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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13889880 No.13889880 [Reply] [Original]

day after day how do you cope?

>> No.13889943

aaaargh delet this

dont fucking make me remember and regret fomoing into this crap

I know I should've fucking capitulated already but I don't know why I'm still holding this fucking bag. bought this shit at 0.035 gwei, almost 10000 of 'em.

>> No.13890405

The smaller your stack, the more it hurts. Pajeets get hit the hardest.

Whales dgaf. I increased my stack by like 4x, now in the 100k+ QNT club. Get on my level.

Local price variations don't matter to people with an IQ above 130, all that matters is where it's inevitably going.

pro tip, though: you won't understand this. And it's not a QNT thing, it applies to whatever your favourite shitcoin is.

>> No.13890586

Removed needs to remove himself as admin

>> No.13890593



>> No.13890639

That whole tg needs to be shut down but the fuckers won't do it. It's an absolute cess pit of no-IQ retards bent on financially ruining themselves.

>> No.13890725

Relex whale checkin in. You're exactly right

>> No.13891045


Agreed, things need to change. Shutting down the place is quite a drastic step and it’s understandable there would be pushback to the idea. But yes sometimes it’s easier to just start again and rebuild from scratch.

A slightly easier move would be to get new admins to look after the place, with new rules and guidelines which are actually adhered to.

Removed needs to consider removing himself. He is too emotional and overbearing, and has instilled a culture of aggression and retardedness which may be difficult to change (so yes a complete shutdown and reboot of the TG might be better in that respect). The problem is that his ego won’t allow him to step down and/or he thinks he is doing a good job.


Dear Removed,

I know you will be reading this because you’re a Biztard. It’s not about creating bots to auto censor naughty words. It’s about creating an environment where people already know not to behave like retards. Unironically, it was Biz who told you to cut down on the sexism/racism/homophobia. Now Biz is telling you to cut down on the general retardedness.

Remember when you used to say “ this is Unofficial, we can say and do what we want”? That may have been true when there were less than 100 members, but it’s not the case anymore. Step up or step out, admin.

Inb4: more Biz FUD

>> No.13891139
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 1557334363172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now in the 100k+ QNT
yes I believe you

>> No.13891156

>noun: quant; plural noun: quants
a pole for propelling a barge or punt, especially one with a prong at the bottom to prevent it sinking into the mud.

literally buttplugcoin

>> No.13891190

That’s John Smith you’re referring to and I have no doubt he has the amount. He is the one with the sell walls which are suffocating you all, so be nice to him.

>> No.13891736
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yes ofc he's bill gates
he's a larping piece of shit with a stack of 100$

>> No.13891772

plebs complaining about an unofficial trading telegram. yikes

>> No.13891798

$200,000 isnt actually that much. Oh and Bill Gates has much more wealth BTW.

Just because you personally dont have $200,000+ portfolio, doesnt mean no one else has.

Just because you have a 2 inch penis, it doesnt mean that everyone else has a small penis. Deal with it, poorsmallpenisfag.

>> No.13891815

Plebs like you just dont get it, do you? Stay poor faggot.

>> No.13891831
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>> No.13891848

lmao, wowee, everyone complaining about the manipulation and relaxed rules in the unofficial telegram are the same fucks abusing it, grow up

>> No.13891872

Why dont you go in there and post some porn pics. I mean its a relaxed environment and everyone likes porn, right?

>> No.13891882

this was literally just a flavor of the month /biz/ shill coin that normalfags browsing /biz/ got fooled into buying like the hundreds that have come before. you got played faggot.

>> No.13891890

Whats your reason for going in there then? What do you possibly have to benefit. This is what I dont understand, us normal fucking people, dont give a fuck about the plebs and moonboys, nor do we care about manipulating the pleb sentiment, people who care about an unaffiliated channel are just too fkn wound up

>> No.13891897

Go and post some porn in there and I will answer your question.

>> No.13891907



>> No.13891910
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>> No.13892005


Unironically, if the tg was shut down completely QNT would push to 0.03 within 24hrs, kek, based on that factor alone.

Let's all start reporting it on tg for kiddy porn and try to get it fucked off.