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13840473 No.13840473 [Reply] [Original]

who /still a virgin/ here?

>> No.13840477

Not me but I'm poor

>> No.13840538

not me but i banged a hooker
and im a neet
and my parents hate me

>> No.13840545

I would never fuck a hooker

>> No.13840556
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Me, 25

my mom tells me im handsome, not a neet tho

>> No.13840583

Same, pussy is easy unlike money.

>> No.13840608
File: 71 KB, 514x606, 1557029168040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not virgin but haven't been laid in 7 years.
Lost virginity in the best way possible with a beautiful gf that adored me for some reason, and we banged like rabbits for weeks, until she decided to move across the country and ride the cock carousal.

Not rich and not poor, have 125k net worth in my 20s.
Life is pretty good all things considered.

>> No.13840657
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27 year old virgin. Haven't even kissed a girl.

>> No.13840666

I'll be a wizard in 6 months

>> No.13840675

you are a better man than me
ive fallen so far down

>> No.13840678

Just don't do it again then?

>> No.13840679


>> No.13840680

Guys, you have no idea how easy it is to get laid, literally go to the fucking gym and get in amazing shape. Some slam pig WILL approach you and want to fuck you. It's not that hard, just fucking get in shape you lazy fucks.

>> No.13840686

between getting laid and 100k i prefer 100k, even though i don't have either

>> No.13840687

I haven't had sex in 5 years and have a similar story. I'm a poorfag though.

>> No.13840689

If you're not a virgin you don't belong here. Go back to Facebook.

>> No.13840693

anal virgin here :(

>> No.13840699

i'm fit but i have severe autism, like /x/ tier schizophrenic autism

>> No.13840706
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the real question is,

>who a /wiz/

>> No.13840711

not a virgin but its been over 2 years and my social skills and opportunities for meeting women are both rapidly deteriorating so i may be an honorary wizard in the future

>> No.13840720
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Me but I literally don't give a fuck so its cool. Maybe I'm just gay but I've never met a woman who didn't piss me off. The female brain is fucked and I don't care to have anything to do with it.

>> No.13840751

46 and am a kissless virgin but it doesn’t bother me because girls bleed from their vaginas. seriously, what good comes out of it. Meanwhile I’m worth 1.5 million and have the best mancave. You anons will never make it

>> No.13840757

Based and mgtowpilled

>> No.13840760


If not LARP explain yourself and why you no had kys yet

>> No.13840766

Hookers dont count. Youre a virgin but except you probably have hpv

>> No.13840770

There's literally no shame in that dude. I've never done it but you just paid a person to perform a service, who cares.

>> No.13840775
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Based oldtimer. I'll never understand how your peers are willing to sign their lives away to the fat disgusting cunts that they're married to.

>> No.13840780

You have hope. I lost my virginity at 26 when I finally started to believe that I am handsome.

>> No.13840782


>> No.13840784

Not a virgin but i pretty much feel the same way.
I have only had sex drunk and never really enjoyed it. I was always too nervous. could never get a hot girl either. mostly i just liked the validation and it wasnt fucking worth it

>> No.13840787

R slash mgtow upvote

>> No.13840827

why the fuck would you try and pull this man out of his cope, what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.13840834

You're right
but at least im not terrified of sex anymore, got to find the good... Right..?

>> No.13840867

Hi. 35 years. I'm autistic. I have had two opportunities over the years and turned them both down. I have a normal sex drive but the idea of having sex grosses me out; bodily fluids, sweat, extended physical contact, cannot guarantee other person is disease free, cannot guarantee other person is hygenic (to my ridiculous standards), person would still be there afterwards, probably want to talk or snuggle or something, probably want to sleep in my bed.

To inevitable follow-up question: no, i'm not depressed. Feeling pretty good lately. Positive.

>> No.13840890

He definitely has but is too much of a failure to get sudoku right

>> No.13840898

Putting too much emphasis on anything will drive you mad.
Look here kiddo I’m nearly 50 years old. I don’t have any cope left. You’ll realize coping is useless by age 35 or so.

You’re putting too much emphasis on it. Realize that you’re not as clean as you think you are. Humans are humans, animals at the basis of it all.

>> No.13840911

32 y/o virg

im fucked

>> No.13840912

COPE. You are encouraging more women to become whores. It's like saying "Who cares if the drugs I buy means people elsewhere get beheaded routinely"

Pathetic maggot cope, take some responsibility

>> No.13840927

What the fuck kind of analogy is that? I'm talking about legal prostitution, an exchange of a service for money, if you see an issue with that you're a commie cuck

>> No.13840955

19yo here. Where do you meet new girls? Only at clubs? Seriously I feel confident, I'm fit, I have more money than most my age, but my circle of friends aren't this clubbing type or so. I just wanna joke around with girls in a relaxing setting. See how they react. Should I just hit up an old friend who does go to clubs and hang out with him? Or how do I get my group of friends to go out to a club, I know 2 of them would want to try getting some girls, but the other 2 are like these afraid types/low energy.

>> No.13840975

>You’re putting too much emphasis on it.

I never said i was a sane or reasonable person.

>> No.13840993

Look at Charles Manson. That guy slays bitches. Both literally and figuratively

>> No.13841034

>It's fine because the state said so
Fuck off you deluded fucking boomer cretin

You encourage women to whore themselves out, burn in hell you fucking dyke

>> No.13841074

Open instagram you naive cunt. Women are whoring themselves out for free already. At least prostitutes are doing it as a profession and not for attention.

>> No.13841076

Turning 35 this year. Sorry I have you beat.

>> No.13841090

>They're already doing it dwaaaaaaaah I BEST ADD TO IT THEN! XD

Fucking stupid bastard, kill yourself and do the world a favour

>> No.13841114

>add to it
Oh god oh fuck I wonder how many girls I pushed over the whore edge with my 4chan reply, how will humanity recover??

>> No.13841126

I lost my virginity when I was 30, I'm still with the same woman. I married her. I'm 32 now.

>> No.13841151

Well there is no way you would ever know, but it could be 0 or it could be 50. The ideas you are pushing could encourage 10 people in this thread who then encourage 10 more, and now the world is full of whores incl. your mother. Why don't you shut the fuck up and stop encouraging this behaviour?

The single raindrop never feels responsible for the flood faggot, now kys

>> No.13841176

19 turning 20 and virgin. Im bisexaul and have a bf but i have never fucked, kissed or even held hands with a girl.
I have top teir socail skills with guys but with girls im a next level austit, plz give cure. thxs fren.

>> No.13841185

Hoe old is she currently?0

>> No.13841215

She's 31, 10 months younger than me

>> No.13841274

except in case you haven't realized yet, I'm not against prostitution, and you have yet to come up with an argument why it's wrong. If I convinced 50 women to start a profitable career in prostitution then I consider it a success

>> No.13841294

Here la'
Nearly all I have to my name is 5 buttcoin. Hodling since '16.
At least I'm studying STEMeme in spicland and my parents help me out, so will graduate debt free, will see after that. I simply never approached women and now I'm kinda anxious about it in multiple ways. After I fap the urge goes away and it wasn't that strong in the very first place. Maybe my libido is really weak and I need to go on nofap, no idea.

>> No.13841317

>Whoredom is good
Kill yourself worm

>> No.13841463


kek incels are so fucking stupid, just buy a prostitute you dumb fuck, do you think people didn't went daily to fucking brothels like 100 years ago? jesus christ

>> No.13841504

I don't need to pay women to have sex you fucking loser

Justify it however you want you damaged faggot

>> No.13841517

I'm mostly gay.

I've had sex with 5 girls and 7 guys in my life.
The girls weren't ugly and they actually wanted to fuck me.


>> No.13841536

lost my virginity at 20 years old,

to some chubby cute girl on the internet.

then i met a lot of girls from internet and fucked them all.

>> No.13841583

I like to fuck and I think you can have a lot of sex and also be physically healthy, so imo whoredom is good for people who like sex
I'm sorry you don't anon, it's pretty good. I had a cute long term gf with big tits who rode the cock carousel as a high schooler and she also loves my cock but I'm deciding between fucking her and fucking an immigrant persian chick with even bigger tits
Might try and juggle them for a bit but we will have to see

>> No.13841592
File: 225 KB, 900x1200, 593F4145-F16D-46AF-9B8B-4F6FC70A9D8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

33, STEM degree, medfag sales job $$$, lifting for 15 years, competatige powelifter for 2 of those, dieted down over a year age looking like a Greek god with an 8 pack, decently handsome, and dysthymia coupled with severe ADHD that prevents me from connecting on a level that would lead to sec with anyone.

My mom went in dry on mother’s day, telling me she thought I have kids by now and can’t understand my lack of interest in dating finding a partner. Apparently hating myself too much to try isn’t a good enough answer.

>> No.13841599

>fucking an immigrant persian chick with even bigger tits

>> No.13841613

Incel-tier cope. "I like to fuck" so do that then, just don't pay for it. Is that so hard? How fucking ugly are you if so?

Get off the betamale "Im a victim" carousel immediately you overexposedtointernet mong

>> No.13841634

It’s difficult to fathom that some people can be too screwed up in the head to ever make that first move, even when you every other part of your life is dialed in. My last intimate contact with a female was 15 years ago and I’ve convinced myself I’m not worthy enough to be with anyone since then.

Also what’s any of this shit doing on biz? This belongs on the robot board.

>> No.13841641

So turn off your computer and go outside then

>> No.13841645

It’s 2:30 AM. I’m shitposting while playing days gone.

>> No.13841666

>Playing video games
Found the first problem faggot. Are you literally 16 years old? No? So what the fuck are you doing then? Lmao

I could give you advice but you won't take it anyway

>> No.13841684

youre the equivalent of some edge lord saying “stop liking things that I don’t like”

Do what you enjoy and walk your own road in life. Nobody asked for your advice either, faggot. Also I make more money and have a better body than you.

>> No.13841689

>My last intimate contact with a female was 15 years ago and I’ve convinced myself I’m not worthy enough to be with anyone since then.

>> No.13841699

>Also what’s any of this shit doing on biz?
Based retard, the only reason to make more money, ultimately, is to have a better sex life. Sex is ALWAYS related

>> No.13841707

You won't admit it but playing video games is for losers. Just stop.

>> No.13841716
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Level 28 reporting in.

>> No.13841736

That's some big projection. There are a lot of reasons why video games are gay but i cba breaking it down to you

Obviously I played video games at one point in my life so it's not like I'm so old boomer

>> No.13841788

Typical ape brain. If that’s your endgame, you’re worse off than I could ever be. Run along now, sheep.

>> No.13841802

It's the same for you, you are just too dumb to realize it

>> No.13841835

No, you make your own meaning in life. I know that’s kind of scary to consider when you’re mentally weak.

>> No.13841872

I thought like you from age 23-27 the truth is pursuing sex is a fkn hollow experience. You'll grow out of it and regret all the time wasted chasing poon, from what I've seen it always leads to depression, this coming from a guy who has slept with well over 100 girls, and hung out with dudes with similar goals/numbers. The only people who stick with it after the first 30 or so girls have huge chips on their shoulders and are just trying to prove they aren't fkn losers on the inside. It's not the same for us, you're just too immature to realize.

>> No.13841930

Come back in 10 years and we discuss again

>> No.13841948

Embarrassing larp. Please kys

>> No.13842735
File: 9 KB, 236x199, 6b3e8070ff1b0c0f858a21a7ed46020e--memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me, 20
i have kissed a girl once

>> No.13842798

Do i have a chance?

>> No.13842851
File: 445 KB, 725x906, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 year old virgin. I'm supposedly attractive and I lift but I have extremely high standards, can't trust people, and hate myself extremely. I can't actually fathom that any woman would go out with me or want to have sex with me. Such is mental illness. I've stopped caring so much about it though, it's who I am.

>> No.13842859

Shut the fuck up

>> No.13842919

Problem, faggot?

>> No.13842925

Massive cope. Stay Virgin

>> No.13842997

Maybe part of it is a larp because I want something back from all those years wasted, doesn't make the rest of it any less true.

I'll cross that bridge when I come to it

This nibba knows the truth

>> No.13843254

Worked out 6 days a week in college. Became shredded. Used tinder + shirtless pics to get tons of matches. I'd literally ask girls for their number in the second message and fuck on the first date. Realize that sex is meaningless without connection but could never get close to people due to autism. Right now focusing on trying to retire early, while ignoring all women.

>> No.13843378

I encouraged a lot of girls to become whores by showing them it's not a big deal. AMA

>> No.13843401

24 soon to be 25. a kv

>> No.13843405

i cant get a gf and i dont want one but i fuck a lot of prostitutes and it costs me a lot of money

>> No.13843522

It is a big deal
You're a faggot

>> No.13843537

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