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File: 17 KB, 274x275, 155591D4-2DE4-4F19-9BE9-A4D26D261A30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13889540 No.13889540 [Reply] [Original]

How does he speak in a way where people merely want to hear him talk for hours?
It would be one of the key traits of a /biz/nessman as he started RSD from scratch and now has millions thanks to his ability to speak so well.

>> No.13889949

even when I was 19 and lapped this shit up, I never thought he had an ounce of charisma
He 's a great business man, understood his audience is by nature submissive and beta, so he just takes the lead
He has more vocal fry than a 15 year old Californian thot and builds sentences like Finnegan having a stroke
There way better speakers to to learn from

>> No.13890045
File: 35 KB, 711x633, 1558044938678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he and the other pickup artists literally tell you what they do.
>body language

>> No.13890262

>people who actually attended one of these

>> No.13890288

What do you even mean. This guy just rants about random off topic bullshit with some lame jokes

>> No.13890300

Have sex

>> No.13890334

Bend over

>> No.13890391

He said his speaking talent is natural + he reads a lot and had a lot of reference experiences

>> No.13890553

He has a huge amount of very unique knowledge that guys will pay a lot to learn about. He can communicate it in an intelligent and interesting way which captures the audience.

Brilliant businessman, valuable teachings. That's pretty much the gist.

>> No.13890603

This the guy sucks i watched some of his recent stuff and I'm pretty sure he's a legit psycho extreme ego rants. There's better guys to watch.

>> No.13890616

he looks like a homo.

>> No.13890642


the guy looks like a fucking basedboy.


>muh PUA

go have sex incel.

>> No.13890886

He's recently been trying to pivot away from PUA and into normie self-help.
>Tyler's Ultra Fast "How To" Framework To Get Attraction By Being A Nice Person
>4 days ago, 56,527 views
He also got hooked on child support by some roastie who impregnated herself with his sperm from a tossed condom and a turkey baster.
The only thing I learned from Tyler is the definition of manic personality, he fits it to a T.

>> No.13890909

>He also got hooked on child support by some roastie who impregnated herself with his sperm from a tossed condom and a turkey baster.

serves him right for being a fucking degenerate PUA. no doubt she's ugly as fuck too.

>> No.13890969

>He also got hooked on child support by some roastie who impregnated herself with his sperm from a tossed condom and a turkey baster.

And he believes THAT fairytale AND EVEN PAYS?
bwahhahahaha What a cuck LMAO
She picked the target correctly.

>> No.13891152

Name them. He has an ego that gets unbearable, but he has raw intricate knowledge of what he speaks off.

>> No.13891327
File: 6 KB, 207x243, sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't they charge like 400 dollars for DVDs you could easily pirate? PUA was a huge cashcow before the age of Tinder

>> No.13891357

Why is it a bad price?
>hurr ... I should get everything for free

>> No.13891365
File: 59 KB, 768x445, neil-strauss-beginning-768x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it ironic how all the PUA gurus have ended up divorceraped and alone


>> No.13891405
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>> No.13891425

His name is Owen.... but his youtube videos were fun to watch and genuinely motivational. Not just for picking up women, since I was married, but for not stressing out over everything and getting some control of my life back. Wouldn't pay money for it but his youtube videos were genuinely good and he was alright.

>> No.13891452
File: 62 KB, 550x488, I seriously hope you properties don't spook this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I should get everything for free

>> No.13891470

I'll use your asshole for free if you don't mind. Bend over.

>> No.13891505

he had children with that mexicans because they are both illegal aliens in the usa and it increases their chance to stay

>> No.13891664

where did she get the condom

>> No.13891756


Old school RSDfag here, got in back in the Todd and Alex era. Don't bother convincing people. Pearls before swine. Like Luke said, don't qualify yourself ever. If they don't want the goods, more for us.

>> No.13891767


have sex incel

>> No.13891773

bend over

>> No.13891782

>impregnated herself with his sperm from a tossed condom and a turkey baster.

>> No.13891790

Beta cucks love to be told what to do and think

>> No.13891803

beta cucks have to figure shit out on their own. Others just get necessary knowledge from others.

>> No.13891896

>all the seething anti-RSD incel rage ITT

Happens every single time someone makes a thread about Owen. Hopefully one day you realize that your fuming rage at this is the equivalent of a nocoiner's rage back in 2012 who then proceeded to snap a few years later in a depressed acceptance that he is simply born a loser and he missed another chance at succeeding, again. Stop being a loser and seize the chance when it is presented to you, especially now when there's literal thousands of hours of content and all that content is about to very likely disappear in the next few years as mainstream culture becomes increasingly feminist. Everyone wants sex and I'm sure that most of you want it more than money, so it is logical that you should put the equivalent effort into getting it as you have into getting rich, if not more. And if you fail to put an effort you're simply a loser who'll desire many things for the rest of his life but never achieve them, sex and money definitely being one of them.

>> No.13891904

>beta cucks have to figure shit out on their own.

pure beta COPE.

they can't even figure out how to not be a beta cück and have to get told how to by a balding basedboy.

>> No.13891936

I saw some videos and this guy makes good points about nutrition and how to fix your mental issues but other than pickup artist shit is too fucking weird and seems fake to me. This guy is rich and that helps immensely and apparently he's in an open relationship with a whore and apparently on top of that the shit is a numbers game. club and bar whores isn't the kind of shit I'm looking for anyways. What i want is a racist trad wife and if he can throw some pointers on where and how to achieve the ultimate Aryan goddess with a well shapen brapper and sexy ass feet than I'm all ears otherwise PUA shit is well shit

>> No.13892062
File: 212 KB, 411x410, clean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen RooshV's sudden shift towards religion? He used to shit on women for being reformed sluts who rode the cockcarousel in their 20s. But suddenly, he feels that he deserves a loyal trad wife despite being a manwhore years earlier

>> No.13892410

this guy is a dating coach or whatever? lmfao looks like a balding loser to me, bet he doesn't even have a chin if you shave off that beard

>> No.13892424

No help for you beta. put your nose to the ground and grind for shit I receive with no effort.

>> No.13893190

Additionally, how can we mimic his success? Imagine speaking with the same enthusiasm to a group of people about crypto. A lot of people are interested not just beta cucks. That’s why I asked about his speaking skills. There’s money to be made just talking about crypto the way Tyler does about PUA.