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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13844382 No.13844382 [Reply] [Original]

Oldfag here. There are actually people in this board right now that believe a new bullrun is coming.

It is not. Never going to happen again. 2017 was true normie adoption which we pretty much always waited for and dreamed of.

We are at peak volume and prices are not going up. This is because the millions of retarders still left holding became 3% daytraders.

The hodl is meme is dead
Normies already entered
Altcoin pumps like 2017 will never return.

Feel free to become a trader like everyone else now but 99% is chink market washtrading making you think you can ride the waves. 99% of traders here lose money but you won't hear it from them.

>> No.13844410

> t. corecuck

>> No.13844414

>t. Newfag

>> No.13844432



>> No.13844434
File: 2.31 MB, 1134x820, 1554443253619.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hodl meme is dead
>calls himself an oldfag
come back when you bought in 2010 and held to 2017 you pencil dick acne faced millennial faggot

>> No.13844448
File: 99 KB, 1024x602, 817C5A15-734A-4DBA-9911-A80E08D89E0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone schlomo

>> No.13844472

hodl meme was dead long time ago
if you didn't buy bitcoin at double digits then altcoin is the only way to make it
people who made it in the 2017 bullrun mostly got rich off alts like Ethereum, XRP or Verge

>> No.13844479

>t.2017 newfag that bought the top at 20k, then sold the bottom at 3.5k
>calls himself an oldfag because he is a literal boomer

>> No.13844487

Really retarded and innacurate post.

>> No.13844597
File: 1.21 MB, 750x1113, boomer7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP, I sold everything just now. Let these zoomers compete over the scraps, I'm buying 100% SPX and staying away from this ponzi.

>> No.13844749

Thanks OP just sold all crypto and went full in stocks with my $350
feels good man knowing I'll make it stocks never fail seeya at $5k in 100 years

>> No.13845124

2017 happened too quickly for most normies to get on board. There weren't enough fiat onramps to handle the hype. This time around we have Cash app, Robinhood, etc. All the zoomers that were too young to buy back then will fomo btc to 200k.

>> No.13845187

the pajeets that will buy my bags havent even been born yet. a hundred million born every day all trying to claw their way off the shitting street. only 21M coins to go around though

>> No.13845207

thanks just converted all my crypto into US$

>> No.13845242
File: 194 KB, 1744x456, TheHolyProphecy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have faith brothers
ASUKA will show himself in july.
all heretics gonna burn out in wage slavery for the rest of their lives, confess your sins and repent, you still have time left

>> No.13845300

Cringe when kids who been in crypto since 2016 call themselves Oldfags. Sit down you fucking retard.