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File: 118 KB, 768x960, bg74q8-Soaking_wet-dijnVnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13889833 No.13889833 [Reply] [Original]

I hate boomers so fucking much. Lazy, incompetent, pieces of entitled shit. They ruin everything. I wish there was some way to eliminate them all and redistribute their wealth.

>> No.13889856

chill with that stuff anon some boomers are cool (maybe some of the math guys or something) but most are sodomites can't argue with that

>> No.13889865


>> No.13889911

Don’t worry OP, boomers are going to get what’s coming for them for the sins they committed and shit society they subjected their children to. They’ll get to experience it all first hand once their too old to take care of themselves and are forced into a nursing home with big black women care takers. Those last years will be punishment for the doomed world they’ve created

>> No.13889919

how much EOY link to buy her as a sex slave?

>> No.13889925

>They’ll get to experience it all first hand once their too old to take care of themselves and are forced into a nursing home with big black women care takers. Those last years will be punishment for the doomed world they’ve created

Checked and angry black womyn pilled

>> No.13889932
File: 28 KB, 400x400, transgenner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why you can't just get a job?

>> No.13889947

This is the wrong approach. The ones that became very wealthy won't have this problem. You'll just be hurting the upper middle class ones.

>> No.13890015

Fuck boomers, fuck niggers, fuck roasties, fuck jannies and fuck kikes

>> No.13890133

Is that a shop? I don't think that's a shop. I gotta go.

>> No.13890469

Most of the highly paid cushy jobs boomers have only exist because they are still in them, they wont be rehiring under the same conditions or at all and the tax base will suffer immensely

>> No.13890485

>I wish there was some way to eliminate them all and redistribute their wealth.
It exists and it's called aging and inheritance
The sad part is just that your boomer parents were fucking losers and there's nothing for you to inherit
Stay mad faggot

>> No.13890556

Boomers are def getting fucked up, doncha worry anon.

>> No.13890573

Says a useless and totally generational waste that is a millennial.

You woke yet bro? You got your 10 social media accounts updated and sending out the right message? How many influencers do you subscribe too and support? I bet several. Yep, you millennials are the best gen ever.

>> No.13890684
File: 168 KB, 580x676, 88e11990e7a7c1d9b381c07d731fef1b0bb25669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> pssst, anon over here. I've got some class conflict, straight from the streets of Paris. My dealer tells me it's good shit. Wanna hit?