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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 3 KB, 300x300, 5cd4ead690d2de5d99a7d5d7_RSV-stamp-black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13898862 No.13898862 [Reply] [Original]

Just sold my bsv @ $184 and got in this.

>> No.13898897

if you dont mind it bleeding to 20 sats then sure it might pump back to 40 sats next year so yeah eventually you'll make a nice 30% profit before it dumps again

>> No.13898900
File: 48 KB, 894x773, 1546812081496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry

>> No.13898956

literally the worst shitcoin out there

>> No.13898973

I feel like they're dumping a bit by bit.
Balancing it with buy orders to cover

>> No.13898998
File: 551 KB, 840x854, 6E5412CA-7B4B-4FFA-846A-36A2D68EADAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P...please...just k...kill me

>> No.13899026

Why the fuck would you buy in. Did you not watch the video they put out today?

>> No.13899045

Quick rundown?

>> No.13899076

joint AMA with Harmony next week

>> No.13899079
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>> No.13899082

Tokenomics are absolute dogshit and won't even be utilized till late 2020. At this moment in time reserve is nothing more than a funding token.

>> No.13899088

Everyone was hoping the q+a would have some response by the team about the coin plummeting and the huobi competition bombing. Maybe plans for new exchanges. However it was just more about charity and the coin function. They've got nothing.

>> No.13899090
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>> No.13899095
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>> No.13899124

Every one fudding is people who sold already and are fudding to feel better about selling but deep down they are scared shitless they sold too early and will miss a 20x. Good buy OP.

>> No.13899169

Damn I thought someone here said an app was launching a little later this year? Is that really true? What’s wrong with the tokenomics I thought MakerDAO was already tried and tested. This should be an improvement right?
Yeah I’ve basically lost all faith in these söycücks now

>> No.13899188

Yes, buy when biz is angry. Sell when they're euphoric

>> No.13899235

The app doesn't bring in the whole functionality, that's next year just as the original investor pool is open to be sold. Beyond that locking your money away whilst every other coin pumps is just stupid. You can always buy back into this at 25 sats in a few months.

>> No.13899268

just hold dude, this is a guaranteed 5-10x in a few weeks
everyone fudding the shit out of this are either anons who bought high and sold low, or pajeets making a poor effort at getting their low buys filled

>> No.13899325

why would it pump 5-10x in a few weeks when whales are continuously dumping on us?
fucking pajeet shill

>> No.13899338

then don't buy it faggot

>> No.13899342

I've a suicide stack you faggot

>> No.13899361
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughingsluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state