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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13904422 No.13904422 [Reply] [Original]

Mainnet is live.

Check it:

>> No.13904436


>> No.13904442

Seems like it.

>> No.13904449


>> No.13904454

Holy shit its real

>> No.13904472


>> No.13904474

Except it's literally dumping right now. Target - 7k sats

>> No.13904529
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>> No.13904578

How did you find this?

>> No.13904587


>> No.13904615

Would be a nice feature to search by node name desu

>> No.13904616

That explorer is the most pajeet made shit of all time. There isn't even a last of recent transactions. Please hold this garbage to 0 and then kill yourselves, you stupid niggers.

>> No.13904619

Hat am I seeing exactly?

>> No.13904633


But unfortunately this seems like anotherdishonest pajeet discord shill. Shame on you

>> No.13904638

It’s the 30th in Japan huh? Kek

>> No.13904652

Shut up. You're just mad poopscoop discovered mainnet was live before you.

>> No.13904669

Thinking enterprises won't brand the shit out of this vanilla front end

>> No.13904675


>> No.13904686

thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.13904694

we did it

>> No.13904699

uhh guys? they meant may 30 2020. we're still on schedule for next year.

>> No.13904701

Checked, based, linkpilled, blessed

>> No.13904703

telegram says it was deployed 3 weeks ago, something about zepellin os cl sc, not on cl mainnet i dont know

>> No.13904709

I just got paid in link. Holy shit. Gold rush has begun. Welcome to the 4IR boys

>> No.13904712
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>the product works beautifully
>dump it

>> No.13904724

Notice the intensification of bsv spam. Satoj is envious

>> No.13904728

Mainnet with no blog post??? Prepare your anus boys

>> No.13904734

WTF a partnership just flew above my house

>> No.13904748

The real FOMO isn't going to be to buy LINK but to run a node.

FUCK somebody please give me a QRD I was too lazy to learn AHHHH

>> No.13904749

they're bigger faggots than the literal one they follow

>> No.13904785

i am thinking about buying 1000 link, this will be my first time buying crypto should i do it or is it too late ?

>> No.13904795


>> No.13904796

Don't buy link. It's a scam. You'll see it dump in the following days.

>> No.13904811

Don’t buy scams

>> No.13904833

Wat now? We fap in unison?

>> No.13904845

Half now - half tomorrow
t 80% in LINK

>> No.13904847

poopscoop is a nigger

>> No.13904859
File: 130 KB, 1000x740, Lkvi13g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please save me from my misery sergey please

>> No.13904876
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Is it real is it live?

>> No.13904887

notice all the popular BSV memes are a direct copy+paste of LINK memes. No originality and these NPC tier faggots think they are so funny.
Stop stealing our memes NPC niggers.

>> No.13904890
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This is your last chance to buy it at above $1, it is going to dump to $0.1 at the end of this week.

Buy high, sell low. It is the bizlet way

>> No.13904891

Search by the requester ID.


>> No.13904900

>tfw nobody ITT actually knows

>> No.13904918


>> No.13904924

then what i should invest in? or should i just give up and accept this poor life

>> No.13904926

Etherscan transaction from job run.


>> No.13904946


>staking 100000 links to win 0.5 usd a day

>> No.13904962

Giving up is even dumber than investing in LINK. Do not accept wagecuck slavery unless you're on your death bed. You should invest in crypto. I'l name two projects you should look into: xcash/xnetwork (cheap but medium risk), xsn/stakenet (low risk but expensive). Make sure to join their Discords if you want to ask questions.

>> No.13904978

No link token used. Prepare to crash, passengers

>> No.13904981

this is a troll post right

>> No.13904997

Yes. It is a troll post. You should not listen to it, seeing as it wasn't even directed to you. Fucking eavesdropping nigger.

>> No.13905012
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Don't mind me lads just mainnet coming thru

>> No.13905019

Man I unironically would love to just hang out in that sad room playing any gamecube game with my old best friend who has passed

>> No.13905025

Top kek. These are just test runs to make sure it’s working fine for tomorrow’s launch. You seriously think they would launch without announcing it is live first?

>> No.13905060

Buy the rumor sell the news is not a meme especially for speculative shitcoins.

>> No.13905144

>Man I unironically would love to just hang out in that sad room playing any gamecube game with my old best friend who has passed


>> No.13905195

thanks for an advice i will check it out mate

>> No.13905278

Let me correct that for you. It's a test run for tomorrow's lunch. A dozen Big Macs.

>> No.13905710

she poops with that ass

>> No.13905726

why the hell would you buy now...

>> No.13905732

Does anyone have the copypasta about Sergey sniffing coke off of a black hookers ass? With the line "32 million solves my oracle problem"?

please dear god

>> No.13905768

And that old guy pisses and fucks underage prostitutes in Pattaya with that dangling dick and balls

>> No.13905829

Go to sleep joe

>> No.13906037


>> No.13906352

could you explain why it's a bad idea to buy now, i am trying to get into crypto

>> No.13906394

Every single mainnet launch excepting bitcoin has dumped price at least 50%

>> No.13906409

this is where the contract creator got its ETH
>phishing address


>> No.13906415


>> No.13906434


>> No.13906445

Not sure what kind of troll this is. Good job.

>> No.13906446

phishing? elaborate

>> No.13906477

Don't be coy, pajeet.

>> No.13906496

> That ID
Cunt mate hahhahahah

>> No.13906512
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>> No.13906517

check the comments. pajeets lost all their rupees to that addy

>> No.13906519

Sergey is alternating between eating Big Macs and snorting cocaine off of black BBW booty cheeks while Rory is furiously stroking his pencil dick in the corner with one hand and stonewalling investors in the slack with the other. That’s why all his “updates” trying to hide the fact that this project is a complete debacle are riddled with typos. A pile of unread resumes sit on the floor, drenched in Big Mac sauce. Steve is the only one trying. He’s locked away in his moms basement trying to learn GO. It’s such an obscure and asinine language that he can’t find the documentation he needs. He’s about to snap. He keeps frantically calling Sergey. Sergey only texts back, “new phone, who dis” and “32 million solves my oracle problem.” Steve’ mom’s basement reeks of the marijuana Steve smokes to cope with the stress. A thick haze from all the smoke lingers. All Steve can see are two faint lights. One is the blue light emitting from his shitty 2010 dell inspiron laptop. Somehow Sergey didn’t think they’d have money in the budget for him to get a new laptop. The other is the glimmer of steel of his colt 45 revolver with his one way ticket out of his hell.

>> No.13906559

> I've got a silver ticket

>> No.13906697

so what does it do? am i rich yet or what?

>> No.13906736

You'll see him again.

>> No.13906772

Those feels, man...sorry for your loss

>> No.13906801


virgin detected

girls don't poop faggot