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1386269 No.1386269 [Reply] [Original]

For someone who can't pass general education courses at a community college because there are too many niggers in my state that get the first few years of college free, is working in hospitality worth it? I failed at being a server because I got pissed off at management and walked out, but I want to try working at a hotel. They are generally clean and friendly and I think i can make good money that way. Would this career be counted as tourism? What could I do at a hotel? I dont want to make shit money. I could go get a certificate for IT but in my state they only start at 12-13 an hour. I could work at walmart and make nearly that. Anyways, thoughts?

>> No.1386276

>For someone who can't pass general education courses at a community college because there are too many niggers in my state that get the first few years of college free,
The black man be keepin us down n sheit I wanna go back to Europe where it's all brothas we wuz kings before the niggas came

>> No.1386278
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>can't pass general education courses at a community college
>because there are too many niggers in my state

I recommend you day trade KNPD

>> No.1386299

How, exactly are Black people in your classes stopping you from passing general education classes?

Are they taking up all of the space, so you can't take the class?

Are they spoiling the grade curve by doing too well?

Are they refusing to let you join them on group projects?

Are you terrified of them, and skip going to class?

>> No.1386306

Well i'm serious. Blacks get free college here now and tons of them whom would have never went to college are there and they are disruptive and the teacher wont say anything because they would be labeled as "racist".

60% of my general ed classes are all black, they eat cheetos and shit and are so loud and stink and I cant focus and if i say anything I am a racist.


>Are they taking up all of the space, so you can't take the class?
They do take up a lot of space, over half the class. This hasnt really effected my enrollment though

>Are they spoiling the grade curve by doing too well?
No they do not do well

>Are you terrified of them, and skip going to class?

I am terrified of what they are. They have severely downgraded the education you can get. I am not the only one that thinks this, but it is a plague and the most time that goes on the more nigs will be there since they multiply like fucking fleas.

FYI Im not even racist.

>> No.1386330

>Blacks get free college here now and tons of them whom would have never went to college are there
Just so you know, just because a uni is free, doesn't mean the admission standards have changed.

> and they are disruptive and the teacher wont say anything because they would be labeled as "racist". 60% of my general ed classes are all black, they eat cheetos and shit and are so loud and stink and I cant focus and if i say anything I am a racist.

Funny, whenever blacks were disruptive in my 75%+ black classes, they had no problem kicking them out.
Regardless, it's really not that hard to get stuff done, especially if the standards are dummed down like you said.

>> No.1386413

>75% black classes

Yeah sure thing kid. Shouldnt you be on /b/

>> No.1386457


>> No.1386467


>> No.1386488

Sounds like you're just retarded OP. I think they're hiring at /r9k/

>> No.1386508

LOL is this a joke thread? you cant be serious im dying

>> No.1387317
