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File: 11 KB, 300x300, reserve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13845127 No.13845127 [Reply] [Original]

Reserve Rights Token.

> backed by Coinbase Ventures, Peter Thiel (co-founder of Paypal), other Silicon Valley Angel Investors
> Team is full of ex-google, open AI, Tesla, IBM employees
> Will implement a decentralized stablecoin
> Only competition is Maker Dao (700m marketcap)
> Currently at 16m marketcap
> non-pajeet coin (Founded in Oakland, CA)

Pajeets BTFO. It's an absolute no-brainer. It hasn't be shilled to leddit. It's not on twitter. This is actually the ground floor of an easy x10-100.

>> No.13845138

shhhh i’m still accumulating you fucking retard

>> No.13845146
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>investing in a stable coin during a BULL market

>> No.13845157

I swung trade this a couple days ago and have almost a million for free but am thinking of getting a lot more around here....

>> No.13845159

>giving away our secret moneyfountain to these plebs

pls can't we have anything nice?

>> No.13845172

Lol this isn’t a stablecoin what haha, this is about RSR not RSV

>> No.13845175


>> No.13845184

Huobi is about to pump this
Get in now

>> No.13845195

Cap now is only around 10 Million, get in before too late

>> No.13845198
File: 159 KB, 2338x860, reservetoken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute brainlets. RSV is the stablecoin, RSR is the coin used to stabilize.

Have you never heard of Maker and DAI? It's the same concept.

>> No.13845201

But, it’s not a stablecoin, why do you keep saying that? Lol

>> No.13845215

it's the only fud they have left anon, let them keep it. if all these circle jerkers invest before the app release or, heaven forbid, before the RSV release then they'll get a share of our early bird profits, it's best they don't know. for their own good. let them stick to FTM and GTO

>> No.13845230

Oh, that’s the fud? There’s enough ways to actually fud a coin without saying something that’s not true lol... weird as hell

>> No.13845245

ok lemme know if I’m doing this right.


How did I do? !

>> No.13845256
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>Buy my bags

>> No.13845264
File: 18 KB, 248x189, 051FB817-3E71-455C-AE8C-61CA31739AF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he thinks twitter wasn't first on RSR

>> No.13845265

4Mil marine here
bought at 30 to 40 sats
Which lambo do I buy?

>> No.13845266

needs more laughinggirls.jpg and higher levels of salt due to presumably panic selling at 30sats

>> No.13845280

a toy one

>> No.13845298

You can't even provide actual FUD. Go ahead, try.

Here. I'll give you an example. COINBASE VENTURES IS FAKE!!
> oh, but it's not.

kys pajeet.

>> No.13845301

How to buy this as a burger?

>> No.13845312

hotbit or vpn

>> No.13845320
File: 28 KB, 644x500, 8f2816862c8a009894a76bfda8e0a4ca[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys at 60 sats
>panic sells cause of correction over the weekend
>fuds /biz/ relentlessly

>> No.13845323
File: 101 KB, 720x1280, rsr for americunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13845342

hbg.com/en-us/ use a vpn for some other country when signing up

>> No.13845352

Yes exactly,very good !
However i prefer to limit the caps to the terms you want to emphasize so that they stand out.


>> No.13845357

I'm trying to buy. Coinbase gave me a $5 weekly buy limit on BTC or ETH. So I can't do shit. Anyone know how to get this higher. I already verified everything.

>> No.13845368

>hey guys i bought in at 73sats and am ready for MOON MISSUN hehe we rich soon, MATIC 2.0!!1!
>guys wtf why we at 70 sats scam coin scam exchange i'm selling

>so u'll never believe this 4ch but, rsr is scamshitcoin because uhhh...stablecoin stablecoin uhuhuhuhuuuu

>> No.13845419
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>> No.13845429

Use CashApp.

>> No.13845449

Learn how to read a chart. This is dropping a lot further. I'll be loading up later this week

>> No.13845455
File: 154 KB, 640x640, 1528649613367[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies trying to get in on RSR
well if that ain't a sign

>> No.13845466

> trying to read a chart directly after an IEO.

Never going to make it anon. It's already dropped 50% from ATH. Marketcap is still sub 20m.

>> No.13845503

I'm new to crypto. Usually laughing at you faggots in /SMG/

>> No.13845579

nothing personal buddy, just confirms my prediction of 50x

>> No.13845633

It’s LITERALLY a STABLECOIN ... jeez that’s more fun to say than I thought

>> No.13845732

just clutch your bags harder fag. Watch it drop

>> No.13845774

s'ok fren, we'll let you buy a couple off us at 100sats. will you be man enough to hold them for longer than 5 hours though? ;)

>> No.13845835
File: 95 KB, 314x1280, reservebots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huobi chinkchange worrying that we had too many in rally, had to place these pathetic bots kek
binance would have crushed us by now

>> No.13845883

Since my btc deposit is almost in, this is actually a crazy project. Backed by billionaires and coinbase. Most comfy hold I’ll ever have.

>> No.13845894

>look guys we're dropping haha that's bulish af
>i'll hodl for life 100000x for sure
>weak hands sold now to the moon g-g-guys
>let's dump even lower I'll buy more
the absolute state of cucks. You was chinked, pajeeted and jewd at once and you still want more

>> No.13845972

Market cap is 250 million fully diluted.

>> No.13846023

Ethereum mcap fully diluted is infinite, what’s your point

>> No.13846050

Even if mcap was 250 million, just know that before u started cryptoing last week there was a time where that was low

>> No.13846060

Gains were to be made 2 days ago. Now this piece of shit just bleeds to death.

>> No.13846183

>he made 1x, bitter now he sees it could've been 10x

I'm sorry anon. There will be more opportunities. Chin up.

>> No.13846240

thanks, bareq

>> No.13846269

use coinmetro

>> No.13846280

marketcap 16m but the total supply is 100bn

>> No.13846302

dude you we're only supposed to read it ones.

>> No.13846478
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>> No.13847061

You do realize that XRP and XLM have 100B supply.
Last Bull Run:
XLM: $3.65
XRP: $1+

>> No.13847710

>that rockbottom support
>that textbook bart pattern ordered directly from the bogs
>that highly manipulated bot pattern in the order book
>that massive volume to price ratio
>that Huobi raffle contest coming up
>that highly qualified team that's not going to risk their reputation on petty skullduggery

guys, what else in the world do you need to buy in to a project?
If this won't convince you, nothing will.

>> No.13847764

i'm done explaining brainlets
gl living in a trailer forever

>> No.13847805

Huobi raffle is actually closer to coming to a close now than starting. Why do you think it's full of bots my bro :')

>> No.13847840

now we wait for chinks to wake up..