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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13897422 No.13897422 [Reply] [Original]

Does any of you honestly think the blogpost will be bullish for LINK?
I really find that hard to believe.
Sergey will probably write about the current limitations of the mainnet and that these are still baby steps and that nothing is happening yet. The mainnet will get zero usage and staking might not even be possible yet.
Then LINK will do a 50% correction back to 60 cents and then it will get back to about 80-90 cents and hover around there.

>> No.13897443

>then it will get back to about 80-90 cents and hover around there
the delusion, kek.

>> No.13897458

>Sergey will probably write about the current limitations of the mainnet and that these are still baby steps and that nothing is happening yet. The mainnet will get zero usage and staking might not even be possible yet.

Then why launch the mainnet? For fucks sake use your brain moron.

>> No.13897478

If Chainlink moves to BSV (patents), it'll replace tokens with fees.

>> No.13897518


Then what will act as collateral you fucking idiot?

>> No.13897533

It will dump because of sell the news, regardless of whether the news is good. We've seen it hundreds of times. Don't get BTFO by a "this time will be different" mentality. Buy it back after the dump stabilizes.

>> No.13897534

Not this time, you were told a week ago. When Link goes live on mainnet a new marketing strategy begins. Since Link will begin using some of the 650m as an incentive to bring on clients, as in free or low prices they will want Link going up in value to reduce the reduction of that $650m they hold. They will share everything they can to drive up speculation and value of Link thereby reducing the amount they have to advance to the nodes performing confirmations. We as Hodlers will all get the benefit as the value of our stacks increase as well. We gonna make a bunch of money Marines.

>> No.13897552


Ummm, because they finished developing it I guess...
There are a lot of cryptocurrencies that already have their mainnet up and running. However, nobody is using them. Lets hope that will be different for chainlink.

>> No.13897585


Are you speculating here or are your assumptions based on insider info?

>> No.13897594


>> No.13897619


>> No.13897633
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As much as I want the $1k eoy meme to be true this is the most logical thing to do in the upcoming days

>> No.13897647


>> No.13897648

That might be the most autistic image album i've ever seen

>> No.13897756
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Imagine thinking this coin will be any different than all the other ones that reached mainnet.

Enjoy getting dumped on

>> No.13897773

No inside info, this is based on opinion and common sense. The only question to me is are they or are they not tied to some larger corporations. If they are, they will pump the price of Link by shouting it to all not hiding it. Once mainnet goes they want the price going up, not down. I am banking on some of the breadcrumbs being legit. Ari Juels, Gavin Woods and Tom Gonser don't align themselves with blowhards, they are proven successful professionals.

>> No.13897780

i aint clickin that shit

>> No.13897846

It won't be bullish. Link cheerleaders are loyal, but largely not good traders or market technicians/ Unless Sergio drops a huge smack in the blog, almost anything will be seen as bearish and sell the news. The dumping is well under way by some large accounts btw.

>> No.13897881

I have way too much link to try and swing. Dont really care if it dumps. Singularity is inevitable

>> No.13897882

weak FUD nolinker. its over for you, you had your chance. $3 by mainnet launch.

>> No.13897904 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13897927

Eric Holder had Paul Walker assassinated to cover up his illegal gun smuggling operation in Mexico known as Fast and Furious.

>> No.13897961


>> No.13897966


Oh shit. Neat. We are pumping on mainnet for sure.

>> No.13897998

Erm where you get dis?

>> No.13898072

FEES dumb FUCK. Can you read?

>> No.13898079

You'll know tomorrow. Ascension is nigh.

>> No.13898094
File: 3.00 MB, 300x300, 1548186325607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sergey is about to dump ALL the partnerships in hte blogpost
it will be EVERY single fortune 500 company and more

>> No.13898103

You got em 1.4 quadrillion fees m8? lmao

>> No.13898178


Imagine actually believing fee's will act as collateral.

The absolute state of Discord trannies right now.