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File: 150 KB, 1200x628, isthisascamhuhhuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13846429 No.13846429 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone heard of this? It's a different Link. I think its on like 2 exchanges as BLINK. Any Anons out there with some insights?

>> No.13846992


>> No.13847016

Not like this

>> No.13847044

fantastic thanks for the contribution
idk what that means whats a shadow fork you seem irate?

>> No.13847073
File: 14 KB, 480x360, _visi34rsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, that's shadowfork
excel.exe has stopped working

>> No.13847088

what in the hell is a shadowfork it sounds terrible

>> No.13847117
File: 233 KB, 1280x1080, 1543099832310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought shadow fork was just a meme...

>> No.13847136


>> No.13847143

I've been trying to get an idea on BCPT over the past 2 weeks here because it looked like the binance pump
Everyone called me retard and to kill myself
As i kept reading it was obvious blackmason made some shit called Link and called it BLINK so i figured I'd ask about that
Can someone tell me what are yall talking about

>> No.13847160

and their founder is not even obese...

>> No.13847499

can someone tell me what the fuck a shadowfork is?
I looked it up it doesn't seem like a defined term but is it basically a replication of the predecessor?

>> No.13847635
File: 544 KB, 1536x2048, 1558557175472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE shadowfork

>> No.13847677

that literally explains nothing? I know Link is posted about a lot here but i never really looked it up. I only hold btc and eth and then 1 btc to play around with alts.
then i stumbled on this so not sure the meaning of THE shadowfork

>> No.13847699

damn i got a lot of dubs in a row that's cool

>> No.13847815

The power of kek. The toad favors chainlink

>> No.13847851

once again, thats jibberish. fucking hell i feel like I'm in a retarded mental clinic in here

>> No.13847962

I'll make this clear. We don't spoonfeed newfags

>> No.13847980
File: 36 KB, 640x480, D4P90dHWwAEhbEj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13848024

i don't care it doesn't mean much to me I was just curious.
I was really trying to get an idea of its importance if any. If I asked plebbit they would call me a scammer so not many options

>> No.13848037

Reddit aren't known for their intelligence and even they know LINK is a scam. You're dumber than Reddit. Congratulations.

>> No.13848084

Shadowfork was meme FUD back in 2017 when they updated their github to have new code

>> No.13848104

Im not talking about link. I'm asking about blink. but all this comments are just reeing and saying shadowfork.
so im assuming they are talking in the context of Link. I don't know anything about Link, nor do I care to. Just wondering what everyone means about shadowfork

>> No.13848131

So it was a meme based on someone pretty much copying or using the old code to create their own version of Link?
ok makes sense. There isn't much literature out there to read on it

>> No.13848179

The FUD was that Sergey forked LINK so that only the people who were "supposed" to participate in the ICO would get the useful version, whereas everyone who bought in on 4chan was left with a useless token

>> No.13848262

Holy fuck, if you hold link and don’t fear the shadowfork you are either clinically retarded or have some insider info.
The shadowfork will make the REQkoning look like a moon mission.

>> No.13848287

Ok, i guess thats why there isn't much info out there on it. Well this has been a tremendous waste of time.
And still no more clearer vision on what Blockmason's Link is. This shit is so confusing

>> No.13848317

I don't hold Link, I only have btc and eth, then 1 btc for playing alts with.
I was moving into BCPT last week and then read they came out with their own Link called Blink i think like 3 weeks-ish ago. That's why I'm lost here

>> No.13848383

theres no fucking shadowfork
buy link
blink is some shit ignore it
go away it hurts to see this

>> No.13848504

whatever man. I didn't mention shadowfork, I hardly mentioned Link, only because i thought it was odd another company came out with a Link.
i can see this entire thing was a mistake, i had to put it on plebbit hoping for more information but they deleted and hid every fucking post.
fuck this shit im out