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13827687 No.13827687 [Reply] [Original]

The copyright office also clarifies that CSW opens himself up to criminal charges should he have falsely made the Bitcoin claim.

Source: https://www.copyright.gov/press-media-info/press-updates.html

>> No.13827705

Literally who?

>> No.13827715

Well, it's not like it's possible to legally prove that someone is NOT Satoshi.

>> No.13827742

that's where your wrong kiddo. Bitcoin is crytography. the way you prove ownership in a cryptographic system os by signing. wich he cannot do..

>> No.13827762

I said 'legally'.

>> No.13827766

I hate Craig threads, but god you're dumb.

>> No.13827790

>SIgN tHe KeYs
>No Key nO oWneRsHiP

Absolute state

>> No.13827832

i heard he held the nazis back alone at the battle of BULGE...

he also has won the nobel prize all of them in fact several times

not many know that he is actually nikola tesla who discovered the secret of eternal life draining energy and vitality from the void

he also holds every patent on earth because he bought all patent offices

he had more lovers of all sexes than zeus himelf

he personally shot jfk for being a filthy socialist

he is also claimed to be the last starfighter at least nobody could ever disprove it.

truly amazing guy

>> No.13827839

that is how things work in a court of law. you can't just say you invented shit without proof.

>> No.13827844
File: 175 KB, 900x609, cowboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS it's the best $1600 ever spent.

>> No.13827850
File: 239 KB, 1497x632, 1558452057924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you can

>> No.13827868

In my mind it's pretty obvious that the bitcoin creator would have the keys, I don't know about you.

>> No.13827877

Wrong, Satoshi can sign a message with genesis block private key or with his PGP private key anytime (well, atm he cannot since he is locked up in jail).
CSW will never be able to sign one of the two.
That's the entire point of cryptocurrencies.
Private key = ownership

>I said 'legally'.
Asymmetric cryptography has legal value you retard, that's the entire point of something called "digital signatures".

>SIgN tHe KeYs
Sign WITH the keys, fucking retard, you don't even understand basic cryptography

>> No.13827898

Yes, you can prove you're Satoshi, but if you're granted a bullshit copyright, there's hardly any way to legally dispute your claim of being an anonymous creator

>> No.13827935

It's a bullshit and useless copyright, literally no one cares about this fraud and patent troll.
It doesn't prove anything since claims are not verified.
BTC has a MIT license, so there is literally no point of copyrighting it, except for fraudsters to pump their shitcoins.
Anyone falling for these smoke and mirrors deserve to lose their money.

>> No.13827954

no you

>> No.13827959

So I am Satoshi and BSV is the new official currency of India, which is going to be a superpower by 2020
>this post will be copyrighted within 5 working days

>> No.13827965
File: 6 KB, 226x250, E0507565-5C4B-4567-8C02-8D8ECBE7EAE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks a copyright filing is the same as making the claim in a court

>> No.13827972


>> No.13827986
File: 160 KB, 1852x679, copyright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13828495

no btc is copyrighted from the get go it was just never registered this registration is bullshit as btc copyright includes all documentation which includes the whitepaper under mit licence. cregs boomer tricks gonna bite him im the ass.