> No.13908136
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It's over... we have been gooked, oracle are easy to solve after all.

>> No.13908141

two years...days to weeks to months to years..tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow life creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllables of recorded time. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools. The way to dusty death. OUT! OUT BRIEF CANDLE!

>> No.13908159

>the marines will have their hands tested
So many think it will be a big pump and Salesforce will immediately announced a partnership. In reality it's going to be the toughest shake out yet. Only the strongest marines will remain after the next few days.

>> No.13908195

>pray this to be true. Like sisyphus. Think about it.
>sisyphus was truly happy for an eternity. Why? He always had a goal to work towards.
>The sisyphus myth is rooted in reality
Sisyphus was not happy and the myth intended it to be a punishment. It's meant to show pointlessness of tasks, to make ones life pointless as the ultimate punishment. I feel like you dont understand the actual myths intent.

>> No.13908239

waiting for link to moon is pointless as well though. money is merely a means to an end. the amount of anons here who have staked their lives on link mooning is frightening. i'm not poor by any means and i've lived a rich and exciting life, but i know full well that money is inherently empty, and so are the "riches" that money will allow in your life. true happiness truly does come from making a life for yourself with meaning, love, beauty, and magic. these are the true values in life, money only gives more zeroes after the decimal.

even if links moons and we all become rich, i feel for the anons who will learn the true value that happiness comes from within. no exceptions.

>> No.13908610

This is true and I agree. For me money is a means to help those around me fully. But my point was that the other anon misinterpreted the myth of sisyphus thinking that he was somehow happy from perpetual struggle. The point is to show useless tasks such as corporate offices moving papers from one desk to the next.

>> No.13908659

toasting in epic bread. Praise kek Nignog

>> No.13908686
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>i'm not poor by any means and i've lived a rich and exciting life
>money is merely a means to an end

All these upper middle class faggots I swear to god. Try saying that when your networth is about $400 and you have no decent job prospects. What you say is true assuming you're already rich, if that's the case why are you even here? Shouldn't you have some life fulfillment to get to that isn't money related?

You NEED money to survive, to buy food, clothing, shelter. If you want to do literally anything fun in life it requires money and/or time. By acquiring money you easily double the amount of time in your life spent doing things you don't want to do I'm sick of seeing tumblr posts about how "MONEY ISN'T EVERYTHING GOY!" from people who already have it all.

Go walk around some poor neighborhood and ask the guy with 3 kids in a broken down house with one in the hospital if money matters and is simply a means to an end or not.

>> No.13908726

Checked at those digits

>> No.13908749
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bro, i imagine you just read the Camus essay on Sisyphus or something to shed it in any sort of positive light, and I appreciate some fellow patrician /lit/ bros leaking into my /biz/, but as others have said, I think you misunderstand what Camus was trying to say about Sisyphus. When Camus says we must imagine him smiling or happy, i don't think he means in the sense that he is happy about his fate per se, but rather that he was happy he's able to do anything at all IN SPITE of the fate handed down to him as punishment by the gods. Or rather, his fate is still shit, but in being able to recognize this yet still DO something and push the boulder up all the same in spite of the absurdity of it, he is sort of like sticking a finger to the gods and fate aka absurd existence.

>> No.13908793

> missed the entire point of my post

well done anon

>> No.13908818

aka there is definitely lots to be said for anticipation and the neurochemical pleasure it gives over actual realization of whatever we were anticipating; but I don't think that's the point of the myth nor the point of Camus' essay on the myth (the only guy to ever use it in any sort of positive light I know of). You're not wrong about goals giving meaning etc. But Link mooning or not is not really a goal we can work towards, it's just something we can accumulate (do not go all in like other retards. Buy a lot for sure, but keep traditional boring investments in index funds a larger percentage than link). If it moons or if it crashes is outside our control and not something we can acutualy work for as a meaningful goal if we are being honest

>> No.13908833
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LMAO ancient greeks thought that there is no worse punishment in life than having to do meaningless labor forever, but I guess you can't argue with American education.

>> No.13908862

No I was pretty accurately telling you why that's a stupid thing to say in the first place. Your philosophy only holds true for an individual that has enough money to do whatever the fuck they want in the first place. Even if you were true to the average person they would obviously take the money over being poor with a struggle to eventual wealth.

Building your wealth until you can "enjoy your hard work later in life" is a fucking cope boomer meme because they spent their youth working like literally everyone else. I get it, true happiness comes from within. But the problem with that is that in order for you to find inner happiness you have to be able to fulfill basic needs first which people with money don't experience after they have it. Your perspective is that from a person who's ALREADY DONE IT. It's your decision what you do with your money, it can either be a hellhole or you can do something but make no mistake the money is a tool like anything else. Take away the tool and you simply have less options available, anyone who claims having less opportunity is somehow a good thing because it's fulfilling in some obscure way only someone who already has it could know about should put all their money in a vault and work at mcdonalds for a year.

>> No.13908900

>imagine thinking that the shitposting stops after the singularity
no sir, it starts after the singularity

>> No.13908916

Nah I think the other anon is right, you missed the point.

>> No.13908921

>No more shitposting on /biz/
Well you got one thing right, I'm going to be shitposting literally everywhere else telling those dumbfucks about how they should have listened but told me I was a scammer.

>> No.13908950

What was the point other than what I just said, to live in the here and now instead of waiting for a moon?

I am not a NEET unlike half this board, I spent 8 hours a day of my life doing things I would rather not be doing because if I do not I starve. If someone is unironically telling me that by some magical happenstance not needing to do that is actually somehow a great thing I am going to call think that's a retarded statement. Maybe I am materialistic but yes, my inner happiness very much so depends on whether I get to do whatever I want or not. I don't even want a lambo or a big house or any of that shit I just want to go live out in the desert looking for cool rocks is that too much to ask?

>> No.13908952

No, you fucking dumbass, you missed the point.

I said money is a means to an end. Money will not make you happy, end of discussion. If you have stresses in your life that are caused by poor economic status and that is causing you unhappiness, then yes, money will help alleviate that. Was money the source of their happiness? No, it was a means to alleviate a stress.

I am not rich, but I have lived a full life so far, full of travel, experiences, relationships and fond memories. Money was merely a means to an end in allowing me to create the life I have. You're getting what I'm saying twisted, all I'm saying is that money is not an end that we should strive for. I've been to countries where the people are much, much poorer than whatever fucking hick town USA you probably live in, and they were literally some of the happiest people I've ever met. Oh, your uncle can't afford his child support and he's unhappy because he's poor? Maybe he should have better life choices then. There is ALWAYS someone who has it much "worse" than you, and is making much more of it. These same people would be happy with or without money, and the vast majority of mental cases on this board will still be unhappy, with or without money.

Do you understand now?

>> No.13909009

If you don't want to do it, then don't fucking do it. You want to quit your job? Quit your fucking job. You won't starve, you won't die. Do you have a brain? Do you have an imagination? Do you have any intelligence? Courage? Surely you can come up with some way of keeping your meager existence going without having to slave away for some cunt you don't like, doing some task you don't care for. Surely at some point in your ancestral past, one of your relatives had the ingenuity to make a life for themselves that they valued. Surely you can call on that nearly lost strand of your genetic makeup to follow in their steps.

Quit waiting for MONEY to come and fix your fucking life. Take your boring, pathetic life into your own hands and MAKE something of it. You are the only one responsible for your life. Not your family, not your friends, not Sergey. You. The sooner you learn that, the better the chance that you muster the power to change it. Money won't do a fucking thing for you. You'll be bored in three months.

>> No.13909037

Its happening tonight anon, didn't you hear?

>> No.13909079


kek you are a trust fund boy and it shows

>> No.13909104

>full of travel, experiences, relationships and fond memories. Money was merely a means to an end in allowing me to create the life I have
No fucking shit YOU are the one missing the point here, you even said it yourself. You NEEDED money to do all of those things. You think you could have traveled around the world without money? No. You think you have good experiences waiting in line at the food bank because your parents are over $100K in debt due to stupid decisions and can't get out of it? Yes obviously that was their fuckup but that doesn't change the point that if they had enough money to wipe out that debt their lives would be significantly better off. You can make the argument that they'll fall into the same pit again but that comes from the perspective that people cannot change.
>If you don't want to do it, then don't fucking do it. You want to quit your job? Quit your fucking job. You won't starve, you won't die
Yes, let me just go farm my own food in my acre of land that I DONT FUCKING HAVE BECAUSE IT COSTS MONEY. All of the opportunities that your describing exist solely for people that have the means to make it so. I am not WAITING on anything, I live my life day by day like the rest of the population trying to get ahead while people like you with actual generational wealth and likely a decent shot at college try to pull some stupid fucking meme about money somehow not mattering in the end.

Yes sure if I'm worth a million I'll be EMOTIONALLY back to square one, but I won't give a single fuck because I can actually work toward goals I want to do instead of spending my energy on things that are required in the here and now sacrificing energy that can be put to better use. This is so blatantly obvious you yourself have never actually needed to work the same shitjobs most people have. I don't fault you for that because your parents made the right choices, but guess what faggot not everyone has that.

>> No.13909143


tron oracle is literally a json parser and not decentralised

>> No.13909159

As much as I would love to keep arguing retarded philosophy points I have to wagecuck tomorrow. Maybe in my next life I can have a trust fund and talk about philosophy until 4 AM too.

>> No.13909266

Idealist vs Pragmatist Episode 7777777 Season 1488
The never ending debate of getting happiness vs avoiding misery.

>> No.13909290


Who give a shit, still solve the oracle problem

>> No.13909314

actually i built a business doing what i love anon, and it allows me to travel the world working from my laptop. i've worked shit jobs just like everyone else. i've been over $50k in the hole before. none of that shit matters.

believe it or not, if you had a shred of ingenuity you could take steps towards living the life you want right now, instead of working a shit job you hate waiting for a fucking token to moon.

enjoy work tomorrow. don't forget to pack your lunch.

>> No.13909335

>I did some adsense/SEO/e-comm backending when it was easy to do that and made it!
>Why can't you, anon?

>> No.13909342

nah mate, just knew what i wanted from life and made it happen. i work from a laptop and can fit all of my possessions into a backpack.

>> No.13909459


>> No.13909517


>> No.13909541

tfw graduaate med school in USA 2 weeks ago, and after 5 more years of residenct and fellowship I'll be getting about 350k to 500k a year so have no worries for finances but still care as much as the next newfag about link taking off.

it's less about the money and more about the whole idea succeeding and knowing how many fellow NEETs made it

>> No.13909664

I hope that so many NEETs making it will finally start investing at least 20% of all those gains in developing some options for some meme techs we would all like, as direct attrition resource warfare, be it economic or otherwise will still be against us.
4chan anons saving humanity from millennia of darkness by srs bzns irl actions would be quite the joke moment that would make people shit their pantaloons.
take care of the last bastion. until we can go to space you are it. no pressure.

>> No.13909762

I feels good to forget about all the opportunities, luck, privileges, connections, generational wealth, etc. that other anons with just as much gumption and ambition as you lacked, so you can pat yourself on the back about your success in life. I'm sure you were born in a gutter and did it all on your own. How proud you must be. Thank you for taking the time to speak to us lazy slobs.

>> No.13909818

i'm sure those sentences made sense to you before you typed them.

>> No.13910767

Will be 27 boomer in July fren, was 25 zoomer when I found out about link, I crossed a generation and I'm still poor and wagecucking.

>> No.13910925

It will move onto positive shilling instead to fuel the rise. Do you understand how hype this place will be as it rises through the dollars into $10+ and everyone has mad gains? People will be making it. reward chemicals will be buzzing.

Plus there will be another that comes along naturally. Not on the level of LINK, but another big time underground one.

>> No.13910948
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Okay noob I believe you

>> No.13911598

Does mainnet mean I can stake TODAY?

>> No.13912256

One must imagine Sisyphus happy -Albert Camus

>> No.13912293
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Wrong. I will literally be shitposting on /biz/ nonstop at least for a few months after singularity to laugh at all the nolinkers who didn't listen.

>> No.13912318



>> No.13912336
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Either way we still have a year and a bit at the earliest till the true singularity. Lots more memes until then.

>> No.13912348

12 hours instead of 2?

>> No.13912378

albert camus stole the whole sisyphus shit from japanese philosopher kuki shuzo and got away with it

>> No.13912386

I do. I'm in the pic down left btw wtf!?

>> No.13912486

nah he's a fucking retard. look at facebook, twitter, etc. things blow up quick on the internet. fuck that faggot

>> No.13912515

Buy 1,000k now or you will suicide later because the price will go up

>> No.13912711


This anon gets it - End of debate

>> No.13912737

Hiroshima Fukushima Iwo Jima.

>> No.13912766

>solves the oracle problem
>not decentralized
Pick one