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13878135 No.13878135 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13878154

I'd rather have a big bag of gold but since i'm poor, BTC is your better chance at 100x-ing your money.

>> No.13878159


Gold doesn’t bottom until early next year

>> No.13878168

gold is for retards

greatest scam since the kikes created the fed

>> No.13878174
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>> No.13878194

You think you will 100x your money in btc?

>> No.13878203
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Silver has to be even bigger scam
Muh scarcity lmao
14 fucking dollars as we post
On parity with big mas soon
Boomers will enjoy their "antibacterial" rocks until the bitter end

>> No.13878226

gold any day, intrinsic value of btc is zero.

>> No.13878245

In the true BTC, yes.

>> No.13878271

90% btc for governmental collapse and 10% gold for shtf situations.

>> No.13878323
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*blocks gold’s path*

>> No.13878435

Why not both? DGX

>> No.13878456

asteroids won't be mined until the year 2050+
Gold is still in finite supply.

>> No.13878516

t. financially illiterate mouth breathers

>> No.13878525

the way those blocks interlock with eachother is truly aesthetic

>> No.13878606

>he unironically holds silver
the price is literally capped since mining doesn't run at full capacity right now.

>> No.13878625

I love Gold in a gimmick-y kind of way. It has a mystical allure to it, it really does. When I make it I will buy some big bullion bars and cool shit like pirate doubloons, etc.

>> No.13878733
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>USD, on average, due to inflation goes down 4% in value every year
>Gold, on average, over 30 years basically meets the dollar's price adjusting for inflation... usually goldbugs would've made more money just parking their USD in a regular savings account
>Bitcoin since inception makes 200% gains on average a year, even if you believe it'll never explode like 2017 ever again... those are returns most average people don't receive in a lifetime of having their money in mutual funds

So, what would you prefer... a depreciating currency or an monstrously appreciating one?

>> No.13878920

I have alts and gold bars. Good enough for me. Fuck maximalists, you niggers need alts to get crypto sphere growing.

>> No.13879065

You're a retard
>biggest scam since the fed
Gold was invented after the federal reserve? You're a retard too.
Both, but mostly crypto.

>> No.13879731

This post sounds like a buy signal

>> No.13879949


>> No.13879981

You must go back

>> No.13879996

silver is unironically disappearing. unless we learn to mine asteroids or perform alchemy i don't know how you're going to dance around it forever, /biz/

>> No.13880004

he is right in the past century gold steadily bled you out the ass.

>> No.13880115

The posters calling other posters retards are the actual retards.

>> No.13880137

I had to sell my gold, silver and platinum to all in BTC

>> No.13880191

>>Gold, on average, over 30 years basically meets the dollar's price adjusting for inflation... usually goldbugs would've made more money just parking their USD in a regular savings account
Implying the coming 30 years will be like the past 30 years. From 1940 to 1970 gold went from 30 to 700 usd

>> No.13880210

>silver is unironically disappearing
What do you mean exactly? Are we running out of silver to mine? Are we using it in a way that makes it unrecoverable?

>> No.13880279

Yes but can you knock burglars out with your BTC? I think not.

>> No.13880391

>11% per year
so this is.....
the power of......
gold. ....

>> No.13880409

Silver is being destroyed in industrial applications at a blistering pace. Not to mention electronics. I don't know what the future of solar panels are, but over 1/10th of the silver coming out of the ground now is going to those alone. We silver anons cannot conclude anything except a horrendously suppressed market that will erupt violently one day

>> No.13880587

What's the most likely reason for such long term suppression? Preventing silver (and gold) from being attractive vs the dollar as a reserve currency or what?
If it really is being suppressed, how do you know that will end any time soon?

>> No.13880791

Gold is money and is supposed to be stable. And isn't supposed to go up in value like Bitcoin does.

You buy Bitcoin and then put gains into gold before hyperinflation and THATS when you really make it.

>> No.13880814

How the fuck is gold worse than the dollar? It's gold that literally gave value to the dollar.... and you are investing in Bitcoin because the dollar is being inflated away unironically because it isn't backed by gold you moron

>> No.13880844

The entire fucking point in buying gold is for the govt/dollar collapse. Why the fuck you think people buy gold for in the first place

>> No.13880862

You will have to buy it to procect your gains or you will lose it all in a currency collapse

>> No.13880880

Crypto is for gains and gold is to protect those gains and make even more when the dollar implodes

>> No.13880919

Are you retarded? 100 years ago a gold ounce = 20$ and they both equaled a good weekly salary.

Had you held that 20$ in your wallet that you earned in 1920 until today you can barely buy a jimmy johns sandwich, chips, and a drink. But had you held that gold ounce in your pocket for 100 years and you took it to a coin shop you'd get $1,300 which is STILL a good weekly salary.

Gold held up perfectly as money and a store of value.

You people are literally fucking retarded

>> No.13880928

I'm not at the point where I have to worry like that yet. If the dollar collapsed or ww3 came knocking then I would be fucked. Maybe when my net worth is 10x what it is now then I will buy a lot of gold to store wealth too, as well as Bitcoin

>> No.13880958

Dollar value of gold does not matter. You buy gold so you have money and wealth for when fiat collapses then that 1 ounce of gold that cost $1,200 in the fiat paradigm now buys you a home after the deflationary collapse of all asset prices.

Gold is just savings. Gold going up in price is not the same as amazon stock going up in price.

In fact I WANT gold to go back down to 300$/oz because that means the govt isn't out of control anymore and you wouldn't lose in real terms either because gold at 300$oz means a footlong subway sandwich is back at 3$

>> No.13880982

What is your net worth? You should always have at least 2-3 ounces of gold and 100 ounces of silver. You'll make it with that little amount in a currency collapse

>> No.13881133

50k~ gbp

>> No.13881210

Oh god... yeah DEFINETELY put 10-15k into gold and or silver.

Remember the story of the hotel bell cap in Weimar Republic Germany who Had a measly 25 ounces of gold saved up and when hyperinflation hit he was able to buy an entire city block with that small amount of gold

>> No.13881738
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