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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13819299 No.13819299 [Reply] [Original]

Let the Fight beginnnn.

>> No.13819414
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cool how i slave my ass off to live in a modest 2/2 so i can pay for my neighbors 2 story house and healthcare because they decided to pop out 3 kids on minimum wage and one is autistic. no urgency to do better in life, "everything is provided" healthcare, food stamps, etc. not to mention they are able to buy a newer vehicle every year with their tax return and special needs benefits for contributing mongoloids to the horde. what the fuck.

>> No.13819474
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tfw student, get almost all of the free time a neet has with the benfits of a fat as fuck student loan

>> No.13819492

I'm a NEET and life is sweet God bless the wagies as I suck my gfs teet

>> No.13819675
File: 359 KB, 858x821, B49D308B-B928-44D3-8E6C-DB1EC2727F6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, waging is a muscle. At first it sucks to even spend 6 hours working. Now I am conditioned to be ok with 8-9 hours. 10 is annoying but doable, and 12 sucks, but isn’t that bad. Arbeit macht frei. The neet loses social skills and becomes out of touch with people/reality. Without contact from others, the Neet loses a sense of self that seems liberating at first, but it becomes a source of anxiety and depression. Here me out neets, no matter how pleb and toxic you think Mormons are, relations with them will positively affect your life. Get a job doing anything to get a taste of wagey life, even part time shit. Unless you are based and doing your own things to earn money, the wagey-pill is a game changer.

>> No.13819703

>eventually being a slave can be really nice actually