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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1384421 No.1384421 [Reply] [Original]

ITT What are the best degrees to suceed in life (good work, enough money, stability and shit?

> Bonus point if you give your opinions on law and economics degrees.

>> No.1384437


>> No.1384448

Computer Sciences?


>> No.1384458
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Economics with a focus in statistics/econometrics

>> No.1384505

>falling for the over-saturated code monkey meme

Enjoy minimum wage, pajeet

>> No.1384531

I make six figures right out of college faggot.

>> No.1384533


insurance/risk management double major

>> No.1384544

Not after exorbitant rent and communist taxes, pajeet. Shouldn't have gone to that java mill

>> No.1384557

I pay $1300 a month for rent, and get taxed at an effective rate of 13%.

>> No.1384561


>I make six figures right out of college.

Who makes money playing Counter Strike?

>> No.1384562

Copied and pasted from similar thread

Good Degrees List:
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mathematics (not good by itself), pair with Finance or Economics or CS
Computer Science (only at top schools because pajeets can't replace you then)
Finance & Accounting double major
Actuarial Science
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Bioengineering (need to go past undergrad though)

If you do finance or econ, make sure you double degree it with something quantitative or you double major it with accounting.

>> No.1384576

Absolutely this.

Math+CS/Finance/Econ makes Finance/Econ god tier.

Any quantitative degree (engineering, math, physics, CS) + Finance/Econ will do you wonders.

Actuarial shenanigans....excellent if you can handle the math+stats, seriously hard degree imo

>> No.1384592

What's theoretical and applied mechanics? Do you mean physics?

>> No.1384595

In thinking he meant mechanical engineering

>> No.1384611
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>electrical engineering
>not mechanical
wew lad

>> No.1384620

you're an idiot.

We have a much greater growth in power distribution and in electronics than in mechanics.

>> No.1384659

thought same

>> No.1384668

Whats the best degree to pair with CS? I go to a technical school so there isn't economics but business with a concentration in finance, accounting, management, and 2 other dogshit ones.

>> No.1384675

Math makes a great pair, especially if you're considering grad school.

>> No.1384676

Well it depends on what you want to do.

A technical/quantitative degree like CS + the good business majors like stats, finance , accounting, econ will do you great if you want to go in to those fields and be useful to your company.

If you want to remain in the computer world math would be good, CS+EE or CE will also be good.

>> No.1384677

LOL 13% tax on 100k/year? It's almost like everyone comes here to form delusions about their own lives.

>> No.1384701

Eh my wife and I made like 147k last year and our income tax was 15%. All taxes and fees as more like 35%.

>> No.1384710

>Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
weird way of saying physics

>> No.1384717
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I make around 220 a year and get taxed fucking 45%

>> No.1384890

after you have your tax free money

you buy shit you have to pay state taxes on

>> No.1384980

Medicine if you're not a pussy.

>> No.1385129

actually yes

>> No.1385130

77 degrees.

Those are pretty good.

>> No.1385188

Doing that right now. What kind of internships should I seek out for?

>> No.1385190

We really need a /school/ board




>> No.1385228
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>> No.1385235

What about Accounting + Business Studies?

>> No.1385247

>taking job advice from 4chan
>people actually defend their choices not realizing that could influence more people to enter your career/degree choice which makes you less valuable

Just go get a trade faggot, I wont tell you what I do because I want to keep my fucking job.

>> No.1385313

succeed in life and stability generally arent a matching pair.

so it depends on what your current goals are ( and remember folks, goals can change over time )

money ? banking and finance ***OR*** invent something

stability ? vet

good work ? well, both the above really revolve about having part of you in some animals ass so ...

shit ? see above.

personally, I'm not sure if degrees are worth the money any more, unless its something you really really REALLY need a degree for ( ie, vet, doctor, lawyer )

46, low 6 figures, IT, barely got out of UK equiv of high school. Hate Drake but started at the bottom now I'm here.

good luck

>> No.1385332

Personal opinion.

Law is saturated
Economics only good if you take it to Phd.

>> No.1385346
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i don't know why this board has such a hard on for economics degrees. they're not half as employable as a finance degree.

>> No.1385366

law sucks and risky investment, need top grades (ie top 5% AT LEAST which is very hard or top school) and then ur stuck with 200k in loans. scholly possible but to get scholly for top schools is imposssible.

Im doing a t2 law school part time full ride while I do financial crime compliance, my route is unorthodox tho

>> No.1385396

Really? You don't know why people on a business and finance board (heh) favor an economics degree over others? Not even clue?

>> No.1385427


enjoying learning about economics and recommending it as a degree are two different things.

history and philosophy are enjoyable as academic disciplines, but they're not good degrees.

>> No.1385459

depends on where you're from.

where I live the only competent uni in the entire country has 3 economic and 10 business study programmes and finance is only interwined with economic programmes. I think most people here just refer to economic as finance degrees desu

>> No.1385587

OP here, I live in France

>> No.1385590

Try Islamic studies

>> No.1385601

fell for the foreign languages meme, just graduated

tell me its gonna be alright

>> No.1385608

Shit ... so sad Anon, what language?

>> No.1385609

mandarin chinese

>> No.1385630


>> No.1385634

try quantitative finance

top pay, stable, bit stresful and economic or math background needed.

>> No.1385637

Where do you live?

>> No.1385641

SVN, not that it matters

>> No.1385645

Fuck I'm so sorry

>> No.1385653

Only if you're too 5% smart, otherwise it's a waste

>> No.1385654

I did Business Studies worked out pretty good.

>> No.1385679


They always say that, but I go to adv and the college threads always slide in favor of betas whining about how they can't talk to girls

>> No.1385740

>Actuarial Science

German guy here
I majored in Math/Actuarial Science

42k€ entry salary so not that great ... If you are lucky you can get 90k with 15+ exp....

Any USA Actuaries or Swiss Actuaries here? Salary ?

Im in Life

>> No.1385741


>> No.1385743

How do you like being an actuary? Would you recommend it?

>> No.1385748

It depends ....
I got 9 out of 12 exams when i graduated college. I dont think that would be possible in the US or UK.
If you have to do all the exams while working it sucks major ass.

Beside the exam crap:
38 hours per week and the job is not very stressful. All in all pretty decent Job. I would do it again but im kinda pissed about my salary.

>> No.1385754

Yeah, I think in Canada the average exams someone has when they graduate is 3-4, or basically all the prelims before going life or P&C.

Shame about your salary, have you tried applying to other workplaces in order to leverage a pay raise?

>> No.1385756
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Economics (or finance) doubled with history.

No joke. Econ teaches you the value of models, how to really work with data, supply & demand, distortions, etc. Nuts and bolts.

History is a huge dose of humility that teaches you what death looks like, what fraud looks like, how it can all rhyme again. In short, what change looks and feels like. Combine the two and analyze the history of financial booms/busts/sideways days and you'll recognize patterns.

Plus, history students can generally read & write like motherfuckers. Plenty of history people end up working in mayor's offices or better. Look up pic related's education.

>> No.1385769

I just graduated a few month ago. I will stay here till im a full member of DAV (german actuary assosiaction) and then im trying to go to Switzerland or whatever ...

You know if there is a chance to go to the US or Canada ? (What are the salaries in Canada btw? )

>> No.1385775

I did a fucking tourism degree, yes tourism. Basically an even meme'er version of business management. Everyone was thick as shit despite being at the best place in the country for the degree. Luckily I'm not working as a hotel receptionist or glorified waiter like the rest of my class, I'm an Oracle consultant making fairly decent bank

>> No.1385781
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>Oracle consultant

Sounds chill.

>> No.1385790

I work 9-5:30, weekends off, work from home when I like, get paid dinners/drinks, converse with senior management/board members at the different firms I work with (great network) and spend 60% of my time in a meeting room contributing my ideas and browsing news website, not too shabby

>> No.1385797

I'll say it is incredibly saturated market for entry level work in North America right now, and probably for the foreseeable future. But if you wait it out a bit and decided to hop over once you have decent experience, it should be loads easier (people burn out on the exams and move into insurance or corp. finance)

Pay is decent, really takes off in 5 years or so: https://www.dwsimpson.com/salary

Here is the canadian site: http://www.cia-ica.ca/home

Can't find anything about international carryover, but I swore I heard that it should be easy to transfer credentials... as long as DAV is recognised internationally.

>> No.1385829

DAV is part of the International Actuary Assosiation

So i think time will tell if i can move... 2000€ after tax is shit in Munich

>> No.1385857
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Gonna go to UCSB as a chem major.

Is it worth it when I start going into upper divs, or should I try and get out now?

What can I even do as a chem major?

>> No.1385916


Did Economics
Wound up in mortgage finance
Money everywhere
Rates are lowest in history
Fanne mae rolling out bullshit programs again
Just waiting on no verification again so I can go from middle to upper class in a year.

Seriously though, if they get rid of Doddfrank, trid, and all this underwriting bs again,moon is the fucking limit.

>> No.1385932

An engineering degree (except perhaps engineering physics) with as many business electives as possible will provide the widest array of good career paths.

>> No.1385934

to be honest it's not so much useless if you can get a job in a company that deals with the chinese though.

>> No.1385939

fucking kek, political science you retarded cuck?

>> No.1385943

This, I'm about to open up a clinic and pour all the income into my portfolio for unlimited gains.

>> No.1385944

Enjoy being scum. You know that scene in the Big Short where they are talking to those fucking moronic mortgage finance dudes in Florida, that's you.

>> No.1385960

Is a tourism degree worth it? I live by opry mills in Nashville and could potentially get a decent job there.

>> No.1386082

It depends man. The degree is full of people who dont care about their education hence why it gets mocked; group work can be a pain. However, I do have a few friends who were focused and got picked off quickly by tops tourism/hospitality employers in both corporate and customer-facing environments. One guy is a hotel manager at Hilton 2 years after graduating (big salary) and a few others work for JLL, CBRE etc.

I would say it's better than a straight business management degree because the specialisation makes you a very attractive candidate within the tourism and hospitality industry and you can climb the ladder quickly. However, breaking into other industries can prove to be difficult because at the end of the day everyone views tourism as the same - "why are you going to uni to be an air hostess?" "you don't need a degree to work in tourism/hospitality?"

I'd say think about it, it's a fairly easy degree and I somehow landed a great job with minimal effort. You don't need to do STEM degrees to be successful

>> No.1386084

Stay alive, stay alive

>> No.1386091

DId you just get an associates? And did you have any former experience in the hotel field at all?

>> No.1386108

He went to Harvard law after his arts majoing in history though

(that's how it works in US right?)

>> No.1386296

I would like any opinion about LAW and justice.

>> No.1386762

I want an opinion about psychology. Low meme replies. Half the people that mention it say it's worthless, another part of people say that it's worthless if you don't go past undergrad, and another part says it's great because they get to see "muh feels" people that wanted to be therapists fail because it isn't about just talking about feels.

markets fucked anyway, so why not? engineering bores the piss out of me anyway.

>> No.1386769

Psych can be used in management. More of a dual major thing.

Always a need for shrinks.

>> No.1386810

Just dont do it as your first degree.
Even if engineering is boring it opens a few doors. Just study something productive until you're in that position you need psychology or what so ever.

>> No.1386826

Yeah, my friends dad is a psychologist and he does organisational/industrial psychology (I forgot what it's called so i hope it's one of those), he kind of does consulting work for HR teams that need to get shit sorted.

At my work there is a psychologist employed as a HR person that will evaluate employees and what not.

>engineering bores the piss out of me anyway.

CompE here. So many people drop out because they just see the paycheck at the end and don't realise that they will need to alot more study than the average uni student.

Yeah this.

I totally agree that he should do something that will get him jobs and engineering is super safe, but, business degree + psych with honours = good management or HR role that he will actually enjoy other than learning about programmable logic design or thermodynamics.

>> No.1386858

Lawfag here.

1) If you don't have relatives or any way to engage in nepotism, don't even think about it. It's very difficult. You get hired only if you know someone because it's super competitive. That's why all the lawyers are jews - it's not because they are so super smart but because people at lawfirms hire their relatives.

2) to tell you the truth, it's not that interesting either. Lots of very boring shit you have to read (it's not even good writing like some novel), VERY long hours. Of course if you get associate at some big law firm you get paid a lot, but it's literal hell as it has got to be the worst office job on the planet.

3)with very rare exceptions, law school (at least in the US) is literally an SJW nightmare with civil rights and feminism all being serious topics. Humanities in general are like that, but in law it's even worse because all the profs are hardcore SJWs.

>> No.1386886

I will go into investment banking

I am majoring in Econ. Would pairing with finance or accounting prepare me more

>> No.1386887
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>> No.1386890

Everything this anon has said is absolutely 100% true. I have Law friends and they say the exact same, from a variety of unis as well.

I'd advise you to look at what textbooks for law look like and what kind of assignments/essays you will be needing to write for your final exams. If you absolutely don't have a 100% commitment, 100% passion and nepotism or 4.0GPA while being the best in the country for chess under21's then I wouldn't do it.

>> No.1386893


>> No.1386896

It doesn't matter, they will train you there.

I wouldn't be so cocky about going in to IB. You have 0 idea about how competitive it is to get a job there, I would put it above law and law as a close 2nd in hard-to-get-in-to-ed-ness.

You don't get in to IB on what degree you pick, you get in to IB by being at a target school with lots of extra curricular and a strong GPA. The only place of an IB your degree kind of matters is markets and I only say that because the quantitative side of it & algorithmic side of markets basically hire from EE's, CompE's, CS and then every other type of quant degree at a close 2nd then all the rest at 3rd.

>> No.1386899

Ah I had no idea banking would be so competitive. I figured the fear campaigns on it would make people steer from it a bit more. I mainly want to go into careers where I get to negotiate and work around people a lot. thought IB would be one(I may have been wrong)

I will still aim for the stars but am a firm believer in having a plan B, C, and D. Thank you

>> No.1386916

> I had no idea banking would be so competitive.
Is this a joke? lol

Nothing wrong with aiming for it, don't get me wrong. You may as well, the worst that happens you "fall short" of their expectations and you end up doing the same stuff at a less prestigious company for less hours and less pay.

IB you absolutely have to interact with people all day. The more consulting/legal side of IB you sometimes have to have 8 hour meetings with a company you are talking with and often other IB's as they collaborate together on the one client (it sounds weird but it happens). You really have to work around people in IB and it could be a good career for you, but, it is super hard to get in to.

I wouldn't recommend it for those that IB's don't pick anyway. You have to work extreme hours and the very experienced HR people decide who they think can last, thus, they pick workaholics.

If you want a people based job I would recommend accounting. I worked at an accounting place and there is a fair amount of client interaction, working around your clients and your team and the broader firm. Safe career, slightly above normal hours, if you become partner you will be raking in lots of money.

>> No.1386925

Thank you very much for your insight

>> No.1386939

I would do econ+accounting, simply because you can fall back on accounting easier than it is to fall back on finance from IB. Econ is kind of like finance anyway, finance used to just be a branch of economics until like the 50's or something where they seperated in to different fields.

Econ+Finance will be fine, just maybe less accounting places will want to hire you without a CPA or CA (I forgot what ones what)

If you get some work experience ASAP, have a skill set (programming is probably the easiest skillset to get and is impressive to normies), extracurricular and good grades you will be fine.

>> No.1386967

what country is this?

>> No.1387222

Any recs on what to double it up with? I pretty much don't care about getting a large amount of money like most engi's do. I took a basic course in it just to make sure I am not going to have to suffer for four years, and one of the first questions the teacher asked was "How many of you guys are doing this for the money?" and "How many of you guys are doing it because yayengineering?"

Almost the entire room raised their hands for the money part.

>> No.1387230

For my undergrad internship I was bitch boy at an investment firm. Do whatever you want, big nig.

>> No.1387242

What do you fags think about chemistry?

>> No.1387257

is this a biased list towards business cause of the thread category?

>> No.1387261


>> No.1387264

because no numbers involved its like reading a interesting book

>> No.1387332

being a consultant is pretty shit dude

>> No.1387406

being a respiratory tech is a good degree, start at 40 something and it isnt hard

>> No.1387483



>> No.1387967

I'd like an opinion on sociology.

>> No.1387976

literally anything that isn't liberal arts or humanities except History.

>> No.1387990


I'm 22 just fresh out of college. Got a consulting job and i live in fucking OHIO. Low as shit cost of living. Make 79k/year base, with ~12k bonus. Next year being promoted to $103k/yr + bonus (age 23).

Tell me again how consulting sucks?

>> No.1388006

what degree? and what sort of place do you work? Can you give an idea of what you do? does it require a lot of math, how did u score the gig?

>> No.1388272

Which branch? Sometimes archeaology is tucked in there and it's great if you want to go academic and dig in the dirt or get paid to study weird internet subcultures.

The rest is bullshit unless you want to go academic and make 30k but have all those holidays to work shitty part time jobs.

Now, a master's in social work can lead to a lot of opportunities if counseling and community outreach is your thing. That and nonprofit management if you go administrative with it. Otherwise you have clinical counseling which is what I do, although I majored in psych for undergrad because most soc departments are a fucking cult run by the gender studies marxist nutjobs.

Undergrad only, your best bet is HR unless you minor in museum studies or biology or something where you can do some kind of museum or park management.

>> No.1388298


PhD in rabbinical studdies.

>> No.1389040


>> No.1389090

Im a rhetoric major at Cal. Am I fucked /biz/ ?
should I stop doing what I love and go into economics?

>> No.1389395

Move to canada

>> No.1389423

>tfw you do good in Econ but fail Math

>> No.1389439


>> No.1389458

Same here, I am scared of doing Finance because I love trading on Robinhood so much but it looks like you have to be a huge math nerd which I am definitely not...sigh.

I'd also be really great at presentations.

>> No.1389459

>tfw no Information Technology
is it too late to change my major?
Have comfy internship that is boring but pays well (15 an hour) considering I dont have a degree, and I can easily see myself going insane for going in every day 8-5 just helping people who can't do anything with their computers. From updating firmwares and windows update, to installing a bunch of applications, I will go insane if I make this my career.
I am an intern but the full timers do what I do and a little bit more (set up images, help out with network infastructure slightly), I don't think I'll be happy doing this.
Also I saw that entry level salary is $60k, that's alright but 20+ years I'll only be making $120k? What the fuck. I want to hit 6 figures at the latest 8-10 years.
I'm charismatic and success driven, is ti too late for me to escape the IT Help Desk?

>> No.1389477

LSD is worth more than gold by weight.

Go o-chem.

>> No.1389502

What a whiner.

I was in retarded math class in highschool, switched to normal math last year then finished engineering.

And presentations? Wow fuck any retard can improve that.

>> No.1389521

Why do you care about degrees when you have no idea what the business owners really needs? You are drowning yourselves, aimlessly, with certificates that will hold any value before, during, and after job interviews. Don't you see how foolishly you are acting?

In the other side of the coin, business owners never knows what the fuck they are looking for, and when they do, they never say it. There is no way to know what the fuck they want, yet they complain that there are nobody qualified to materialize their wishes.

>> No.1389551


EE here, work in a MV switchgear manufacturing unit... you know that most technical work in power distribution is a combination of ME and EE right?

>> No.1389560


>> No.1389571

Im bout to graduate with a bach in Civil Eng. I wanna index myself to preempt the upcoming revolutions in smart cities and self-driving vehicles

My degree also gives one covet to a Hillary presidency: increased infastructure spending. Still a cunt.

Dunno what Trump and isolationism would do, tho

>> No.1389642

Bacholar in Accountancy or Business Studies?

>> No.1389644

A huge part of a Trump economy would be overly expensive taxpayer funded construction projects.

Sports stadiums and interstate ramps for everyone!

>> No.1389653

Law school is futile unless you get into a top 20 law program
Econ is a good degree from a quality university with connections
Accounting and Finance degrees are top tier from a good university

>> No.1389758

what is econometrics?

>> No.1389761

find out what you really love and are good at and study and do it and work hard and be nice to people and be faithful and it will pay off in the end both in money and happiness and mental and physical health and wealth

>> No.1389819

>Information Technology

You make fucking 12 dollars an hour in a city you fucking retard. What a shit major. HURR DURR

>> No.1389859

I'm an IT major with an associates making 30k a year. Plus extra on the side with helping my friend build his own I.T. Consulting firm, investments, and extra work as a Web Dev.

Any degree (Except gender studies and philosophy) is amazing so long as you know how to play your game.

>> No.1389869

>30k a year


>> No.1389884

>30k a year
jesus anon where do you live?

>> No.1389887

Make 50k it IT no degree :)

>> No.1389907
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Hijacking so I don't have to waste a new board;

I am enrolling into my local 2-year college. I've narrowed down the following two options:

AA In Behavioral Science to transfer to a full BA and pursue my academic interest in social (not cultural) anthropology.

AAS in Hospitality Management to pursue my financial interests in starting and running a successful hotel/restaurant business.

The choice basically comes down to which direction I want to take my life, practical or scholarly. Both are huge passions of mine but I don't see them working at the same time together because they are different animals.

The AA allows me to not feel like a educational failure and open windows towards MA and Phd options. Its purely scholarly pursuit and not at all to do with making money or stable employ. I have money to live on either way. Ideally this would also allow me to study in other countries and learn new languages.

The AAS is the more practical option but once completed doesn't lead to BA options, so if I ever wanted to go back to school I would have to start again with a 4 year program in all likelihood. On the other hand it gives me the skills to start looking into opening my own business which is something I have always wanted to do. This one basically commits me my current locale for 5 or more years while I establish a successful business and hopefully sell off, and then with the proceeds, esteem, and experience open up a new business somewhere internationally to sort of get me to where the AA would location-wise.

Kind of torn between my Marxists indoctrination of getting to the top of academia to validate my self-worth and live in my own head and my drive to carve out an eclectic entrepreneurial sort of pursuit to build something real and practical and tangible. My life may be long enough to eventually accommodate both, but for now I have to narrow down my focus.

25 year old American with no debts or college if that helps.

>> No.1390364

my first thought too

>> No.1390378

This is really hard but its honestly kind of cool to see someone with modest goals for once.

I would say, I have worked in restaurants and I think it takes a specific person to manage and work in them. To work, i'd say be able to have empathy for others, understand how humans would enjoy their table settings or want their glasses bussed. For management, be able to sense bullshit and deal with it decisively.

Please consider working there first, you probably have at 25 though? if not, you MUST before doing the degree, you could despise it like I did.

If you love it then... I would say do it, creating your own restaurant has to be among the most satisfying human endeavors and most fail doing it so knowledge would help. If you have a great place, you'll be a local legend.

Truly, there are so many Anthropology PhD's... ugh, I just wonder if its too dangerous unless you can transfer in a top 10 school. You are talking to someone who seriously is doing Anthro in the fall but wants to be a Archaeologist or museum curator. Only to MS though. Forensics.

TL;DR my vote is for AAS. If SHTF do a accelerated nursing degree at age 30.

>> No.1390411

Shit mang thanks for responding to what I thought was a dead post.

Awesome that you are doing anthro yourself. I totally hear you saturation-wise. I am really obsessed with people in general as a study, not so much on an emotional level but under glass its incredible with what little I have scraped the surface. But as you said its a huge fucking clown-circus with modern SJW and comparative shit bleeding into all humanities. I would really have my work cut out for me to make a name for myself without selling my soul to the marxist gods. Not to even mention my career opportunities. If I publish something that gets buried and become persona non-grata after years of dedicating my life to the field it would probably be a suicide end. You are lucky to have reasonable goals like museum curator. I would totally not rest until I have published some crazy shit that people would hate me for.

As for AAS yeah hotel is equally on my radar as restaurant (although both would be great) and I do have experience with both. I am leaning towards hotel + restaurant as long-term goal with small restaurant being short-term to shore up a chuck of cash and establish myself (as well as get my feet wet). I would be working in a managerial/owner capacity but I have a anal retentive obsession with detail and high standards of service. I know what to look for in employees because I spend a lot of time dissecting people as a hobby.

I had already been thinking on it and decided to swing towards the AAS and your post just reassures thats probably the better choice. Nothing stopping me from pursuing armchair anthropology, that shit is mostly reading anyway which I can do without memorizing some old pinko's lecture.

Fuck nursing, but thanks for the advice.

>> No.1390422

I love economics but I think personally it's on the same tier as a general business degree. It's not until you get to the graduate level where things start heating up. You would have to start making predictions with whatever economic equations that you have on hand. Undergraduate Economics is like child's play.

>> No.1390563

Accounting doesn't matter as long as you didn't go to the joke tier university. If the HR person reckons you are trainable and you will get along with clients/coworkers you will get hired.

>> No.1390574

Lmao, agreed

Electrical 'engineers' are engineers in the same way Archeologists are doctors.

>> No.1390613

>not knowing econ is math in disguise

>> No.1390622

You are pathetic. Present value formula and fucking bond valuation formulas aren't hard. Holy fuck.

Go major in sociology.

>> No.1390740

I am currently doing a survey statistics master with a lot of this stuff. Also we learn R, Stata, SPSS, large scale survey stuff and data mining.

Can someone rate that?

>> No.1390831

>fell for the "any degree = success" meme and did foreign languages

helium tank's in the post

>> No.1390869

I finished my bachelors in econ/finance, and in my final year of masters of eng. (Melb uni)

Really torn between becoming a graduate engineer or going into quantitative finance.

>> No.1390873

Any Degree can find you success if you do the right things with it.

>> No.1390909

waiting for mine to be delivered.

atleast its "cool" to know a foreign language r-right?

>> No.1390927


I'm already finished with university it's over for me

I know if I'd gotten internships etc etc it would have been fine, plenty of my course friends have gotten themselves started very well career-wise

I just didn't do anything useful or w/e so it's basically suicide or wageslavery for life for me now


Tbh unless you're like native level fluent instead of just "very good" it's still kinda meh

>> No.1390935

Do a graduate scheme, or find a graduate level office job or sales job and work hard or brown nose up until you are comfy, You have an advantage over most people your age, a degree and the ability to speak another language, just utilise it, We're all gonna make it.

>> No.1390939


I'm gonna try my absolute hardest to get on a grad scheme but it's hard since I don't have any good professional experience/internships

My only work experience is 3mo financial admin at Santander and some admin/ad hoc duties at a Championship football club

I'm defo too autistic for sales, I should have followed an autism path like STEM where I could just sit in my dark corner working on my own instead of a "people degree"

the language I'm gud at is German btw, fluentish

>> No.1390941


I'm trying to find more admin/similar work for now for stability and a bit more xp while I wait to apply for grad schemes

Other than graduate schemes I have no idea what possible graduate career path I could really start on desu - accountancy?

>> No.1390993

HR, Marketing, Middle Management, And I don't know what your course entailed but you might have learnt some skills that are applicable for other jobs, translator? You coulf learn something like programming and Depending on your age of how bad things get you could also do an apprenticeship. Having a trade and a degree would really put you ahead, but its at the cost of time.

>> No.1391097 [DELETED] 


>> No.1391146

Video Game Design at DeVry University. Expect a fun and exciting career in the industry making $100k+ a year.

>> No.1391147


Marketing is interesting to me in terms of like copywriting or the "data analysis" part of it that it entails at big corporations but I dunno how I could really get onto a scheme doing it giving I have no XP

Also I wouldn't be an asset in trades AT ALL, I'm not a practical person by any stretch of the imagination.

But like somehow getting a grad scheme aside how do I even get onto a real career path instead of just endless temping admin or w/e there's nothing near me

>> No.1391163

No you don't.

>> No.1391174

You could do a Non manual Labour apprenticeships, they have them in marketing, and just about any other white collar job now, other than that and knowing someone, your best option is just applying for different jobs, off broad sites like monster and stuff but also off companies actual websites. That's if your above volunteering (Which you should be, you don't go to university to beg for employment, not that many companies allow volunteering or take them on afterwords anyway, not here at least)

>> No.1391241


idk if I don't get onto a grad scheme it's probably time to just drown myself because it's better than spending the next 50 years on £7.50/hour

>> No.1391243

Actually i make 15

>> No.1391317

What that responded to almost nothing except the fact I'm an IT Major.
Also I currently make $15 as an intern.

>> No.1391506

Fell for the engineering meme. Should've stuck with economics or switched into CS. Now I'm two years removed with a mechanical engineering degree that I fucking hated. REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.1391517

Not a Psy major, but I took a intro psy class as an elective and most the stuff was common sense.

>> No.1391536

The people who talk shit about IB are lazy liberal arts/humanities fags whose resumes would be thrown in the trash if they applied to any of those places.

Its "The Fox and the Grapes."

>> No.1391552

Civil Engineers are going to be in huuuuggee demand when Trump starts building that wall.

>> No.1391597

The Best degrees aren't really that much of a secret anymore.

A tier - Nursing, Accounting, Finance, Engineering, CS, IT, Education

B tier - Economics, Marketing, Statistics, Social Work, CIS/MIS/AIS, Biomedical/Chemical Engineering

C tier - General Business degrees, Law, niche specialized Medicine (Dietitian, Physical Therapy, Medical Assisting), Chemistry, Biology, Hospitality Management, Mathematics, Foreign Language

D tier - Astronomy, Psychology, literally what engineering, Physics, English, Archaeology, Exercise Science

F tier - Arts, Philosophy, History, Woman/Gender/Black studies, Humanities, Fashion desing, etc.

Pretty subjective, this is just based on Undergraduate really. Things like Science/Math/Business get only better with a graduate degree or Accounting/Social Work when you get licensed as a CPA or a LSW/LISW. Depends on your local market and at times you can do your self a lot of good pairing certain majors and minors or double majors together. Having only one Major alone isn't cutting it now days, you need experience, internships, graduate degrees, state licensure, etc.

>> No.1391676

I would say Maths is higher and Marketing is the same Tier as general business

>> No.1391706

Interesting, but Law and Foreign Language on the same-tier?!

>> No.1391746
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What does /biz/ make out of my situation?

> BME degree, studying immigrant in Germany (EU Reich citizen)
> bachelor is 3 years, master's additional 2
> working as a freelancer for a former company with whom I had an internship (doing sales in Germany and neighbouring countires)
> planning to set up a design brand with a friend of mine
> + another project (MLM, I've heard the opinions on it but lets not derail my point)
> atm I've decided to postpone graduation so I'd be done in 4 and half years + master (dunno yet if in 2 or 3 years)

Within 4 and half years I'm thinking about to head over to Brazil for exchange, study Portuguese and Spanish. Dunno if I should consider China instead?

My point thou:
Is this kind of overloading and diversifying your activity and education good regards to CV or worth at all?
The other thing I'm worried about is that I'd graduate over 30 if my plan goes like this, which kind of worries me. I've never had a 'proper' white collar jobs besides this sales manager job I'm doing right now. Would my age lower chances for a hiring
In a case if me and my friend's project fails, how would that affect my capabilities to get a job in an interview?

>> No.1391747

for hiring?*

>> No.1391753

>IT "A tier"

Seriously you retard? They make 12-13 an hour lmfao fuck off with your IT meme.

>> No.1391760

>tfw I'm studying there right now

>> No.1391765

What about a master's degree in business management if I want to be a business/policy analyst or admin for local county, or city government?

>> No.1391771

A masters wont do more for you than a business Studies degree with a years internship.

>> No.1391790

Just major anything in engineering and we you take your FE you can sign up for whatever test you want. You can cross train to any discipline in the workforce. ME and EE end up in the same fucking room after a few years the lines get really blurry. This is why you see ME in EE grad programs and vice versa.

>> No.1391801


Being an EIT is more or less useless unless a job you specifically want requires it. Being a PE is similarly useless unless a you want to be the principal at a firm or you like being potentially liable for when you stamp something and shit hits the fan.

>> No.1391808

Some people become a PE because you're officially called an engineer. Its the only way the government recognize your profession. Also it does come with a hefty pay increase in a lot of firms. But usually you'll be in your 40s to 50s by the time you get one. Unless you're a civil engineer which you need to get after college.

>> No.1391814

I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said

t.engineer working in industry for last 4 years out of college

I will not be my firms PE
I will not worry about shit getting back to me
And then they cried and bitched and moaned
But stopped when I threatened I would go home!

>> No.1391820

Also I'd like to add that I make more money and have basically zero liability at my firm compared to a friend from engineering school who is a PE at his firm

>> No.1391834
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Yo /biz/ I'm at Notre Dame eith an econ/English double major with a focus in 'financial economics & econometrics.' I'd like to someday go into sales & trading at a large firm like Goldman or Citi--presumably directly out of undergrad. Am I setting myself up with the right academic path or am I meme'd?

>> No.1391863

>Social Work
>B Tier

OK buddy...

>> No.1391894

This is probably the most accurate 'real-world' view on these degrees.

STEM should really be TE ...maybe M (sometimes)

When you look at the overall jobs actually hiring for degrees like Mathematics, it's pretty slim. You also don't go into STEM if you're wanting to make shit-tons of money 95% of the time because for every quantitative financial guru that makes 300k a year.. there is about 50 others that are underemployed.

CS, Nursing, IT, Accounting, Engineering jobs are everywhere and there is good stability. They may not all make a ton to begin with but there is upward movement.

If you really want to make $$$, you master soft skills and get a top tier business degree and learn to sell. I've been working for 25 years now and make a solid ~140k income I have a MSEE from Purdue and 90% of my network that makes the fattest cash (200k+) all have business degrees (MBA and such) from top B-schools. Literally the guys that were in a drunken stupor doing college while I was studying are now making all the money.

The return on most hard science degrees is just not there, seriously. You don't want to fall for the idea that a Ph.D is going to get you a 300k a year job because in all likelihood, it's really not. The real-world is vastly different than what your schools and people on this board tell you and don't pigeonhole your career from the get-go.

If I were to do it over again, I would and would recommend others to take a hard look at trades if you have the mechanical and physical ability to work hard. I've befriended a few tradesmen that own their own small businesses and they have been making money similar to me but have been doing it for a much longer time. The return on their skills is incredible compared to most and their job satisfaction seems much higher than what I see in colleagues.

>> No.1391901

The future of renewable resources like next generation of machines powered by electricity or other alternative fuels. See "green" energy. You can also get into R&D related to development of future battery cells and battery technology as tech moves towards a more mobile platform. Solar comes into mind as well. Material sciences for aerospace and aeronautical engineering is also dependent on chem majors.

Avoid petrol industry.

>> No.1391910

Unless you primarily want to live your young life in hotel lobbies and small, travel firms and be laid-off when you're older then stick to it lol.

It's pretty much just a no-skill customer service/representative status. Perhaps you can take your skills of personality and use it for a more profitable career in the long run? Business consultant, analyst, anything. But if you must do that because it is something you enjoy then so be it. But I believe you can use your personable skills to get you to a higher level financially. You might even enjoy the challenge.

>> No.1391918

Should I go to Purdue for Hospitality and Tourism management? It's a bachelors

>> No.1391951

Appreciate the advice. I am just a really shitty math student and would prefer to just find a 2 year degree and do fairly well with it. I dont have the audacity to finish a 4 year degree because i'm not only a bit lazy but I havent the money for it. My mother has too much money so I cant apply for financial aid or loans. She just wont let me use it. So I cant afford uni so thats why i want a 2 year

>> No.1391972

Maybe in the US, in other countries you make AT LEAST twice as much.

>> No.1391980

As good a path as you can take. Try to get finance classes, and maybe a major in something other than English.

Nope. See >>1391910

>> No.1391989

Trades guys always seem happy. Probably from seeing the results of your work coming together to mean something. No bullshit office politics.

>> No.1392000

But generally your body will degrade and by the time youre 50 or 60 your body will be fucked. Youll have money but youll be fat and cant move.

>> No.1392007

This hasn't been what I've seen. Fat? Maybe but I'm overweight along with the rest of my office workers. I'd wager that even if their body is beaten up they still have more endurance at an old age than similar office workers.

>> No.1392024

Overweight maybe, but not with back issues and other issues that come from a trade

>> No.1392054
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Not really different from a factory worker. Doing the same menial labor bullshit and ultimately you trading your own blood for money to fill someone else's pocketbook.

That's why I quit being an auto technician/mechanic. I wanted to own the cars I serviced, not repair them. It was a soul-crushing job.

>> No.1392071

Undergrad economics is child's play? Wish my two failed microeconomics exams would be a childs play

>> No.1392075

How tough is it? Multiple choice or having to explain things? Can't imagine how difficult macroeconomics could be tbqh.

>> No.1392084

The exam is structured into two parts, part A with multiple choice questions, and part B with different problems, i.e price elasticity calculations or drawing indifference curves.

Had macroeconomics course right after the micro one, and passed it with ease. Can't seem to get a grip of micro though.

>> No.1392088

Oh yeah, I misread your original comment.

>> No.1392095

The amount of ass donuts I see in the office makes me think otherwise. I don't have any statistical data however.

That's the same for any type of job. You're trading your knowledge, skills, time for $$$.

It doesn't matter if you're being paid $10 or $50 an hour, you're filling someone else's wallet. If you're being paid $50 and hour then you're making the owner $75.

The benefit that trades have is that it's fairly easy to job ship and become your own boss vs many white collar professions (not all, mind you)

>> No.1392205

I want to go to purdue calumet but idk what program they have that would be good. Im terrible at gen ed courses btw and especially math. PLease help

>> No.1392238

>have B.A in econ from ivy uni
>chose it because it was easy degree and i was a lazy cunt
>forgot everything i learned
oh well at least it was a full ride and i have no denbts

>> No.1392255

How do you have no denbts?

>> No.1392369

I plan on studying for a bach. of science in supply and logistics management.

Did I do good?

>> No.1392407

Software Engineering
Chemical Engineering

These are the objective best standard majors. There are better life plans out there but if you just want to pick a major at a time commitment level that's right for you then this is what you pick.

>> No.1392418

How is software engineering any good? How is that something that will get you a job?

>> No.1392422

It teaches you to engineer software. Your job typically involves engineering software.

Nah but high end code monkeying actually pays well for an associates. It's the CS majors who end up code monkeys after getting a masters that kill themselves or spam sad Pepe threads on /g/.

>> No.1392467

A lot of professions and careers that based themselves on a state exam/licensures have big bucks behind it. You might not be making over 100k with just an LSW or LISW but you will have a pretty good living if you can take the stress of talking to food stamp retards. But that's only in my local market, not sure if where you live that would be a B tier.

>> No.1392472

My only concern with Mathematics is that it suffers in the same way as general business or Law does, way too general, need to specialize in Statistics or pair it with Economics/Finance/etc.

>> No.1392476

Yeah I agree 100%. I've tried at Chemistry and Biology and you don't do jack shit with it unless you want to get into medicine or if you want to go into Graduate programs. Personally I'm a Accounting/MIS double major working on my CPA soon and so far all the opportunities have been there so I can guarantee that at least.

>> No.1392481


>> No.1392483

Foreign language is really interesting that it can make you a lot of money as a teacher and if you're willing to travel to other countries. Some had success some haven't hard to grade. Law, because the lawyer graduates are so fucking much that it doesn't seem like you have a chance unless you went to law school in NY. Either that or you get an JD/LLM joint degree with either an MBA, Tax, or Intellectual property. Still a tough one to grade.

>> No.1392560

>BA History
>Masters in Public Policy
>job offer right out of college at 50k a year
>currently making 75k two years later
>30k debt when i left college, now down to 6k

fucking sweet dude

>> No.1392632


>> No.1392633


I'm a foreign languages grad and I'm FUCKED lmao

I did waste uni no internships etc though but srsly there's no real demand for languages unless you have a true marketable skill alongside (e.g. being a multilingual engineer or something)

>> No.1392636
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Got a BS in CE in 2014, nobody wants to hire you unless you have been working for 5 years already. The markets fucking stupid right now, I'm personable and have a huge portfolio and tons of commission work for small companies and nobody will hire me for it cause 'muh experience'. I have decided to give up and start my own business.

>> No.1392680

Yeah I'm sorry to hear that, like I said, I've heard both success and failures with it. Internships would help but foreign languages grads are expected to travel a lot for work as translators or teachers...etc.

>> No.1392716

only because a foreign language diploma is no guarantee you actually speak the language.

if you actually do speak a useful language as in not something piss easy that has no use anyway, e.g. spanish, there are plenty of jobs. not high flyer jobs, but jobs that will get you the experience you need to move up

>> No.1393587
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I have a general business undergrad degree and while it has gotten me into entry level corporate jobs it hasn't been ever further than clerical low tier positions in departments like marketing and finance. I'm already in my mid twenties and I feel like this will go nowhere and my upward prospects very slim. I'm have money and open to go back to schooling but I'm not sure how I can best segue a general business degree into something. All I want is a futureproof set of skills with intrinsic value that can carry me up into retirement. I'm even open to switching to IT or Medicine for graduate studies. What are good options in this situation?

>> No.1393641


All very true. If you know for a fact that in 30 years you want to be a PE and have it mean something then by all means go for it. Most engineering graduates do not, though. Also, the NCEES has been campaigning for some time now to require a MS to even sit for the FE. They'll settle for the PE first but it'll eventually reach the FE. This will negatively affect the value of a master's degree, at least in engineering.

>> No.1393643

Yeah it's not guaranteed that one would make more money, just that the opportunity is there if the jobs are open. Most firms (especially smaller ones) only have PEs on staff because some code, regulation, or standard they want to adhere to requires it.

>> No.1393646

Pre-Med Student here planning on becoming a radiologist. Am I digging myself a grave?

>> No.1393650

Because they said it was a full ride? I presume they meant student loan debt specifically.

>> No.1393651

yup, get ready to train your robot

>> No.1393868

this is bullshit

>> No.1394189

Radiology is a pretty competitive specialty. You can get into if u work hard enough obviously.

>> No.1394205

It's like the step up from CS.

>> No.1394283
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What would /biz/ take if all they could afford was associates classes? P.S - I'd prefer not to want to kill myself daily if that helps the choice

>> No.1394438

Double majoring in Math+Economics

yea or nay?

>> No.1394576

Try to get your MBA or CPA

>> No.1394766

If you're actually at ND you're not getting meme'd. Your school has god tier connections.

>> No.1394821

If you're wanting money?

-Nursing, PTA, Computer Information Technology (If they get you certs like CCNA)

Worth a look:
-Respiratory Care, Fire Science (can be lucrative, check your local firefighter dept pay.. you may need an EMT-B or Paramedic license.. so you can get those at your CC probably as well), Medical Lab Technician (I've seen these jobs pay $15-25)

I probably wouldn't bother with anything else from what I see.

>> No.1395028

I like to avoid general business degrees since they don't seem to put you in a career track
I guess this would a safe choice. It's not very dynamic and I'm not entirely sold on the dusty accountant life

Anymore degree advice for >>1393587?

>> No.1395029

Should I do Accounting, CIS, or become an Electrician?

>> No.1395074

Why CIT? isnt that the same as getting a bunch of certs in IT and making 12 bucks an hour?

>> No.1395082

> be me
> phd in mathematics
> 300k starting

>> No.1395090
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>working on business administration degree

>> No.1395131

What about Law+Economics?
I'm planning on doing that next year

>> No.1395136

Law+a degree that law fags can specialise in is a great way to differentiate yourself from the fucking millions of law students that graduate each year.

I'm sure law+econ would be fine, I wouldpersonally pick law+finance (do corporate law, financial law), I would imagine law+economics could get you in to government banking kinda stuff.

>> No.1395158

I also want to incorporate Maths somehow, although I'm not sure how at this point

>> No.1395181

It does not matter what you study dumb fucks. It matters what school you go to

there are history grads from oxford trading exotics at bulge brackets GS, MS, etc

dumb niggers

>> No.1395627

I also plan to do that

>> No.1396025

what are the best 2 year degrees? Ones that will guarantee you a job regardless of GPA or school you go to.

>> No.1396195

I'm a psy major who is looking into becoming a data analyst. The only thing applications ask for that I do not have experience with is SQL. However, I have projects I can show demonstrating my knowledge of SPSS and Excel. What do my odds of getting hired look like if I teach myself some SQL?

>> No.1396202

None. Nobody will hire someone with a 2.0.

Fucking hell. So many retards invest tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands if that time could have been spent at uni, to get a shit GPA from a shit school.

It's an investment, try and get the best returns.

I can't think of a single course that will get you hired with terrible grades.

>> No.1396204

spent working*

>> No.1396254

never said 2.0.

More like a 3.0

>> No.1396260
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Anyone have any opinions on Packaging Engineering?

>> No.1396295

My friend told me about it because he went to one of the few schools that have it. He said he wished he found out about it sooner because its in high demand because so few schools offer the major

>> No.1396326


>what are the best 2 year degrees?

Diagnostic sonography and nursing. You can get $60k starting as an ASN RN, and even more as a sonographer (professional ultrasound technologist). That said, there is an education and job cap for sonography, but it is a good fucking job overall. Nursing goes all the way to doctorate if you desire, with six figure incomes, and even the ability to open your own clinic or practice.

>Ones that will guarantee you a job regardless of GPA or school you go to.

For nursing and sonographer, school doesn't matter, but GPA is important because places don't want fuck ups.

Honestly, LPN isn't a bad option, either. You can get about $20/hr. for 1-year of training, and maybe 10k of debt. Not to mention LPNs can often get credit for nearly a whole semester of a 2-year RN program (completing an ASN RN in 1.5 years), and a lot of places will pay for the RN after working as an LPN for awhile.

>> No.1396406

3.0,engineering if you are in a country that needs engineers?

Accounting. getting employed in accounting is have at least okay grades, does HR think you can deal with clients and coworkers and finally are you trainable.

tldr; engineering and accounting.

>> No.1396427

Nah dude you're not fucked by any means, you probably made the best language choice

China is buying Western companies en-mass, you will be needed soon

>> No.1396457


Wow that's gotta be a typo, or u just really fucked up

>> No.1396472


Its ball busting work, like construction but it pays well once you add up years of experience. Its very hard to get into without connections much like train conducting and shit.

Or operating cranes.

But ill be a cop first, once I'm sick of that maybe ill do that. Perhaps not because I don't want to lose my hearing. Ships suck.

>> No.1396504

Hasn't longshoring mostly became automated? They mention this in the second season of the wire.

>> No.1396575


I'm in analytics consulting for a nice IT Consulting firm. I studied economics.

Basically I do data analytics about 4 hours a day and research real estate for fun for the other 8 hours per day. Only need to know basic stats to be honest.

I got the gig through a fraternity connection from college - I got lucky desu

>> No.1396585


I forgot to save the image of the anon's experience with steel standards and the bullshittery he had to deal with

Anyone have it by chance?

>> No.1396591

I believe anything medical is the best financially and stability wise. You want to make quick money, become a nursing assistant, RN, APRN whatever. base pay is well over 50k. If you have time to specialize becoming a physician is better. But you have to be smart, you want to make real bank specialize in rad, ortho, derm, or anesthesio. Becuase I'm not a people's person, but i love medicine, i'm going into Rad. The possible icurred debt will be hard, but i will still make 50k during residency before i make 300k as a Rad.

>> No.1396961


So many people spout that a degree in psychology is useless. Where i am (aus), a masters in psychology is basically a ticket to freedom. 5 years of university, 2 years of working for 'the man', voila open your own psychology business/go into partnership with someone else with a different focus in the field, done. Advertise it, keep up to date on new research, hire an accountant. Cushy job with your own freedom that you can do in your own time that everybody needs and not many people have the dedication to start.

>> No.1396980

In the first world? Doesn't matter unless you go full retard with some meme gender degree. Roll with whatever you're good at.

Jump on IT/ENG train just for the money and you'll end up as useless code monkey that will get outsourced by chinks anyway.

>> No.1397021

economics and business
OR international finance and banking?

which one /biz/bros

>> No.1397022

PhD Economics.

>> No.1397024

International business degrees tend to be lower quality than domestic ones.

>> No.1397025

yeah i was thinking such, the syllabus seems to me as if it was appealing to the "i'll sell my soul and go into banking" crowd

>> No.1397586

econ/mathematics master race

>> No.1398302

Accounting is pretty useful imo, especially if you get to work on international tax, consolidations, M&A and other pretty technically advanced work.

It's pretty much getting into the guts of business.

>> No.1398423


buy monero

>> No.1398494

Literally what are you saying

>> No.1398512

bump for more advice


>> No.1398517

What the hell is the point of majoring in economics anyways? I doubt you even use even a percent of the stuff you learn in economics in your job.

IMO, accounting master race here. I just finished financial accounting, half way through managerial accounting and planning to do my CPA. I really like it for some reason because it works with my brain and is kind of problem solving and you learn about money and inventory flows and really how business works inside out.

Accounting is good because it may have a lower starting salary then engineering, but the upward mobility and ceiling is much higher eventually. Most CEO's have a background in accounting. The thing is too if you like finance and economics you can minor in one of those too. It's a million times easier for an accountant to switch to finance then the other way around.

But ya, so far in the first two courses it feels really like problem solving and logic and working things out step by step and understanding business from a different perspective. Micro and macro economics was basically sociology to me except it acts like it is a science with random graphs and formulas that do not actually apply in the real world.

>> No.1398518

>he took 2 courses and thinks accounting is interesting
i got bad news for yuou buddy

>> No.1398520


Even if it gets dry as hell I don't mind. Much better than writing an english essay or doing other stuff to me.

>> No.1398522

I'm majoring in supply chain management and information systems.. did I dun goof?

>> No.1398524

Supply chain sounds like a meme but I heard it's good.

>> No.1398531

Is a double degree of Bachelor of Math + Bachelor of Business Administration any good?

>> No.1398533

I know English and a bit of French because I live in Canada and had to take French up until Grade 9. What are some good languages to learn?

>> No.1398543


No reason to learn another language than English. French immersion was a waste of time IMO.

>> No.1398546

math+the good business subjects like finance,econ, accounting (not really accounting) and statistics are god tier combo. No idea about BBA.

>> No.1398552


Econ/Maths Matter Race checking in.

Three job offers straight out of grad school, none under 100k USD.

>> No.1398571

>Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering in Australia

How screwed am I?

>> No.1398574


Do you have any experience working?

>> No.1398583

UWA, nothing at the moment. Don't really know how to get my foot into the door. I'm currently sending out applications for vac work, pretty average grades but good interviewing skills.

>> No.1398599

umm, I would focus on getting related work before getting a masters.

Are you still in your bachelors or are you currently doing your masters or are you in one of those combined bachelor/master programs

>> No.1398610

Should I double major in accounting and MIS, or will MIS be alright by itself?

>> No.1398612

I'm in the combined bachelor/masters programs, any tips or advice in general to make it in this area is highly appreciated (anyone).

>> No.1398618

Absolutely no idea other than try and get any work, even if it doesn't pay in your field. Especially with average grades.

>> No.1398620

I started as an electrical engineer bachelor with a starting salary of 34k/annum in the Netherlands, with the mode being 36.5k/annum... think it's not too bad.

For you amerifats, this might sound like a low number but we get a lot of benefits from the government and have relatively low college debts (20k is considered high)

>> No.1399577


>> No.1399642

Working on my bach. right now (econ/math as well). Have a year and half left. Should I push on to my masters??

>> No.1399985

Holy kek

>> No.1400012
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Bro, if its what you love go for it. /biz/ cares about money. YOU should care about your happiness. But if you get stuck working a job with shit hours and pay, it won't feel like work if you love it.

>> No.1400404

Senior at a one of the top public university's in New Jersey on track to graduate with a dual major in accounting and finance. I've also been an intern at a medium-small accounting firm for 8ish months or so how /comfy/ should I be ?

>> No.1400438

Top kek

>> No.1400838

If you have above average math skills, I would consider it. Either way, youre still a marketable candidate with only an econ/math bachelors.

>> No.1401265

What's the best job for shy people who are terrible at math?

>> No.1401273

Hey /biz/, how much is my aero engineering degree worth if I graduated 5 years ago and haven't done anything with it yet?

>> No.1401397

Admin, Marketing, Working in a warehouse, A trade

>> No.1401619
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>> No.1401733


I imagine you'll land a comfy accounting/bookkeeping position ezpz senpai

>> No.1401749

I just turned 19, 7k saved, I'm trying to figure out what to go to school for. I enjoy working by myself with little/moderate interaction with others. I'm in the midwest, interested in trades (welding, plumbing, hvac), and would like to eventually start a small business, employ a handful of people (if lucrative) and grow from there. At the very least, I'd enjoy an opportunity to be freelance.

>> No.1401758

Super /comfy/. I'm on the Accounting/MIS double major, I assume you're getting your 150 for the CPA exam as well. Look for those Big 4 opportunities if you can.

>> No.1401761

Honestly, you don't really use shit like Algebra/trig/calculus in the real world much. If you ever come just survive through it, you'll be probably fine. You could work in business/finance/accounting even if you're mathematically retarded, it doesn't matter. Excel spreadsheets, and specialized programs do all the work for you anyways.

>> No.1401763

I'm going to be a freshman next year at a business school, and have enough AP credits that it's easy enough to double major in something.
Right now I'm majoring in finance, easily getting a minor in Spanish (already have some credits from HS), and figured I might double major in Computer Informational Systems (no computer science major at the college I'm going to), but I haven't decided if I wanted to also go for economics at all.
There is a major at my university where they combine Finance & economics, but I'm not sure if it would appear that I'm average in both rather than specializing in one or the other.
Anyone have any thoughts?

>> No.1401764

110% this, people always say " I would be an accountant but I'm bad at math" as if there is anything above multiplication in accounting and anything about logs/exponents in finance.

>> No.1401768

It's all basically double journal entries, AP/AR accounts, GAAP standards, Tax codes, etc. One semester I worked on a business application with calculus course. Had retarded shit like linear programming inequalities/graphs, venn diagrams, union/intersection sets, probability, etc. Waste of my fucking time and money. Only thing that was remotely close to Accounting/Finance/Business on there was working on calculating Annuities, Sinking Funds, and Amortizations, everything else was a waste of time. It really takes less Math skill than any STEM major, and even some of them don't use as much math as they except.

>> No.1401922

Well why don't you do an apprenticeship to learn a trade then?

>> No.1401968
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I can give same advice as my father gave to me.
You can easily join corporation with law degree but it's impossible to join law firm with economic/business degree

>> No.1402124

Okay, I'm not a genius at math but I'm not terrible at it so I'll have to keep looking into it.

>> No.1402128

I'm about to start dual Bachelor of commerce (International Law) and Arts (International studies, Chinese language)
How fucked am I?

>> No.1402223


I did econ and finance double major with focus on econometrics/math.

Now how the fuck do I get a job!!???

>> No.1402270

You're only fucked if you don't have drive and don't apply yourself, There is people with English Lit degree's earning good money, theirs nothing stopping you

>> No.1402862

That's what the former US Treasury secretary studied in university. I'd say it could lead to an interesting career.

>> No.1403105

>getting a PhD in STEM

get a BS and gtfo for some experience

>> No.1403257

meth nigga

>> No.1403265

>mechanical engineering degree
>u must be an idiot if u think thats a bad degree

>> No.1403276
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I'm in Canada, and I've noticed most health jobs require chemistry and biology credits in high school. Any programs that don't?

>> No.1403279

*most health PROGRAMS I mean

>> No.1403465

Just upgrade your high school credits. Chem and bio 30 are pretty easy.

>> No.1403671

I am should graduate with around 140~ credits, I actually really enjoy accounting. I'm very ready for that hella /comfy/ life

>> No.1403678

One of the few careers that will make you an excellent middle class income with just a Bachelors. Can't beat it.

>> No.1404323
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Anyone here take the patent bar?


>> No.1404560

I will, I'm not sure which ones are lucrative for a freelancer yet. School starts soon, we have a nice union hall, not sure how they do it.

>> No.1404595

Most trades that you can work alone on are good for freelancing (So not things like roofing, or doing drive ways), what you need to look for is what is in demand in your area/city/area you want to live, but once you make a name for yourself most trades entail steady work.