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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 276 KB, 1101x896, house prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13834904 No.13834904 [Reply] [Original]

>It's a bubble!

ANY day now renters

>> No.13834927

>zoomers think there's a housing bubble

Jej'd. What goes up all the time? Population. What goes up much MUCH slower? Number of houses. Why would the price of houses ever crash? Hurry up and pay the rent before I have you evicted, zoomzooms.

>> No.13834948

this, i'm glad 99.9% of my money is in housing, fuck zoomers, they'll figure out one day

>> No.13834961

Rental properties are literally the crypto of the boomer generation. They're like boomer masternodes.

>> No.13834982


There are more houses than people idiot. The problem is that most unoccupied units are held to speculative values to prop up boomer housing values or else OOPS, we might pop the everything bubble.

>> No.13834985

>population goes up all the time
>he doesn't know about the depopulation agenda

>> No.13835022


>> No.13835044

also we always need increasing population to be profitable. Debt is money, we need debt, we need more people to unload our bags on.

Depopulation agenda, lmoa, check population stats of any western country. Why do you think 'refugees welcome' is a thing? New people, new people that need debt, to get an education, house, etc. Debt is money, country runs. Housing get's scarce. Housing rises in price against inflation. Canada an australia are already fucked though.

>> No.13835050
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>> No.13835056
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>> No.13835058

>muh everything bubble

poorfag zoomer doomers are cancer

>> No.13835067

>they all dont know about the upcoming war with china

>> No.13835070
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lol boomer cope

my crypto moves more in a day than your stone age investments do in 20 years

>> No.13835075


>> No.13835085

Can't wait to swoop in in 1 to 3 years and buy out a bunch of starving boomer trash for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.13835098

>Young homebuyers scramble as prices rise faster than incomes
>2 hours ago


>> No.13835102

funny thing is i buy crypto from your zoomer rent

>> No.13835104


The cancer is that we're more poor in real terms than 10 years ago. Unless we discover "Magic Gold Shitting Element", we're overdue for an economic reckoning.

>> No.13835118

>my crypto moves
Exaclty, it moves. Up. And down.

>> No.13835181

look at a chart of BTC since inception and tell me there's a downwards trend
oh wait


>> No.13835191

Vancouver is down like 15-20% YOY.
London and Sydney are down as well. The crash is coming.

>> No.13835207
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>> No.13835216

wow, down 20% from a 500% pump

>> No.13835246
File: 11 KB, 248x204, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents have 3 houses paid off and I have crypto

>> No.13835263

1.2 million is the average sold in vancouver, holy shit leafs are so fucked

>> No.13835276
File: 273 KB, 400x600, oyveybitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believing the (((mainstream news)))
>Please, please buy our bags and keep the ponzi going, goyim!

>> No.13835415

yeah, a 20% drop is a full 1/5 of a 500% pump, and it's only going to get worse as the global debt bubble deflates.

>> No.13835533

Yeah all the niggers and browd hordes replacing white people are gonna have 500k lying around to buy your 2 BR rental when you want to sell it.

>being this retarded

In another 20 years the only rentals worth owning will be section 8, because those will be the only type of population left. If you're owning property with the expectation you'll sell for more based on population you're gonna get burned.

>> No.13835551

>he thinks the global debt bubble will deflate.
cope, we need debt, banks will do everything to get increasing debt. So are politicians.

>> No.13835673


Debt doesn't negate the increasing cost of energy to get energy. Thinking we'll transition to renewables any time soon is a fucking joke. Not to mention that global unfunded pension liabilities are going to increase to 250trillion by 2050 from 94 trillion right now.

We're also more poor than a decade ago because printing more money doesn't solve the cost of energy problem. It only allows the misallocation of capital into "services" bubbles.

>> No.13835714
File: 31 KB, 640x391, 7C6F36DF-8AA5-46A2-AE1F-C16E67B5D356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google Chinese ghost cities. The current credit bubble in China is 4.5 times larger than the credit bubble in 2008 for America. Did the 2008 credit bubble fuck the world economy? Oh, then what happens when the Chinese one pops? Do your fucking research.

What happens when you build trillions of dollars worth of housing that no one can afford, which all have mortgages but no tenants... AND the buildings fall down within 3 years because they’re poorly made?

>> No.13835781

Not arguing that we need debt.
I'm saying we have way too much debt. This is an indisuputable fact. Debt levels are at record highs in a lot of developed countries. People are over leveraged like they were during the 08 crash and during the 89 housing crash (in Canada) .

If people are over leveraged and a recession rolls around (just a matter of time) and they lose their jobs, they will become insolvent pretty quickly.

>> No.13835798

that's a possibility, yeah you're right.