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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 212 KB, 680x350, Craig-Wright-Youtube-CryptoFinder-Copy-e1556734678342-680x350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13901024 No.13901024 [Reply] [Original]

BSV went x3 in eight(8) days.
Let that sink in.

>> No.13901068

it will go x0.1 in just one day, after the faggot conference tommorow

>> No.13901091

And still nobody gives a shit

>> No.13901113

>half of South Korea market buys in 2 hours
>"nobody cares"

Nocoiner cope.

>> No.13901400

craig is a billionaire who can easily buy up the entire order book of his tiny market whenever he wants and he did it strategically prior to the bitcoin copyright news

>> No.13901438

imagine being so salty you enter a thread and post in it to tell everyone you don't give a shit

>> No.13901450

wanna bet

>> No.13901459

Has one man ever BTFO /biz/ any harder than based stif Craig?

>> No.13901476

>he did it strategically prior to the bitcoin copyright news
wrong, there was zero pre-news insider trading. pretty refreshing actually to see it take several minutes after the news dropped for the market to pick it up and react

>> No.13901505

Its not on any legit exchanges the only person buying BSV is fucking Craig.

>> No.13901507


>> No.13901583
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>> No.13901627

ok if BSV doesn't crash 90% the day after the conference you owe me 1 million BSV. send to handcash $administrator

>> No.13901665

I do. I'm fucking rich now stay poor idiot

>> No.13902161

Crap. Now this shitcoin is gonna dump hard and we'll be stuck with pajeets and bagholders shilling this shit until cuck wright forks the fork of the fork.

>> No.13902199

Literal definition of a pump and dump shitcoin
I'm gonna shit my pants laughing so hard when this scam dumps back to 0 where it belongs

>> No.13902225



>> No.13902292

>not on boiler room binance
>no legit exchanges

>> No.13902338

Yep, x3 so you’d have to be literally retarded to buy now

>> No.13902359


I wish to do the needful but BSV isn't available on any reputable exchanges. Wat do?

>> No.13902383

Bittrex and Huobi have been around for 4-5 years now, is that not reputable enough?

>> No.13902390

The fuck are you talking about? Poloniex has been around forever.

>> No.13902943


>> No.13903066

>The CoinGeek Conference comes to North America for the first time, May 29-30, 2019 at the Carlu in Toronto, Canada.Mar 21, 2019
if this is a PND for the conference...

>> No.13903135

What is Robinhood you dumb nigger?

>> No.13903179

>What is Robinhood
an exchange that never lets you withdraw your coins because it doesn't actually have any
worse than fractional reserve lending

>> No.13903204

I fucking hate how retarded this market is.

>> No.13903263

Do normies care/know? No. Every damn normie millennial with $$$ has Robinhood. Just wait until the news comes out that satoshi has come forward and the floodgates don’t stop till 10k.

>> No.13903366

As annoying as that is, you can always withdraw the money and buy on another place if it comes down to it.

I have accounts on Bittrex, Robinhood, and Coinbase. Shoud I get a GDAX?

>> No.13903453

u mad, seething bitcoinlets?

>> No.13903932

Chance that CW is sat: 0%
Chance of epic bantz and market chaos: 100%

I'm in. Honk honk motherfuckers.

>> No.13903953
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>> No.13904001

unsustainable, screenshot saved for epic dump in 2 days

>> No.13904090

buy it on bakkt when it comes out

>> No.13904114

coinbase is gdax is coinbase pro
use coinbase login at pro.coinbase.com

>> No.13904119

$235 now.

>> No.13904325

somebody has to buy the top

>> No.13904413

Jesus christ you are incredible low iq retard.

>> No.13904504


>> No.13904518
File: 69 KB, 704x576, IMG_20190523_114622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i join?

>> No.13904548

>half of south korea market
>not a bunch of korean starcraft bots

>> No.13904586

>400 apm trading
Oh god, what have we awoken.

>> No.13904677


>> No.13904693

let me guess you were buying link and fet and matic over the last few months? kys

>> No.13904704
File: 28 KB, 1027x731, 1542858645103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market pumps after news is released
>hur dur craig pumped it himself
These pumps have been based of purely fundamentals
are you retarded?

>> No.13904710


>> No.13904716

>proud of muh fake news chink dump
i already knew bsv holders are retarded because they believe a literal faggot and fraud who has no patents and is going to get his btc patent denied but jesus christ

>> No.13904733
File: 109 KB, 1200x677, 1558821100435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no patents and is going to get his btc patent denied

>> No.13904780

Why the fuck does Bitcoin need a patent?

>> No.13904820

If person with that attitude like craig.... if ever really invent something I wouldn't want to be a part of it anyway. I'd prefer to be poor... honestly wtf is this he looks like complete moron.

>> No.13904942

wow just. BSV is bitcoin

>> No.13904968
File: 2.55 MB, 2140x1676, realityisabitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely this is peak CSW derangement syndrome.