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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 144 KB, 1000x750, bitcoin-sv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13882864 No.13882864 [Reply] [Original]

Guys.. I am actually starting to believe that Craig is Satoshi

>> No.13882882

how many shill points for this post?

>> No.13882889

You’re late. By the time you actually buy normies will be holding. They’re gonna FOMO on Robinhood at a certain point,

>> No.13882892
File: 190 KB, 652x510, 1542130780379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13882910
File: 436 KB, 1909x2048, 1559061338636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the club fren. Things are much stiffer on the (w)right side.

Here comes dat boi

>> No.13883013

I bought as much as I could today. Been swinging it hard, but I think we're gonna get a big pump over this week. After that? Who knows

>> No.13883034

I probably am late. Never paid much attention to the bitcorn debates, I only spent my crypto time trying to catch alt moons. But something is compelling me to put everything on the dragon. Idk why

>> No.13883116
File: 72 KB, 300x250, 75x2F5E4Oh-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know. Deep down in your beautiful heart you know it for certain. Whisper his name. Look upon him and know that he is good.

>> No.13883134

It’s your survival instinct kicking in. Bitcoin (BSV) is going to subsume this entire market

>> No.13883185

You just figured this out?

>> No.13883216

Faketoshi is nothing more than cheap 2RupeeSanjay

>> No.13883230
File: 32 KB, 200x164, 6D3EAF7C-2B25-4384-B669-DAE0C39AA916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sitting in a shanty town in Bangalore using my cousin's Amstrad 485 and a dual up modem
>All walls and most of the ceiling is made from wriggly tin and child poverty
>double click to open the shill spreadsheet
>go to work sewing sneakers for rich Amerifats for 20 hours
>come home and eat a nutritional meal of three grains of rice and a dog egg
>spreadsheet has opened, select a shill post at random
>browse to /biz/, type "Guise I'm starting to believe that Creg is Satoshi"
>a sacred cow wanders through my house destroying it entirely
>but at least I got my shill points
>sacred cow shits in my front (only) room and I die of dysentery

>> No.13883243

>he doesnt know
they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother

>> No.13883255


>> No.13883258
File: 124 KB, 1080x1395, shadders333_genesis_block.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What took you so long lol.

Some of us have known since 2015, where we had to do fucking private detective type shit to get the info. Now it's right in the open, literally the evidence is so overwhelming that you'd have to be a complete retard not to see it.

Oh well, I guess the people that are slow in the head will just never make it.

>> No.13883292

Posts like this made me look more into it, tbx

>> No.13883558

Australians (real ones like Craig) do not go around bullshitting and big noteing themselves if its not genuine, we are probably the most honest people on Earth.

>> No.13884493

no doubt, they took the most honest people from the common wealth and deported them to australia

>> No.13884512

Get fucked mate

>> No.13884559

>>13882864Satoshi will make ALL the announcements May 31st. Swimming against this current will be futile.

During the fireside chat with Jimmy, Craig will lay the foundations for all of his extraordinary claims, which will include posting independently-verifiable documents and evidence addressing some of the false allegations that have been leveled, and transferring bitcoin from an early block.

There will be extraordinary proof that can be independently validated regarding the Segwit flaw. Similarly, Craig will also discuss the fundamental flaws with privacy coins, such as Zcash & Monero. This will effectively kill "privacy coins" as Craig will show you that it is basically as private as running through Times Square with your pants around your ankles.

Craig will also expose the pure fraud that is binance. He will discuss how these bucket shop exchanges are all squarely within the realm of US control. To say so is not a mere assertion, ‘.com’ domains have been considered to come under US territory for decades now. It is well tested in law. All major exchanges, including Coinbase, will be immediately forced to remove the bitcoin moniker from BTC/BCH/BTG/BTCP and all the other scam forks that have deviated from the whtiepaper. This will all be legally enforceable by his recent copyright approval.

During a Q&A Dr. Wright will also be asked about the court proceedings vs Kleiman's estate. At this point he will reveal irrefutable proof that the TulipTrust is in fact real and the accurate name that Satoshi gave to his enormous stash of bitcoins. Craig will demonstrate how he will take sole possession of the TulipTrust in 2020 once the contract reaches maturity.

Listen, I genuinely care about Anons well being. Cryptoscammers have been trying their hardest to suppress the coingreek conference bcuz On May 31 there will be a sea of red across the board, with the exception of one coin that will rise from the red ashes like a phoenix. That coin is original bitcoin BSV.

>> No.13885016 [DELETED] 

A little to the party.

>> No.13885030

A little late to the party.