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13843982 No.13843982 [Reply] [Original]

How much does it cost to live cheap and comfy in the USA?

I did some calculations:

Food: $30/day X 365 days = $10,950/year

Car insurance = $1,250/year

Property Tax and Home insurance = $6,500/year

Water, Power, Gas = $1,750/year

Clothing = $1,000/year

Cleaning/Toiletries = $750/year

Health Insurance: $6,000/year

Total: $28,200/year minimum for NEET basic expenses (owning your own house)

You could get a cheaper house and save maybe $2-3k, sacrifice a car and maybe grow your own food and buy less clothing, bringing your expenses down to $25,000 for a bare bones life style.

$35,000/year would give you enough to vacation and buy everything you want.

Did I forget anything Anons?

>> No.13844011

You need to own a house ($180k +) and car (10k) as a prerequisite in this and not have any debt

>> No.13844016

If you're trying to live cheap and comfy then $30/day for food is outrageous and nobody needs to spend $1,000 a year on clothes

>> No.13844097



Food: $20/day X 365 days = $7,300/year

Car insurance = $1,250/year

Property Tax and Home insurance = $6,500/year

Water, Power, Gas = $1,750/year

Clothing = $500/year

Cleaning/Toiletries = $750/year

Health Insurance: $6,000/year

Total: $24,050/year minimum for NEET basic expenses (owning your own house)


I'm assuming both, but you could definitely rent a room for $6,000 a year in many parts of the U.S. even in relatively nice areas.

>> No.13844099

car insurance can be lower too if you get a beater and only have liability. Like 600-700/year total depending on state.

>> No.13844134

checked and thank you sir.. that's the kind of info I'm looking for. Assuming $800 for car insurance that's a NEET lifestyle for $23,600/year

>> No.13844281

sounds about right

>> No.13844300

>$1000/yr on clothes
Never gonna make it

>> No.13844318

I've landed on similar numbers ($36k/yr). I would retire now but I would be too bored.

>> No.13844346

every... maybe 5 years, i spend like 500 on a new stack of tshirts and jeans, when the old ones are too full of holes. a grand a year is way too much.

>> No.13844398
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UPDATED Cause I forgot gas for vehicle:

Food: $20/day X 365 days = $7,300/year

Car insurance = $1,750/year

Property Tax and Home insurance = $6,500/year

Water, Power, Gas = $1,750/year

Clothing = $750/year

Cleaning/Toiletries = $750/year

Health Insurance: $6,000/year

Gas: $500/year

Supplements: $200/year

Total: $25,500/year minimum for NEET basic expenses (owning your own house)


Good to know.. I had nothing else to go by

>> No.13844435
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$5,000 a year gives you 3 domestic vacations or 1 international and 1 domestic vacation, so

Total (with vacations): $30,500/year minimum for NEET basic expenses (owning your own house)