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13872687 No.13872687 [Reply] [Original]

For a short time I will answer questions.

>> No.13872693
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WTF SHOULD I BUY. i already have a BTC bag and im looking for a 100x shitcoin

>> No.13872705

i'm broke and only have $200 invested total between btc link ftm and ltc. this is my first time playing the market. when do i hold? when do i sell? what do i do if i miraculously double or triple my money, diversify and roll the dice again?

>> No.13872723

>diversifying with dust

Just go all in some lowcap shitcoin or you aren’t gonna make it

>> No.13872727

Link prediction on price for end of year 2019, 2020 please

>> No.13872737

Eth in the near-mid term?

>> No.13872741

What do you think will happen to LINK when it goes live on ETH mainnet?

>> No.13872772

I will answer shortly. Thank you for the questions.

Satoshi's in his heaven
All's right with the world.

>> No.13872787
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Is this relevent?

>> No.13872803


>> No.13872807

what's taking eth so long to rebound on the ratio?

>> No.13872809

If you are answering questions about shitcoins, how do I 7x as soon as possible?

>> No.13872818

who is buying bitcoin to get it to 87000

>> No.13872826

NKN is the moonshot of 2019. You are gay if you disagree? Are you gay?

>> No.13872833

What are your thoughts on BSHITVISION?

>> No.13872840

XMR when 10k?

>> No.13872852

opinion on XRP short and long term

>> No.13872863
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Don't buy shitcoins. Don't look for a 100x if you want to make money.

At this point hold. Hold a small amount in BTC or ETH. Then $100 in a another top 10 and $50 in a top 15.

I can't make predictions on a project that has variables. Human error can stupify the stupidest.

ETH is nice hold for the mid-term but would keep a close eye on it.

I don't understand the technical. I imagine if the ETH network can't handle it. It will crash everything. Coins should be on their own mainnet.

That's a schematic not a chart.

Never have too many coins outside the top 15.

I will be back very soon to answer more. Feel free to ask again if I have answered you.

>> No.13872902

You’re not the real asuka-anon. Your typing cadence is off. You nailed it in the OP but my autism sees right through your now obvious low quality larp. Disappointed.

>> No.13872935
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at least my meme lines are correct
we're all gonna make it

>> No.13872937

I'm eating right now & not high. So yes.
>Your typing cadence is off.

It was a bloody smug 420 post. No shit the cadence is off.

>> No.13872953
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Next questions will be answered in about 30 minutes. So ask away.

If my call's were right about BTC. Just you watch when everything I say in this thread is correct.

>> No.13872958

What happens next with Binance, the exchange and the token.

>> No.13872968

what do you think of XTZ?

>> No.13872995

Whats the best method for regular chumps to cash some out during the the chaos?

Are you a wizard neet or an elite bloodline or both?

>> No.13873032
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Will a breakout for ETH bring quality ERC20s with it?

Thoughts on XLM?

I was there for the original thread, I always believed

>> No.13873037

Predictions on hot?

>> No.13873062
File: 588 KB, 1808x1526, Screenshot 2019-05-28 at 07.06.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you cut your losses with any of these and consolidate the portfolio into one project as a hail mary or just keep carryin these ridiculous bags?

>> No.13873067

Why would institutional investors buy BTC when everyone is shittalking about it?

>> No.13873110

Enigma Omise are thrash. Matic pump is over for now. NANo will go up once BTC corrects and settles down. Drop Link now and buy after the correction.

>> No.13873122

Which huge names will start talking good about it first?

>> No.13873125

What are your thoughts on Tomochain?

>> No.13873131

are we having a huge correction in june?

>> No.13873138

They won't. They will buy eth because POS fits their existing business models of do nothing and get paid.

>> No.13873153

Thoughts on BTT/RTX after the announced announcement?

>> No.13873171

20% biz
60% plebbit
20% mumbai
JUSTing well deserved

>> No.13873208


O Great Prophet, I never doubted you. I saw your post in the original thread, and was one of the many who posted and reposted it, spreading the Prophecy of Smug Asuka throughout the board. My hands are iron, and I see with eyes unclouded by fud.

Though I am not worthy of such a great honor, please bless your faithful servant with a (You).

>> No.13873234
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>Prophecy of Smug Asuka

>> No.13873333

ETH is trending upwards but that is still dependent on the project and the projects built upon it. I only look at the charts simply. There is no need for rebound ratios and the like.

My answer to shitcoins was not to buy them.

Someone once told me you don't have to buy a whole BTC. A renewed interest by most parties as the drama of 2017 is forgotten. Humanity knows no bounds of logical restraint.

I am not a fan of such small market-cap coins. The chart does look promising though. However it will take time.

BTC SV, BTC Cash, BTC '____' Same thing.

I like XMR. However its niche market means it will not $10,000. Unless extreme social and political changes are made. Expect in 2019 Close to $1000 at point but never above. $650-800 seems likely.

Short term its is recovering slowly. Long term It may reach ATH. It will not do any amazing upwards price swings, that you may be hoping for.

Binance the company. That's up to there business decisions. What they did recently is a very good look for a business.

The exchange could proved to be popular and the token adds to that popularity.

The Token well see a small dive. It will likely rise slowly but quite slowly compared to now.

It will be an extended amount of months if not at least a single full year to see an ATH again.

If you are of a nice heart and pure soul. What will happen, Will happen in your favor.

>> No.13873342

IS IT $87.00 OR $87,000 HOLY FUCK PLEASE

>> No.13873345


THE BTC HALVING IS LESS THAN A YEAR AWAY, what happens between now and then?

>> No.13873346
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>> No.13873349
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Is there any legit way to make my peepee much bigger without dangerous surgeries that have unfortunate side effects?

Also, if you have time, can someone make it if they’re 30 years old, finishing undergrad for a medical technologist degree, and had major missteps early on in their psychosocial development?

>> No.13873366

what is going to happen to the fake tether fiasco?

>> No.13873414

opinion on litecoin?

>> No.13873445

is quantstart a good resource for learning trading?

>> No.13873444

>Coins should be on their own mainnet.
Retard alert!

>> No.13873450
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Checked. To prove your knowledge, whats your take on NEO?

>> No.13873456

Did I get chinked by Vechain

>> No.13873459

it really is you

>> No.13873486

Any considerations towards HOT?

>> No.13873487

dude is a newbie who did some forex TA. Only a fucking noob thinks holding already large cap crypto is a good idea and not up and coming alts like FTM. Fucking retard. I posted that BTC would go to 3.5k and that it will go eventually to 100k plus in after or two. And as an Oldfag who has been in this since 2011 I can see this guy is making a big deal about commonly understood facts. And no large caps is not he way to make money you literal Brainlet...it hasn't been for the last 10 years and it won't be now.

>> No.13873490

To cash out before the chaos begins. Move 25-75% before the chaos and the rest during, otherwise.

120-140 IQ otherwise pretty normal person.

I cannot speak much on XLM as I am unfamiliar with it. If it is actually useful. It seems it has hit a sustained bottom and is slowly rising through the months.

ETH is an interesting project. It really needs to prove itself against competition. It seems to be falling back on name value like BTC but it does not have name value. Many coins and projects are now launching on there own mainnets.

Thank you for believing.

I predict a fall soon after this rise. That is unless I missed major news.

Despite the memes. Chainlink has shown steady growth. I am not to all familiar with these projects. 65% OMG to Chainlink once it coolsdown. The rest into Matic if turns out to be something of worth. The other two projects tkae however much you like and put into Chainlink otherwise Top 10-15 is always your safest bet.

"I hate Donald Trump"
*Fox News, CNN, etc. talk about this shittalking* - Thats why.

I expect a slow but steady decline. Unless it shows something of worth.

I predicted 9.2K for July. It is likely to be slightly shaky before but nothing to be concerned about and then after July the truth will come forth.

Pumped. If its useful slow crawl from a low.
I bless you with a message. Even hands of iron can melt but you then have time to think.

>> No.13873494

I can’t make an accurate chart, but if this support level doesn’t hold, I could be headed for new lows.

>> No.13873532

I don't care who you are but you're simply wrong a out xrp. The upside coming for it can't be seen in any charts.

>> No.13873607

You know it buddy,

$87.00 It's the next logical step in the series of numbers.

Money is made, Money is lost. We will have to wait and see the name of BTC is strong don't underestimate it. Closer to the date we will see. If it what I think it is BTC will see a price drop and different coins/projects will tkae top place.

It is not the size of the sword but how you wield it. On a more serious note. Yes, They can strive for the best possible grades and work slowly at improving yourself in whatever area that may be. You only learn by learning.

I havn't heard much of this fiasco. If it what I think it is you will see a mass exit of Tether. Just like there has been over the last weeks,

Always a solid pick. No great gains, No great losses.

Unless you know how to trade now. I would not recommend you start. I am not the right person to give advice on trading in the sense you are talking about.

Interesting chart. I feel like it will remain below $25 or so. It seems like it needs an ulterior motive or motion to make it's price anything more.

I'd refrain from the crass language. At this point in time it may seem yes. Depending on its development you may see a decent rise from it, it will be slow or an expected bang.

>> No.13873614

faggot larper
all i read is „i don’t know“, „i’m not familiar with“ and some obvious thoughts every biztard has aswell anyways

>> No.13873643

How did you come to your conclusions? Post your analysis methodology.
>inb4 hocus pocus bullshit

>> No.13873644

I've been lurking this thread, can I get your thoughts on ICX?

>> No.13873666

So do you think BTC is still the safest pick for 2020? It seems that you think it still has a lot of room to run.

Is a portfolio of BTC/ETH/LTC still the safest bets or is it time to diversify a portion?

>> No.13873670

Whats your 3 suggested coins ROI out of top 30?

Thx beforehand

Any ALT/BTC charts standout to you?

>> No.13873682

And is XRP a good investment or doomed to fail?

>> No.13873689
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>> No.13873758

Greetings. Prophet

Most of your replies seem sensible, but I don't see how BTC could correct down to $87 after another bull run - seems more likely it would only correct to 10-15k

>> No.13873775
File: 500 KB, 462x781, Screenshot_2019-05-12 Twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please take a look at BTC's price history. I think it was a good way to make money over the last 10 years.

Your Choice & your belief is of your own. I wish you the best of outcomes.

Funny. I havn't seen these "obvious thoughts every biztard has". I'm not going to lie about having knowledge on project. That is a slope one must not tumble down.

Charts & Connecting the dots where it does not seem they can be connected. For example I am given a math problem. I know what the problem is, I don't how to solve the problem but I know the answer. It's difficult to explain.

Nice steady hold but keep a close eye on its movements.

Do not hold if it is obvious it is going down. Every cryptocurrency is vulnerable to this.

A diversified portfolio is always good. Analyze your positions every 1-2 weeks if market is moving fast like in the bull run or 1-3 months as of now. During that time make appropriate choices.

From a pure speculative value Chainlink & BAT. On the other side Binance, EOS, LTC seem interesting. ROI may be small but will be safe.

Sideways. I wouldn't call it a an investment as much as a place to put money.

I will be back later. If there more questions.

>> No.13873776

nvm I'm a total fucking retard

but still, 8.7k seems low, past big corrections have just approached previous ATH

>> No.13873841

Jesus u fuckin faggot, post any proof of having any kind of portfolio u stupid dumb fuck. Go back to school kiddo and stop wasting digital resources and energy. It is enough for mother earth that u breath

>> No.13873857

Dude I didnt look at BTC price history...I watched it the whole way. And no alts made a lot more than BTC by a loooong way.

>> No.13873930

name 1 chinese coin you like outside of the top 20

>> No.13873983

Lets cut the bullshit hombre-o. You got a big link stack and everyone knows it, what is your price prediction for it EOY?

>> No.13874118

Thoughts on Qtum and Ravencoin please.

>> No.13874251

Will ftm replace eth

>> No.13874264

>Charts & Connecting the dots where it does not seem they can be connected. For example I am given a math problem. I know what the problem is, I don't how to solve the problem but I know the answer. It's difficult to explain.
Nice hocus pocus. I arrived at the same conclusions as the OP image, but using a rigorous methodology. You are not the person that originally made that prediction. LLLLAAAARRRRPPPP

>> No.13874278
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is this still the plan?

>> No.13874290

As per your prediction the ATH for BTC is $56,000, downfall starts after that? please advise

>> No.13874291

When will be good time to buy BTC ? I have 100$ to invest but I want to buy when coin will be lower. Is 250$ enough to play with coins or I'm poorfag and I should come back when I will have more money to play with ?

>> No.13874301

if you buy BTC for $250 and it increase by 100% (which would be huge), you have.. $500.

>> No.13874307

t. orig OP

>> No.13874319

Look at what it did last time. We just finished the recovery pump. Now it will continue to grow, but with at a greatly reduced rate for a while.

>> No.13874334

BTC will go $87,00 in November which year? 2020? Too much uncertainty.

>> No.13874363

How do we know you're the original OP?

>> No.13874385

throw a little skin in the game anon

>> No.13874386

what are your thoughts on the store or value thesis? what different trajectories do you see depending on the evolution/success of lightning network?

>> No.13874399


>> No.13874417

Well currency in my country isn't dolar or euro.... I get ~ 600$ per month from working in corporation as IT person.

>> No.13874444

looks like it, but i give it a cap at $10-12k

>> No.13874477

Why hasn't ETH recovered?

>> No.13874486


Will STOs like SWARM (SWM) make me any money? I was told STO is this year’s ICO.

>> No.13874580
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>> If you are of a nice heart and pure soul. What will happen, Will happen in your favor.
Can you explain why pedophiles and satanists rule the world then?

>> No.13874595

Should i go all into Nerva?
It's cheap atm.

>> No.13874601

Suck my dick

>> No.13874697
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got some xnv & trtl,
if it moons it moons

>> No.13874711
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whats the best way to cash out?

what will be the crypto in 5-10 years AI, adoption, hightech-wise?

Will psychically be btc forever the gold of crypto even tho it will suck on technical side?

Are you on forex, gold, property, art or how you diversify portfolio?

Have you ever burned financially so you know the discipline?


>> No.13874752

Some time ago there was a whale who said that this will do a 1000x still waiting.

>> No.13874856

idk, mb that helps

>> No.13874922

Do you predict the flippening will occur between July and November 2020? How can $87 make sense otherwise?

>> No.13874993

KYC srsly contradicts crypto as anonymous

being regulated and not need KYC is i guess somehow KYC 2.0

so we either must cashout via fkin ATMs otherwise bank wire will red alert basically any entity monitoring systems

>> No.13875105

Hi, what would you think about Cardano (ADA), would be interested :)

>> No.13875128

Jesus Christ this is sad

>> No.13875411

It's a nice project.
Are you guys in their discord?

>> No.13875434
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trust me

>> No.13875754

Its not him you stupid idiots, that was him >>13727541

this nigga is just trying for attention kek.

>> No.13875878

prove you're the asuka poster

>> No.13875951

Because satan rules the world but he isn't as strong as God so if you have Jesus on your side no blade forged against you will work.

>> No.13875986

I appreciate your honesty, anon

>> No.13876029

Are you a believer in YAHWEH or Jesus of Nazareth?

>> No.13876067
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Ty, I believed. I used your chart to help talk my wife into buying into the mining side (very cheap and good ROI but for our family was a big choice).

I created this chart off of your predictions. It takes in account roughly a 750 starting price and zero sat movement against BTC. I picked up some mining equipment for less than 750 and am mining roughly half an ETH/month. Did i do good?