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File: 51 KB, 610x436, gadgets-hamilton beach sandwich maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1382812 No.1382812 [Reply] [Original]

>>Used to waste money on coffee
>>Used to waste money after skipping breakfast and needing lunch

I got once of these breakfast sandwich makers and a french press, the two items have probably paid for themselves given a shit Starbucks coffee is $2 and a sandwich is $5. If you are buying breakfast and coffee every morning the money adds up fast, it's like $3000 a year.

I layer the sandwiches in the machine while I boil water, I'm out the door 7 mins later so not only does the machine pay for itself it also saves me time, which is money.

>> No.1382819

In unrelated news I'm hungry.

>> No.1382831

recently i really started to cut back on expenses especially food ever since i have less and less money.

>> No.1382930

you should really have budget so you can monitor and improve your spending habits

>> No.1382932

I had one of those AIO sandwich makers and it was shit senpai didnt cook everything through

>> No.1383022

>not ingesting 200mg caffeine pill with scoop of bcaas every morning

Stay fat and pleb

>> No.1383029

Three eggs and some sort of meat every morning, I've been going on a breakfast ham binge, fry it up in a little bit of butter then once its fried take it out leave juices and cook eggs

>calories in
>calories out

>> No.1383864

I have a scoop of steel cut oats for breakfast. It's like 5 fucking cents

>> No.1383922
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>not growing your own coffee beans

>> No.1383932

It takes about 3 minutes to cook an egg and warm a slice of ham in a skillet. That's the same amount of time it takes to toast an english muffin in the toaster and brew a cup of coffee.

Would not buy that ridiculous machine.

>> No.1384010

Yeah the nigger tier version obviously for a nigger like you

>> No.1384017

this. have to take 400mg or i don't notice anything desu. and i usually take another 100 at midday.
in 3 weeks are finals, wish me luck

>> No.1384100

>adds up fast, it's like $3000 a year.

>tfw I don't make $3000 a year
>and Starbucks coffee is $2 and a sandwich is $5

the joys of my shit country

>> No.1384438

But oats are absolutely fucking inedible.

>drinking coffee at all

>> No.1384534
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>mfw he wastes time chewing

What an idiot. Learn to smoothie, faggot. I consume 1200 calories, 60g complete protein, 30g carbs in the time it takes you to assemble your cholesterol filled, artery clogging breakfast sandwich.

>> No.1384559

chewing uses up more calories than sucking on a straw.
I guess your gunna have to burn some extra calories sucking on your boyfriend tonight.

>> No.1384580
File: 817 KB, 200x233, 738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would I want to burn calories?

>> No.1384689

Coffee is a waste of money; a kilo of caffeine costs around $15 and will last you as long as 5,000 cups of coffee.

>> No.1384692

>Needing Coffee

Stay addicted faggots.

>> No.1384734

I've been considering buying some solar panels, but $10K for this 3kW bundle seems pricey. I do tend to use my computer all the time though, not to mention im harboring and running my employees computers during work hours. It would also help with the cost of my green house. So, maybe I should.

>> No.1384738

>buying that useless contraption
If you truly wanted to save money on breakfast just eat a bowl of fucking cereal. I eat a bowl every morning since I was 5 (except days off when I can go gourmet on my eggs and turkey bacon and toast)

>> No.1384766
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I bought this on clearance about 50 for 50 seconds each. 25$. Boil water in 2 mins add it, put on lid and ready to go. Comes with apples and nuts can add fresh fruit. The only money I waste is 1.50 from my local donut shop for coffe. They have 6 different blends and their own cream so easily worth it.

>> No.1385015

Coffee is never worth it unless your buying it for a client you're trying to persuade

>> No.1385030

Consider buying Soylent. It's all the nutrition you need and it's cheap (if you buy the powder). About 14 days of food for $50

>> No.1385036

you should add in the cancer treating coasts.

>> No.1385106

We have a Keurig coffee machine at work. I bought reusable k cups. Saves so much money.

Also, a rice cooker and crock pot are godsends for making batches of food for the week.

>> No.1385122

ITT plebs who think coffee is for staying awake or plebs who actually do that.

Coffee is like good wine. It's for relaxing and enjoyment.

>> No.1385631

>implying the $5 is for the ingredients and not the service
>out the door 7 mins later
you had to go to the grocery store and buy bread, eggs, cheese and meat. most of which have expiry dates so you need to go regularly

>> No.1386141

>If you are buying breakfast and coffee every morning the money adds up fast, it's like $3000 a year.

Waste 10 minutes per day making a breakfast sandwich and coffee. Another 10 minutes wasted when washing dishes and cleaning up.

20 minutes per day, 365 days = 122 hours
(122 hours * my pay of $200/hr) - (365 * $15 breakfast) = 18925

I save $19k per year by "wasting" money on breakfast out.

>> No.1386149

You could make that shit without a breakfast sandwhich maker m8

>> No.1386154

>claims he makes $200/hr
>doesn't even understand opportunity costs

you're not factoring in the time it takes to have breakfast "out"
>drive to store (or uber or whatever), so time in transit
>wait in line to order
>waiting for food
>eating food
fuck you're dumb

>> No.1386165


Yes because everyone knows eating out is instant, food magically appears in your hand while you are making money not even at work.

>> No.1386182 [DELETED] 

You must be pretty decent at sacking cock to be making $200 an hour.

>> No.1386190

You must be pretty good at sucking cock if you're making that much.