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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13850464 No.13850464 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13850491

Not gonna lie, I almost dumped my ETH stack (75% of my holdings) for BTC at the bottom of ETH/BTC there. I'm glad I had some faith that it would bounce back up.

>> No.13850532



>> No.13850553

sorry bb

>> No.13850568

For what? It's still lower in sat value last time it was at this price just a week or two ago, and WAY lower in sat value than it was at pretty much any other point before that. Did you forget that last time BTC was $8500 ETH was something like $850?

>> No.13850591

So it is a strong buy faggot.

>> No.13850617

ty desu for the signal just bought

>> No.13850628

>it's so low, it HAS to go back up!
Based ENRON buyer.

>> No.13850654

Yeah anon you should wait until ETH is pushing 0.1 sat before you buy

>> No.13850671

Looks like i will get left behind yet again

t. 28.37 ethlet

>> No.13850697

Nigga I hold 200 ETH already. I'm just not a deluded retard celebrating at the tiniest uptick in price. Definitely keeping my bags diversified with actual BTC.

>> No.13850709

It's okay I only have 20 eth

>> No.13850721

meh that's still 300k eoy
u can retire as a neet in a remote area

>> No.13850730

fags i have 1.7 eth
i need 32

>> No.13850766

That sounds reasonable, much more reasonable than your first post. Yeah it's lower than it was last time, but to me it looks like we have bottomed out and it seems like a buy.

>> No.13850769


we living now year 2019, not 2106
ETH is old tech and cant scale, and to get better ETH, road map is about 2 - 3 years until ETH maybe uprgrade

ETH value based huge 2017 ICO hype, now era of ICOs is over, and ETH is basicly useless, and ETH is also old tech

EOS is already now what ETH trying to be next coming years, maybe

ETH is old tech, slow, cant scale, transactions fees etc.

EOS, is cutting edge tech, lighting fast, can scale, no transaction fees

>> No.13850770 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13850798

not true, PoS will come 2020

>> No.13850837
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>> No.13850839


If I wanted something centralized I would still be holding 85k XRP

>> No.13850854


Your words remind me a lot when people thought BTC was obsolete and was below $300

>> No.13850871


even if true, which i doubt, one year is very long time in cryptospace, and i have reading that ETH PoS schedule isnt decided, it may take 3 years or more until it maybe comes

EOS is now already better, miles ahead of ETH, and what ETH trying to do coming years

>> No.13850922


ETH is controlled by few mining pools

EOS is controlled, deveploment is 21 blockprodusers, which every EOS holder can change voting if these BPs dont deliver, there is big competition of lots of EOS blockproducers to be come top 21

so EOS is way more decentralised than ETH

>> No.13850936


>> No.13850991

EOS will eventually be shut down (e.g. someone operates something highly illegal with it).
ETH can't be shut down.

simple as that

>> No.13851018

i hold 6k EOS btw, i like the project and the realization that decentralization isn't necessary for a LOT of stuff in 'crypto'
but still, vitalik is the best dev in the crypto space and eth is the most solid long bet for a smart contract platform

>> No.13851049


>ETH can't be shut down.

That's a huge point. BTC was born out of the disdain for Central Bank funny money. It IS a threat to the Fed. Decentralization is key.


>> No.13851068

>which every miner can change pools if these pools dont deliver
cmon brainlet

>> No.13851088

compare EOS block ones Brendan Blumers articulation skills and overall presentation to Vitalik Buterin


Brendan Blumer is really business man

The EOS Token - The Next Big Thing


>> No.13851102
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>> No.13851118
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>cant argue so you completely disengage from the conversation and just start obviously shilling
yikes from me senpai

>> No.13851150

When the fuck is this sack of shit going up?

>> No.13851180
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>> No.13851234

Can ETH realistically get to $10k?

>> No.13851251

Kek it looks pretty awful desu

>> No.13851255

Sure. Probably not likely, and if it does it'll almost certainly be years from now. But really anything is "realistic" in the speculative fever dream known as crypto.

>> No.13851295


my analyse is that ETH is huge overvalued, because 2017 ico hype really made ETH huge bubble

there are bagholders who bought ETH near peak, so they shill here hoping that ETH coming back up

but there is nothing reason ETH to go up, deveploment near zero, and there are better platforms already, so there is no reason whatsoever if we looks facts, that ETH is going to go higher, otherwise, ETH is not deveploment, so do not suprise if its going to continue plummet

>> No.13851364

>there are bagholders who bought ETH near peak, so they shill here hoping that ETH coming back up

lmao. how does shilling on an irrelevant board move #2 crypto?

>> No.13851401

Just more volatile features than BTC. First bump is working product + ICO craze, second is ICO selloff + relative BTC stability as the bubble popped.

Exclusive BTC adoption (or Lightning being used or only a BTC ETF getting approved) might drive it down, but killer ICOs or staking would probably drive it up.

>> No.13851430

The true aristocratic choice

>> No.13851491

>deveploment near zero

pretty much all of smart contract development is focused on ethereum and ETH by far has the biggest developer mindshare in crypto. FACT.

>> No.13851494
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$10k to $20k???

>> No.13851522


>> No.13851571


EOS is already # 1 dapps platform

also EOS has outperformed ETH about last year in price, and EOS catching up ETH every day, its a matter of time when flippening happening, and EOS become # 2 coin in cmc

>> No.13851591

I still have ~$100 in xrp (was originally $300). Should I just cut my losses and put it in ETH

>> No.13851610

No you should get a real job so you have more than a hundred fuckin' dollars.

>> No.13851644
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I have 17 eth though

>> No.13851648

>EOS is already # 1 dapps platform
nobody cares about tron/eos rigged numbers. every daniel larimer token has fraudulent numbers that are always flaunted.

>> No.13851655

Nobody gives a shit about shitty casino dapps when we talk development. We're taking about big boy development at the protocol level of the platform itself. Eth has all the talent behind it

>> No.13851685

Also number 1 dapps platform means jack shit because the most interesting smart contract in all of crypto is makerdao and its on ethereum

>> No.13851720


looks like people care because EOS has outperformed ETH in price past year 10 monts or so, i.e. if you have sell your ETH 10 months ago and bought EOS, your portfolio would be much better holdin EOS, if you holding ETH

>> No.13851886
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>> No.13851911

Sigh, already back to $265. Every time BTC pumps this loses sat value, every time BTC dumps this loses sat value. If you look at it in those terms, we're actually (very nearly) worse off now than we've ever been in the last 18 months.

>> No.13851985

Great ass buy

>> No.13852053

Sure thing. Wake me up when it's not being consistently outperformed by bullshit like XRP and EOS.

>> No.13852058

>EOS has outperformed ETH in price past year 10 monts or so

the biggest factor that effected ETH's price negatively was that it was a victim of it's own success with ICO's that had to sell ETH to cash out. EOS will never reach similar success.

>> No.13852759

It happens to all alts.

>> No.13853170

ethereum is here to stay, whether it will reach a new ATH or not.

>highest number of developers
>highest number of researchs
>enterprise already adopting it, either in public or consortium chain

>> No.13853195
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I-I'm sorry I swinged you instead of hodling

>> No.13854164 [DELETED] 

>>Random person from biz sold his $15 stack
>>Thinks nobody will buy again

>> No.13854178
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>> No.13854196

>continues losing value in sats

what did the shitcoin mean by this?

>> No.13854205

Exactly. ETH already has a trusted network, everybody is working on top of this.

>> No.13854300

do you have kids?

>> No.13854763

All in eth for the chunk pimp atm

>> No.13855216


Be patient