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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13901662 No.13901662 [Reply] [Original]

What is your quit wageslaving perma-NEET price?

$600,000 here.

>> No.13901684

$1 million. I'm only at $230k so far though.

>> No.13901799

24 here and just quit on 40k I just need a year off

>> No.13901813

1.6 million generating passive income for sure, would be very comfy, I estimate an average 50K income after taxes. 400K generating passive would be povertyish line, doable for NEETing a few years, but not for life.

>> No.13901855

I get £1000 passive after expenses, and I am retired on that.

I also have £140,000 in crypto so that helps.

But really £1000 disposable is a lot, you can do anything with that.

>> No.13901870

$1m which i hope to get by 30. i'm 21 right now

>> No.13901923

Whatever the plane ticket costs for my one way trip to a south east asian Buddhist monastery

>> No.13901966

at the very least $1m in (addition to owning a fully down-paid house (which i already do, if i empty all my accounts to pay down the remaining mortgage)). realistically i'd need $2-3m for a comfy early retirement

im in my 30s and have realized i'll never make it. please shoot me

>> No.13901969 [DELETED] 
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Currently paid off townhouse and at $350K in stocks that are dropping quick. The killer is I am 45 yrs so I can't take this shit anymore.

>> No.13901979

2m probably because of the cucked taxes on wealth we have around here.

>> No.13902009

They don't take farang seriously. You have to pay $10k+ fee to live there among them for a year, and there is no guarantee you will be accepted at the end if your probation period.

Also, you better speak Thai or khmer already.

>> No.13902010

>$600,000 here.
I could live comfortably off that for 30-40 years.
still would have to make around $20k a year during that time or I'd be fucked when it runs out.

>> No.13902023

I will likely kill myself in 10-15 years, so about €1M should be enough

>> No.13902049

I dont want to quit wageslaving forever, I wanna get an easy going part time job so I can socialize. With that being said 250,000 just so I can buy a new house and car, along with like 10k for future repairs and I should be fine

>> No.13902055
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£1,500,000 Sterling after tax

>> No.13902084

500k. Easily enough if you live somewhere that isnt a big city

>> No.13902117

I think at 600k I could do some odd jobs to make up the difference. At 1.2 million I'd never need to work again.

>> No.13902118

I got a wife and 3 kids, so I need $10 million to retire.

>> No.13902140

2.5 million

>> No.13902141

maybe rent out the wife for extra income

>> No.13902142

If you long oil and gold ETFs you'll make it anon.

>> No.13902151

Pretty much this. I'd also have to invest in some property that would give me guaranteed income.

>> No.13902166

I'm a NEET so it's right now.

>> No.13902180


almost there

>> No.13902202

1,5-2 MM USD$

>> No.13902239
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>buying highly illiquid assets which are heavily taxed and regulated
>on the stock market
>through a broker
>paying monthly fees
Fucking why, were you dropped on your head? Did you just come in a time machine from the 80s?

>> No.13902261

I have no idea
I'm living off of a passive 10k+ (not neet bucks) while living with my mom, don't care to make a family or any shit like that, already have a house so I don't need to worry about that either.

if I could get another 20-30k in passive income I should be set unless the economy shits itself, so anywhere from 400k-600k if I had to guess

>> No.13902293

at least 2 (two) mil

>> No.13902297

what's your income source? your mom?

>> No.13902313

USD is due for major losses, and commodities are priced in dollars you retard. Oil and gold are gonna have huge gains.

>> No.13902318 [DELETED] 

Anyway, speaking of Bitmex

Anyone have the script addon that displays both usd price AND xbt amount. Have the USD one but there is one that displays both

>> No.13902330

10m is the new 1m

1m could buy you 10-15 middle class properties decades ago but not anymore

>> No.13902341

>X is due for Y

>investing in oil
enjoy your contango

>> No.13902356

need 500k

>> No.13902369

I rent my house out

>> No.13902392
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I could move in with my parents (third world country) and live off $600,000 for the rest of my life anon. It wouldn't be a fancy life, but it would be an honest one. I'd basically be living off the land.

>> No.13902430

6 million dollars.
I live in a really expensive country with fucking nothing and a lot of people I want to take care of

>> No.13902633

>Oil and gold are gonna have huge gains.
Doubling in 20 years isnt huge gains you dunce. Litecoins almost 5xd in the last couple months. Hurr durr.

>> No.13902756

>Food: $300/mo (<$200 if twink)
>Water: Free
>Shelter: $100/mo in property taxes
>Utilities/Clothes/Etc: $200/mo

So I'd need a house and about $7200+/yr to pay the bills. Lets say $12K a year to be comfy. So, I'd prob need about 500K + a house.

>> No.13902843
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same. I don't buy many thinks, just computer stuff and /out/ survival items because I'm an autist constantly prepping for when shtf

>> No.13903378

lol. youre under 25 100%

>> No.13903553

With around $500k I could generate enough passive income to live comfy for the rest of my life and not worry about inflation.

>> No.13903581

kek i'm already at 600k and couldn't dream about permaneeting. looking to x10 my bags here

>> No.13903587

Why if the commies are going to just take it all.

>> No.13903617

how? not enough imo

>> No.13903691


only a brainlet would have a set amount of money as a goal of "making it"

real lasting wealth is passive income. You should be asking yourself how much passive income you would need. No matter much money you have, unless you have money coming in to replace what you're spending, it will eventually be gone.

>> No.13903749
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I'll quit waging when my portfolio is worth around half a million, and achieve permanent investor class NEET status when I can sell 3k linkies for $3m and leave the rest of my stack for staking

>> No.13903891

ofc, but you need a certain amount of money to obtain a certain level of passive income

>> No.13903902

get a small home in the middle of nowhere for under 100k, like https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/3208-SE-54th-St_Oklahoma-City_OK_73135_M80380-77379
assuming you're getting returns of 4% on 400k and reinvesting the difference so your wealth pile isn't depleted, that gives you 1.3k a month to work with
property taxes + insurance look to be only $100 a month
can buy a new mid-tier honda civic for $400/month for 5 years
that leaves $800/month for food+internet+electricity+cellphone+computer upgrades+gas
or you can just spend less on a car, or drive it into the ground for a decade
can definitely live pretty comfy

Living in a city near friends/family will probably be a lot more expensive though, so it really depends on what you want.

>> No.13903909

200k, for that price you can buy like 5 apartments in commieblocks and rent them for 250eur each, collect 1250eur every month doing basically nothing.eastern european here

>> No.13903918
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What are your plans for passive income?

>> No.13903946

thats some serious LEANfire but ok

i can afford that but not sure id want to move there desu

>> No.13903963
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i thought she was holding a dick to barrys face

>> No.13904011

youre going to make it anon
anyone who says over 1 mil will end up like this faggot:
my never work again number is 50k. I will live in a shit hole and grind out ecommerce businesses until one sticks. Fuck working 1 more day of slavery than the needful.

>> No.13904158

bet on the U.S economy aka S&P find a fund that averages 10% ROI and live off that for the rest of your life.
For me it's $550,000 after all taxes....throw that shit in the right place and live off of $55,000/yr passive income. I don't need much..just enough to chill.

>> No.13904273

kek a nice house, new car every 5 years, with plenty leftover every month for entertainment is lean? I guess it's not enough to take expensive vavcations multiple times a year, but it's enough to live comfy.
50k is insane, I don't know how you could live off $166/month in my country unless you were homeless and had free food. A monthly bus pass + cheapest cell phone plan would put me at $120/month
frend you'll lose purchasing power through inflation by taking all the gains out, just look at how much things cost 30 years ago vs today - in 30 more years that 55k will probably be more like 22k in todays dollars. You may even deplete your investment entirely if there's enough bad years in a row. 4% is the general rule of thumb for a withdrawal rate, then you can reinvest anything else to keep up with inflation.

>> No.13904321

why the fuck do you need 10 million to raise 3 kids?

>> No.13904417

Cost of a 4 bedroom house (+ decent neighborhood or private school) alone would eat up a shit ton.

And if you have wealth, universities *will* charge your kids full sticker price. Especially if you're on 4chan (i.e. are White or Asian).

>> No.13904446

$300,000,000 minimum - I’m 20% of the way there. I will not be happy until I really” make it ...

>> No.13904450

going back to work after you blow most or all of you 40k will not be fun. Be smart fren

>> No.13904492

unironically 2 million.

>> No.13904505

i didnt say id live off the interest. Ill free ball it. Thats 10 years of $600 per month with a bit of interest. Think you can figure out a slightly profitable business in 120 months? If you don't spend your mental energy at a (((job))) a lot is possible. don't doubt yourself.

>> No.13904549

like $2,000,000 for easy life in middle of nowhere
$3,00,000 for some comfort
$4,000,000 extra comfy with vacations

>> No.13904605

Oh I see, nice.
I've been working on side projects the past few years trying to turn them into businesses in my spare time but haven't had any sustainable success. Might be a different story if I had an extra 40hrs a week, or maybe ecommerce is more profitable than random hobby projects.

>> No.13904752
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Based 9 digit target bro

>> No.13904840


>> No.13904860

I'd quit my job tomorrow with 500k-650k liquid.

The interest alone would float me, and I'd collect unemployment-- because fuck it, I paid my share being employed long enough.

Maybe just buy a bunch of fucking hot dog trucks and pay some Mexican dude to work it. Simple honest money-- I don't need much.

>> No.13904881

How did you amass $60,000,000?
With that sort of wealth a lot of doors would be open to you. Many more would not.

>> No.13904893

Anything less than a million would be disappointing
But all I hope I do is to sell the top and get out at the right time

>> No.13905404

10 million?

>> No.13905521

septs hehe

>> No.13905907


around $39k here in Czechia would make me be able to stay NEET forever

>> No.13906120

Fuck off BSV cuck, no one asked your opinion

>> No.13906135

20mil go big or go home

>> No.13906228

4.2 million
even at a weak (((interest))) rate i could live comfy without touching the capital

>> No.13906244

Literally just $100k. I can budget and live frugally.
A free cheap life is better than extravagant slavery.

>> No.13906555
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You will feel absolutely useless. Finding hobbies and activities will become its own sort of “work”

But, if you do it right, you could get in great shape, have a great time, and start your own business or find a career you care about.

>> No.13907283

I'm 32 and I'd agree with>>13902756
It's not enough to live well without working at all, but enough to stop wage slaving in the sense of having to endure a daily grind of a job you hate. You can quit any time and know the bases are covered. You just need to work here and there to finance the lifestyle you want.
This is unironiclly my goal. I own two appartments, next step is a house in the countryside, and then I'll stop working as an employee. Some real estate, some free lance, a bit of weed, share holding in a few businesses. I like the idea of food+shelter+basics being covered by wealth, and income being $500-$1k bucks from 3-4 diffrent hustles, makes for a less monotonous day to day.