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13818299 No.13818299 [Reply] [Original]

are you into crypto market just for the money or you have a 'ideology'?

>> No.13818319

My ideology is gambling on Binance listings and praying they pump

>> No.13818324

In for the money.
I'll be a crusader when I cash out.

>> No.13818351

My ideology is to make a lot of money. When I'm living in a gated white neighbourhood, then I'll consider helping others.

>> No.13818372


>> No.13818378
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i actually want to make money ofcourse like everyone here, but investing in techs is very interesting and fun! love gambling and this is more fun than just some Roulette or Blackjack etc

>> No.13818382

Started out for the money but now that I am essentially a full time trader I really do get excited reading about allot of these projects and technologies

>> No.13818383


>> No.13818395

In it for the money, anyone else isnt a true Capitalist.

>> No.13818403

To outjew the jews

>> No.13818406

I'm in it for the tech plebs

>> No.13818413


Money with the understanding that boomers have fucked fiat up, that rare earth materials are used so women can be uberthots, that pollution externalities are going to fuck me hard in my lifetime, and that my dream is to make psychedelics and have fun while the ass of society shits on itself.

>> No.13818420

are you me

>> No.13818435

can we STOP posting pepe's. I'm not against them but this is a blue SFW board. I cant have a bunch of RACIST FROGS on the fucking catalog. Take that shit back to /r9k/ god damn it

>> No.13818448


back then I was really inspired by ideas behind Bitcoin. Fuck the government, its taxes and control over money. But now I am in for money mosty.

>> No.13818742

But not fiat
I truly believe we will be using crypto in the future on the daily,so yeah you can say I believe in crypto but Im in to get rich obv,cryptorich

>> No.13818757

crypto is the first step towards fully automated luxury space communism

>> No.13818789

I don't consider Bitcoin 'bags', I consider Bitcoin 'Bug-out bags'. The time is coming where the slightest infringement against the globohomo thought police will have your ability to trade cancelled by the great satan. Crypto is our defence against the darkness.

>> No.13818816
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My only 'ideology' is just I really hate Jews and Zionism. I don't care about what political system is used whether it's socialist or anarcho capitalist or monarchy or whatever so long as there are no Jews and Israel is an enemy.

Oh and trading crypto shouldn't be taxable. Also no gun laws.

>> No.13818819

They are the same my friend

>> No.13818832

i'm into op's mom's brappers

>> No.13818913


My ideology is total rejection of the existing rigged financial system. The rejection of paying taxes to support a completely mismanaged welfare system which transfers resources to undeserving sub-80 IQ niggers. Rejection of a bloated privacy threatening state which hates its own citizens. Rejection of banks and usury peddling kike middlemen.

I am in it to make money but also to satisfy my idealistic libertarian fantasises.

>> No.13818969

get a load of this fucking teenage brainlet kek

>> No.13818985
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I am anti-semitic.

>> No.13819023

How would you guys invest a £340k inheritance from grandparents???

>> No.13819024

XMR for the tech and ideological reasons

anything else for the money

>> No.13819029

Sorry to inform you, but not a single person here cares about the tech or the ideaology behind crypto. All ppl care about is finding the next pump and dump scam coin to gamble on and make a profit. That’s how you know that this entire market is a fraud and a ponzi that has no future

>> No.13819031


>> No.13819277

>10-20% on Crypto
>Rest on normie boomer traditional investments
>Use a few thousand for your own enjoyment,luxury scorts,a nice long trip,expensive restaurants,idk man what gives you pleasure and motivates you to seek a better life

>> No.13819761

Satoshi will make ALL the announcements May 31st. Swimming against this current will be futile.

During the fireside chat with Jimmy, Craig will lay the foundations for all of his extraordinary claims, which will include posting independently-verifiable documents and evidence addressing some of the false allegations that have been leveled, and transferring bitcoin from an early block.

There will be extraordinary proof that can be independently validated regarding the Segwit flaw. Similarly, Craig will also discuss the fundamental flaws with privacy coins, such as Zcash & Monero. This will effectively kill "privacy coins" as Craig will show you that it is basically as private as running through Times Square with your pants around your ankles.

Craig will also expose the pure fraud that is binance. He will discuss how these bucket shop exchanges are all squarely within the realm of US control. To say so is not a mere assertion, ‘.com’ domains have been considered to come under US territory for decades now. It is well tested in law. All major exchanges, including Coinbase, will be immediately forced to remove the bitcoin moniker from BTC/BCH/BTG/BTCP and all the other scam forks that have deviated from the whtiepaper. This will all be legally enforceable by his recent copyright approval.

During a Q&A Dr. Wright will also be asked about the court proceedings vs Kleiman's estate. At this point he will reveal irrefutable proof that the TulipTrust is in fact real and the accurate name that Satoshi gave to his enormous stash of bitcoins. Craig will demonstrate how he will take sole possession of the TulipTrust in 2020 once the contract reaches maturity.

Listen, I genuinely care about Anons well being. Cryptoscammers have been trying their hardest to suppress the coingreek conference bcuz On May 31 there will be a sea of red across the board, with the exception of one coin that will rise from the red ashes like a phoenix. That coin is original bitcoin BSV.

>> No.13819816

I was always a huge fan of P2P.
This is P2P on steroids. P2P had and currently have success (torrents is the most popular use). However, it was always outside of the market.
Crypto just boosts P2P with money incentive.
It is paradoxical that P2P was supposed to be outside the market, but it found it's biggest success in crypto, which is in it's entirety on the market.

However, it is probable that in the end, crypto will be used outside of any market, as a mean to store information and operations reliably (post capitalist mode of production).

>> No.13819834


I really hope monero and skycoin succeed, but I'm pragmatic about things, and therefore also 'invested' in ripple.

>> No.13819851

I care about the money first. Once I'm rich I'll give a shit about ideologies

>> No.13819853

a bit of both i suppose

just hedging incase shtf

>> No.13819871

This. The social impact will be tremendous and many systems and processes will be questioned within the next decades thanks to crypto

>> No.13819910

OH my god how can you say that... Do you know 6 MILLIONS jews were killed by the nazis during world war two?