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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13860128 No.13860128 [Reply] [Original]

My teacher said multiple times during a discussion that you can DDOS a blockchain

>> No.13860134

if course you can. The nodes are computers on the internet and they can be flooded.

>> No.13860138

I assume it's a she. Does she know what a blockchain is?

>> No.13860147

ethereum was 'DDOSed' by crypto kitties.

>> No.13860160

You can DDoS any server. I love when people do this. They’re like “well, I mean, blockchain doesn’t end world hunger. And did you know it doesn’t lick your asshole while jerking you off? Really makes me wonder if it is a worthwhile technology...”

>> No.13860168

kek they were probably trying to cope with missing crypto and being a teacher

>> No.13860167

So you can ddos the ISP they're on. Even if the whole network goes down, the blockchain remains in tact on the hard drives of the individual nodes. When it comes back online, the longest chain will be the one adopted by everyone on the network. Sure, some fucky shit can go on in the downtime by a collection of CPUs working together to fake transactions, but the blockchain itself is still secure

>> No.13860177


>> No.13860181

>a ddos is not a security risk
excellent analysis of "something going offline due to overload" brainlet

>> No.13860190

It's like saying you can ddos a spreadsheet

>> No.13860198

it's like saying you can ddos a spreadsheet service's servers. Which is a perfectly fine statement.

Go have sex retard

>> No.13860204

If that's who you've got teaching drop out.

>> No.13860221

Each node is connected to a limited amount of other nodes. If you ddos a few nodes intelligently, you can cleave the network and make double spends.

>> No.13860226

>My teacher said multiple times
Do the Yanks not know stuttering is treatable?

>> No.13860233

>I have no clue about the tech
Nodes are connected through a network.

>> No.13860243

There are mechanisms to avoid it: In a chain with gas/fees, you spend a lot of money on the attack. In a chain where tokens equal resources, you can never exceed the resources assigned to you by your holdings.

>> No.13860250

Technicality that's correct, but that's obviously not what she meant, because she has no idea what she's talking about

>> No.13860451

Man, this is what happens when a bunch of normies get crazy amounts of money out of nowhere. They spend $800 on a digital cat. No wonder they stay poor.

>> No.13860890
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They have digital cats now?

>> No.13860925

i mean you can flood it with transactions...

>> No.13860939

Yes, but perhaps the statement "You can DDOS a blcokchain" is, in its context, implying a simplicity or ease of doing so, and a false comparison to other things. The mechanisms by which a blockchain network secures itself against such attacks are the notable points.

>> No.13860955

You can cleave the network in two, make double spends up the wazoo, and stop the ddos on nodes, reconnecting the network.

>> No.13860971

Spam lots of micro transactions with high gas fee. You will burn a lot of gas so if you can sustain it, it will cripple the blockchain.

>> No.13861541

Kek. I'm using this argument at work tomorrow to describe tech in general.