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13888684 No.13888684 [Reply] [Original]

Do you retards even FUCKING realize what chainlink is? You imbeciles. The anology of an oil rig is beautiful. But chainlink is LITERALLY the oil of SMARTCONTRACT.COM . They are creating a SOLUTION to a problem in EVERY INDUSTRY on a GLOBAL SCALE and theyre going to use the CHAINLINK token AND ETHEREUM NETWORK as tools. They didnt create chainlink so a bunch of retarded autists can get rich off pump and dumps. Theyre not EVEN FUCKING SELLINKG CHAINLINK, theyre selling SMARTCONTRACT which will use CHAINLINK. AND EVERY ONE OF U FUCKING RETARDED NEETS WILL BE EARNING PASSIVE INCOME.

>> No.13888706

I’ll pass it’s too much hype

>> No.13888728

damn, chill pepe...
pop a xan or some shit.

>> No.13888829

Not a single corporation is asking for oracles.
Not a single working crypto needs them.

Hard pass.

>> No.13888858

Chill out OP, we know.
I always like the this analogy:
Chainlink is like the internet for finances.
Imagine getting paid for every http(s) call.

>> No.13888880


>> No.13888887

Prior to the internet not a single corporation was asking for the internet, just saying

>> No.13888928

Except these corporations and other blockchains know about "oracles", so your analogy reflects your IQ.
And they STILL aren't interested.

Hard pass.

>> No.13888960

kys you parasite who missed the boat LOL

>> No.13888966

Imagin being this desperate and such an obvious shill.

>> No.13888989

>Out of arguments
>Implying you had any
Fuck off back to discord, tranny

>> No.13889019

>coping so hard you don’t even realize you’re responding to two different people

>> No.13889039

>1000 EOY
>currenly $1:19 and dropping
>missed the boat
This does not even remotely compute

>> No.13889038

>Thinks I don't know about classic discord tranny behavior
Hard pass.

>> No.13889048

Yes they were. They were asking for faster cheaper communication internally and with customers. Just because they weren't using the word internet doesn't mean they weren't asking for it.

>> No.13889051

>companies aren't interested in increasing their 3-4% profit margins to 10-12% with smart contracts
you're actually a fucking subhuman nigger

>> No.13889059

Corporations will not use Chainlink, they will just use their own oracles

>> No.13889064

Fucking retard

>> No.13889066

you tried

>> No.13889073

Who has to shill at this point anymore. It’s more like reminders to fucking have some link in your wallet

>> No.13889074

doesnt make any sense for the price of chainlink to rise though. it will just get more expensive for simple computations and no one will use it. centralized will always beat decentralized if the cost of decentralization is exponentially higher.

>> No.13889075

they can just pay node operators in any currency they want, there is zero reason for anyone to buy link. nodes don't even need to own link anymore

>> No.13889085

lol, man, its crazy how Chainlink has been discussed here since its inception for almost 2 years and anons still don't know why its needed.

>> No.13889089

Nolinker cope is just getting sad

>> No.13889097

It isn't, you invented all that shit because you and your P&D friends are losing tons of money.

>> No.13889110
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nice projection. pic related is my XRB (NANO for the newfags) stack back in 2017. cope more linktard, youre the one that missed the boat.
Spoiler: your shitcoin is dumping tomorrow to the point of no return. enjoy poverty

>> No.13889114
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...wow you don’t get it... your ID says job. You’ll be a wage cuck for the rest of your life

>> No.13889118
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>> No.13889129

And you sold early or held to zero or else you wouldn't be here

>> No.13889138

Way to make a shitty thread even shittier

>> No.13889143

I thought nolinkers were a myth. This is intriguing

>> No.13889147

Mobius is the real Chainlink sirs.

>> No.13889155


>> No.13889166



weather these products work or not

crypto market cap is going to keep going up.

>> No.13889182

Smartcontract will have layouts of data and will work with enterprises to create specific field-related SC"s that they can implement. Yes they will pay as you go on these contracts in which we will earn fee's from running nodes. But the entire fucking point is that SMARTCONTRACT.com is going to be fucking massive. Nobody gives a shit about LINK. People care about SMARTCONTRACT.com, BUT, it is those of us who are more crypto fluent who UNDERSTAND the implications of SMARTCONTRACT success would have to the LINK token as more jobs requests are created and we earn more AKA therefore inflating the price of LINK.

>> No.13889186

So what?

That image doesn't mean you are making any money. In fact, if you HAD made any money at all you wouldn't be here shilling your shit at all.

Good luck trying to find a bunch of mentally impaired idiots to sell your shit before it crashes to oblivion for good.

>> No.13889197


Look I don't appreciate you yelling at me bro.

>> No.13889203

>doesnt make any sense for the price of chainlink to rise though. it will just get more expensive for simple computations and no one will use it. centralized will always beat decentralized if the cost of decentralization is exponentially higher.
Decentralized means trustlessness. You're not seeing the full picture by only seeing the oracles. You're not seeing the cost of trust, the back offices that will be made redundant and save enterprises a shit load of money.

>> No.13889205

We need to stop feeding newfags

>> No.13889206
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sorry bro, i didnt mean to.

>> No.13889212

so by simply owning link, they can be used for transactions, thus increasing their value?

>> No.13889224

LINK is staked as collateral for running a node and providing data for jobs. You earn $ on a % of staked LINK.

>> No.13889228

than why has Sergey referred to himself as the CEO of chainlink recently in talks instead of the CEO of smart contract?

>> No.13889229

to clarify: i bought link when i thought i understood it but i guess that i don't. i get that they're used to process transactions but i don't understand the correlation to their value. in theory couldn't sergey just hold all of them and sell licenses to companies to use what is essentially his software? why go public at all

>> No.13889242

thank you

>> No.13889244

the entire purpose is "open source". everyone can audit the code.

>> No.13889247

lol a bunch of hocus pocus

>> No.13889264

A dolphin just unironically market dumped

>> No.13889276

it's a genius plan. sergey got into crypto early and understand what bitcoin was. he ( im pretty sure) worked on ethereum in the early days. ethereum is a smart contract platform but they knew the limitations were oracles providing trustless data. sergey realized the business opportunity of having companies back-end running smartcontracts executing when parameters were met. he also realized the only way to do so was to have oracles. open-source provides trusted code that can be audited at any time. realistically, once we got oracles the entirety of implementing smartcontracts as a business opportunity is so fucking big that i cant even comprehend it right now cause im baked as tits.

>> No.13889286
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>> No.13889300

damn fren chill out, do some drugs or something

>> No.13889304
File: 255 KB, 2740x1128, link_uk_govt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts hyperbolic delusions to sound retarded >realistically he's not too far off
>discord frens respond with low tier FUD
>other discord frens blow them the fuck out
do these threads still work on people?

>> No.13889356

.>save enterprises a shit load of money
>current computational cost: 0
>decentralized computational cost: 1 LINK token which can cost anywhere from 0.01 to 1000 dollars

you guys really are autistic aren't you

>> No.13889379

Selling. Chainlink reeks of rat poison. Internet clown coupons.

>> No.13889390

I took me half an hour of reading about LINK to understand how massively it can affect the future. It does not mean they will succeed with the technology. But if they do and the system starts getting traction this can potentially be one of the biggest disruptors of our lifetime. If you don't think the possibility of that is even there, then you haven't really understood what LINK or oracles is about.

>> No.13889400

Does LINK make it so a proper dex can support many different coins/blockchains at the same time?

>> No.13889405
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>> No.13889437

think bigger, if any asset can be tokenized, and chainlink enables connectivity of any api to any DLT, there will be dexes for literally any asset to literally any other asset

>> No.13889446

think EVEN bigger than that

>> No.13889447

Smart enough to realize this but not to realize how blockchain and LINK are the same exact thing? Saves a ton of money, increases data security in a world where data breaches are the single highest cost many business suffer and/or risk.

>> No.13889482

the value of the link token is based on the value of the contracts it is trusted to perform. If link is used to perform contracts worth 1 dollar, then staking is only going to be worthwhile for people who own the majority of the total supply.

Think about real estate. Buyers put money into escrow during this process because of the uncertainty that they'll pay, and the uncertainty that they'll recieve the deed to the property and that the property will be what they paid for.

Isn't that a bit much? With the technology that we have, why can't we make that process easier and cut out all the middlemen making their 6 figure wages to facilitate it?

That is where link comes in. Link replaces trust, because a 3rd party (the node) will lose their stake if they fuck it up. If the value of their stake is low, then they have the incentive to fuck it up if they are bribed enough that the bribe outweighs the value of their stake. So if you have 300k in escrow for a single property, and that is instead entrusted to link, the loss of link must be worse than whatever value you'd get from spoofing the contract.

now imagine that link is trusted for the bond market, or for bank transfers, or for all b2b transfers, or for derivatives in general. The value of link must be high enough such that no one in their right mind would act in bad faith and lose their stake for a single contract. It's called having skin in the game. When you consider this, the total # of link equaling 1 billion seems awful small. If the total supply is small, the value must rise in proportion. We're going to be fucking rich if sergey isn't a total conman.

>> No.13889485

youre thinking financial services only, just about anything and everything can be run on SC's. just about anything that has an input of data which results in an output can be a SC.

>> No.13889496

Have sex

>> No.13889497
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dex-based derivatives of my seminal volume when i fuck ur mom tonight?

>> No.13889506

think even bigger. asset tokens can be tokenized as derivatives

>> No.13889513
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>> No.13889521
File: 81 KB, 446x435, 1558118036455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i suggest you dont bring my mother into this. it will not end well for you.

>> No.13889543

He has hundreds of millions of tokens. You do the math.

>> No.13889588

Friendly reminder: none of this requires a LINK token. The idea that dapps require a token to do anything is literally the cancer killing crypto. I'm not even joking I hate you tokenomics retards.

>> No.13889593

fucking underrated post. never really got the "link is designed to be worth a ton of money" angle until now. we are all going to be so rich

>> No.13889658

i never posted about it because i thought it was a meme that people didn't understand this. I might have a touch of autism though, so feel free to ask me and i'll answer what I know.

>> No.13889684


Dude, no one is going to even fucking USE that shit. Just like EVERY OTHER BLOCKCHAIN PROJECT. No one uses this shit for anything except pumping and dumping.

>> No.13889691
File: 163 KB, 485x603, orakleprblm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1k is fud

>> No.13889704

its not designed to be worth a ton of money. its deisgned to be used as collateral to working with high-value contracts so that you dont provide unreliable data. after this, you get paid for doing the job. the token will worth in correspondence to its income producing returns.

>> No.13889759

The #1 strategy for public companies to improve shareholder value is to cut costs. Does outsourcing ring a bell? Why are american companies lobbying government to bring in pajeets to silicon valley, and jose's to the valley, if they aren't making more profit by insourcing as well as outsourcing?

The point of link is that it will make entire departments obsolete. Finance department? Goodbye! Logistics? Farewell!

If you think companies that lobbied the fucking us government to change the laws of the land in order to bring dirty browns into the country to work for less than the white man are not fucking SALIVATING at the idea of cutting those departments down to nothing but and answering machine and 1 customer service position, then I don't know what to fucking say to you. It will be adopted, and i can predict this because greed is predictable.

>> No.13889770


>> No.13889787

Fundamentally this

>> No.13889790

discord tranny detected. YOU HAD TWO (2) YEARS!

>> No.13889867

Linklet here. How much would 3600 chainlink earn me in terms of passive income?

>> No.13889877


>> No.13889899

How much computational power and tech savvy am I going to need to run my NEET data lemonade stand?

>> No.13889928
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Sup oldfag fren. It's kind of crazy to see how the newfags don't comprehend the complexity and depth of what this project entails. I feel blessed to have been around starting in late 2017. Enjoy the next 2 years fren and don't forget to watch out for your health and take care of those around you. Giving back selflessly to the less fortunate in life often times can bring you the most fulfillment.

>> No.13889999

thanks fren. I'm not as old fag as you, but i became obsessed and studied and considered many things. Its a crime right not to fud the nu frens so close to launch. these soulless discord trannies will reap their eternal reward someday.

>> No.13890005

This. Now imagine, if you will, what he said about 1 billion being a low total supply in the scheme of things, and combined with most being removed circulation due to staking. Its hard to speculate on the scope of its effect. 50% removed? 90%? Who knows.

>> No.13890047

checked but your typo is riight

we all suffered through the FUD, We held through the lows. We bought when everyone else was fucking dumping.

Buy LINK or don't buy LINK faggots. My bags are packed. One day left until the new world begins.

>> No.13890061

LINK in nodes aren't out of circulation. They can be dumped at any time.

>> No.13890081

You guys are retarded. Sell link and buy holo youll make more money retards.

>> No.13890092

fren there are two types of fud. Hero's trial fud, and Wormtongue fud. Hero's trial fud wants you to defeat it and become a true link marine, hardened against this wicked world. Worntongue (trannie) fud seeks to increase the amount of suffering in the world for the benefit of their bilderberg masters. Tranny fud must be called out and destroyed in order to protect our newfrens.

>> No.13890136
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Nu-marine here, I went all in after reading breadcrumbs left by oldfags like you guys. Here's hoping it's all real and we can all make it. Can someone tell me the backstory about the discord FUD channels? I want to know more LINK lore and contribute in the future

>> No.13890137

Hell that is all I need and it makes me pretty bullish on it. More dexes would be great. Problem is that Bancor does not let me convert ETH into LINK at the moment I and dislike using normal exchanges... Also IDEX is trash as its not allowed to be used where I live... heh

>> No.13890157

What is your price prediction assuming massive adoption, like 5-10 years from now what is on3 chainlink worth

>> No.13891255

sold chainlink twice at 1.30$. kek. Will buy back after the mainnet dump.