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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13845938 No.13845938 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine thinking this would drop any lower than 190 sats again.

>> No.13845959

Next stop 300 sats

>> No.13846686


>> No.13846717

We mooning

>> No.13846765

comfy hold, I can sleep at night holding this one

>> No.13847295

youre a fucking retard

>> No.13847332

Crypto is a fucking joke. So some chick that runs a P&D exchange followed some other vapourware chink 'team' and now everyone fomos, the fuck? This whole thing is no longer about real investments. It's just chinks and pajeets half-scamming you in the open.

>> No.13847478

It’s the pajeet Dustin again

>> No.13847535

You're the kind who must "see to believe" so you miss out on all the best opportunities. Doesn't matter that they have one of the largest unique github in crypto, top notch scores for their code reviews, put out multiple research papers a working testnet soon to go mainnet, a true genius coder that isn't as socially autistic as Vitalik.

You will only realize it was all true once Fantom is valued over 20bn and you decide to fomo in. We need your type to unload our bags at the peak of the bullrun though, so thanks for that.

>> No.13847552
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>> No.13847576

>not the cex

>> No.13847587

You sound like a true bagholder

>> No.13847599

> Will be at some point

You don't think CZ will not pump the shit out of the first coins listed on his DEX to attract traders?

>> No.13847621

No. I am someone who can look comfortably in the future knowing I buy the right coins

>> No.13847629

Will pump so hard. Not worried if its going up or down, just want more fantom before we never return to these prices. Literally eth at 2$

>> No.13847696

In the real world though no one knows. It has big potential. Thats all it has.

>> No.13847731

If you look at investments in the longer time frame, FA always wins out.

I'm not here to time pumps, my goal is to get in early in the next top coins. It involves risk but much less stressful than trading and can be just as rewarding.>>13847629

>> No.13847787

Same here. Thats why im just holding eth. It already has big players working on it. Ftm isnt the next eth. Eth is the next eth.

>> No.13848133

no he wont you fucking mong literally goes against the point of dex

>> No.13848191

Let them dream anon lol

>> No.13848402
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Dex is mainly a huge win because it makes the path to the cex easier.

>> No.13849120

solid support at 200 sats despite the insane BTC spike. once we adjust to the new BTC price this will be ready to moon

>> No.13849474

Same, I can sleep knowing I will wake up to a big fat dump.

>> No.13849553

is this capable of pulling a 100x ?

>> No.13849588

I think x10 tops

>> No.13849637

understatement of the century

>> No.13849675

100x is only 3 billion market cap which will be top 20 in the next bullrun. Even 100x is an understatement

>> No.13849716

I will keep on buying if OP keeps his daily postings

>> No.13849728

I have exactly 1 BTC, it would unironically be a good time to dump it into FTM right now right?

>> No.13849757

You’re forgetting fat Russians also get with the chinks and pajeets

>> No.13850525


>> No.13850821
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>> No.13851469

Will do.

>> No.13851658

Clear path to 241 sats here.

>> No.13852396

Chart is starting too look parabolic

>> No.13852664

zoom in

>> No.13852730

So fantom is moving to BNB chain

That's a really bad sign guys

But go ahead and buy chink scam number 2000>>13845959

>> No.13852753

dude just give up. you can't FUD a project that has been #1 in volume on Kucoin for months. this is no trade ogre shitcoin, /biz doesn't affect the price in the slightest.

>> No.13852774

I don't give a fuck I'm just stating the obvious

>> No.13852824


where's your buy order son? if you really thought FTM was shit, you wouldn't waste your time, writing this low effort FUD, filling out captchas, etc. You are here to buy in cheaper - actions speak louder than words anon you can't hide your intentions. I don't waste my time shitting on Chainlink even though I think it's garbage - why would I? I couldn't care less about the project and filter everything related to LINK. People only FUD if they are interested. But what you don't realize is that 4chan doesn't affect the price. This isn't a tradeogre shitcoin with zero volume.

>> No.13852837

Go read about ONLAY and then we can have a discussion