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File: 19 KB, 310x304, imgbin-pepe-the-frog-sadness-alt-right-meme-sad-sad-frog-illustration-37KYeBr64EeHsVmaKrC7dbx23_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13874587 No.13874587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>get Chinese virgin gf who loves me for who I am
>lose our virginities together
>happy for a few months now I can't stop cheating on her
>fucked 5 girls and a godamn trap
>feel like shit but literally just can't stop

>> No.13874605
File: 206 KB, 1125x1353, 1558323208639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real chads do threesomes

>> No.13874607

Degenerate. Just don't be a fucking weakling and exercise self control. But if you examine your behavior enough, you'll probably find out that you want to feel like shit

>> No.13874620


I wish it were still pre-1960, where if you behaved like a massive faggot the entire town would shun you, refuse to do business with you, and you'd be labeled a womanizer: especially for humble-bragging in such a faggoty way.
People who behave like you are literally just justify roastie-toastie behavior. If not larp, please KYS, because when she finds out you're gonna lose your ONE (1) chance at having a virgin wife.

>> No.13874629

I wish it were still pre 1960 where marrying chinks would get you hung from a tree at least in my city/state pre 1960

>> No.13874644


So Pathetic

>> No.13874647


Pre-1960 people brought back Gook wives from Korea and Nip war brides from Japan. The marines/soldiers who did it always got strange rooms, but they didn't get the rope, at least in the south.

>> No.13874649
File: 751 KB, 3000x2308, 1558580609646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no self-control + you're a sex addict. Stop obsessing over sex and learn to say no to yourself. Sex as a need is a meme, it is not a need with some set quota
As you lower your mental and physical indulgence, your appetite will shrink.

>> No.13874658

strange rooms?

>> No.13874662


lol this is so fucking cringe. Cheating has always happened. It's just that back in the days you could not talk about it at all. Those who would refuse to do business with you and labeled you were also the ones cheating.
Its just that today it is much more easier to talk about those things, it has always happened and will continue to happen.

>> No.13874671

Worse than a roastie. Absolutely deserving of the rope.

>> No.13874676

profligates like you belong on a cross

>> No.13874680

>>and a godamn trap

Tell your bitch you're a literal faggot and see if she still loves you.

>> No.13874693
File: 47 KB, 485x443, 1523723683573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting LARP, schizo.

>> No.13874756

It's an old meme, newfag, from 5+ years ago. "Strange looks".

>> No.13874772


Yeah, if you talked about it, or it was found out people would go apeshit and not just 'because they were cheating". I don't know where you're from, but the quickest way to get all of your fingers broken in my grandpa's time was to take advantage of a local girl: chances are her brothers would fuck you up. Cheat on a man? Say goodbye to that meal ticket honey.

>> No.13874789

Meal ticket?

>> No.13874801

Yeah by strange looks you mean nobody would speak to you and outcast you from the community completely effectively forcing you into exile from your friends and loved ones. Maybe in the north and west coast they put up with beta males and their philipino slave wives but in the south the morally good racist folk would terrorize you for your own good

>> No.13874812

>This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business

Now fuck off to >>/r9k/

>> No.13874841


>> No.13874858


I don't know what South you lived in, but the former ARVN soldiers, and their families who were evacuated with them, who fought along our boys against the commies never got mistreated. Most likely because they were Christian, of western culture due to centuries of French colonialism, and generally behaved like any other southerner. Bonus points to the Hmong who insist on driving trucks and farming.
As far as the GI's who brought back foreign wives, once again, I don't know what south you lived in because that was considered an oddity and not scandalous.
Literally don't exist anywhere further than 200 miles from either coast.

>> No.13875088

this is either weak bait or written by a literal teenager

>> No.13875112

Literally a male roastie

>> No.13875116

Whered you meet the trap

Im thirsty

>> No.13875125

Threesomes are a slow breakup.

>> No.13875140

Wrong, find one single study demonstrating consistent adultery rates.

>> No.13875233

Ahem. Traps aren't gay

>> No.13875282

How the fuck would a study find this out you fucking idiot?
Read some literature from the era and see for yourself