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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 84 KB, 478x350, zoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13813402 No.13813402 [Reply] [Original]

hahahahaha i m 18 and make lots of money in sales. Why dont wagies just get sales jobs if they hate their lives so much
>always make money if your not a little bitch
>pretty much make your own hours
>no one fucks with you if you're a high performer

get fucked wagie fudds

>> No.13813440

You’re a fucking wagecuck also with your low class job sorry to burst your bubble faggot

>> No.13813469

Get to work wagie

>> No.13813470

>low class job

not when I'm 18 looking to pull 100k a year

>> No.13813481

that gif made me cringe so hard

>> No.13813484

based zoomer taking on the shitty jobs so the rest of us don't have to

>> No.13813517

Sales is literally all luck and based mostly around finding clients stupid enough to buy your shit. I'm assuming you got lucky and one of the managers gave you a list of easy clients, to which I say, congrats.

>> No.13813548

if you think sales is luck you are a beta faggot

>> No.13813563

also leads are always high quality in my business

>> No.13813575

ok boomer hope your dumbass marketing/ consulting job is fulfilling desk jockey

>> No.13813582

>it's not luck
>I have high quality leads

Yeah okay.

>> No.13813587

You'll always be a little faggot with no respect tho.

>> No.13813589
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>> No.13813615

are you calling my bluff? sure theres bogus leads but the majority are just fine. As long as you have the balls to close like a man and build trust for you and the brand, you're making the sale

>> No.13813634

I'm calling your bluff because its a bluff. There's a reason that once you do sales long enough the only thing you can do is sales.

>> No.13813642

and you'll always be a hopeless bootlicking boomer with no self-respect.

>> No.13813657

What do you sell? I’m a 21 year old zoomed dating a girl your age, I’m on your side bro.

>> No.13813671

pedo fag

>> No.13813682

oh god stahp crrrrrrringggggeeeeee aaaaaa

>> No.13813683

ok elaborate, why am I doomed to do sales forever.

>> No.13813686

True if I could I’d be dating someone younger.

>> No.13813690

>are you calling my bluff?
Your in sales...nothing you say is the whole truth, now get back to work wagie

>> No.13813712

you could make 100k a year for the next 10,000 years and still not have 1 billion dollars

>> No.13813714

Because the only skill you have is bullshitting (which anyone can do after like a day of decent training) and learning to prey on unsuspecting low IQ retards. Your skills don't even transfer to big business negotiations.

>> No.13813738

Whose the youngest age you've fucked since you turned 18?

>> No.13813792

never younger than 18

>> No.13813803

the virgin 1 billion vs the chad 100k per year

>> No.13813828
File: 10 KB, 200x313, 700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok retard. I'm not a fucking used car salesman. What do you think this is the fucking 60's? People have access to the internet, I tell one lie its game over. its all about having brass balls and a good brand. My clients are individuals/ family who make $120,000+ I do not prey on low IQ individuals thats scummy. And please brainlet explain to me how my skills aren't transferable. Keep in mind I'm 18 and a student so I haven't hit a wall

>> No.13813856

he doesnt know what he is talking about. he is a NEET with roughly 2.5 BTC that thinks he is some finance wizard because he forgot about his BTC until 2017 and then searched his moms attic for his old flash drive

>> No.13813872

hello fellow zoomer, I wont go too much into detail but I work in the home improvement business. God Speed to you and you 18 yr old gf, may she stay youthful forever and give you many childrern

>> No.13813898

24 y/o salesman here too. try to sell IT or something in the tech field. there are guys at my company who have been doing this for years and have a huge client base pulling in a milli a quarter

>> No.13813905

This board is mostly autistic social retards kiddo. You're on the right track.
>t 33yo boomer making $250k doing sales

>> No.13813921

I work construction and make 70k a year doing 2 actual hours of work a day. Get fucked yuppie.

>> No.13813932

Larp harder faggot

>> No.13813941

bro most zoomers cannot even talk to people on a casual basis. any time i work with a zoomer they stare at the ground and wait for my instructions. basically our "sales" skill comes down to something that the majority of our generation doesnt have

>> No.13813957

Ah, you’re working for one of those schemes where you try to get people t sell their houses cheap and then you group of “investors” buys them, fixes it up and flips it right?

I had a buddy do that, he was all pumped and set up his website and I think he paid in to be an affiliate and all that shit. Last I saw, he is living in an RV in caifornia, not even fucking kidding you hahaha

>> No.13813962

>$100k a year

A capitalist can make what you've make in 10 years on one so-so deal. Jeff Bezos makes your yearly income in 20 minutes, and tax-free.

You're still wageslave scum.

>> No.13813963

cope harder fudd

>> No.13813977

How to begin in sales? I only really find telemarketing jobs where I am and most seem terrible

>> No.13813988

May i suggest.. kneepads?

>> No.13813991

no not that. I know about that though, you think I'd buy into that scheme? No no. I've heard of it being very lucrative for some people though. I sell a service to homeowners.

>> No.13813998

Lmao you're a door to door window/roof salesman aren't you? I hope you're content doing that, because there's absolutely no career potential there.

>> No.13814011

how old are you?

>> No.13814010

Thx bro keep grinding let’s get this bread

>> No.13814023

enjoy your first recession

>> No.13814024

Nope, not that. Not far off though. No door to dooring. Again, I'm a student, I know this isnt my ride to fame and riches but it sure is far above my age group

>> No.13814036

sales is ugly you literally lie and scam other people and whore yourself out all day.. now you are young and selfish/clueless but the day will come (hopefully) when u realize this and quit sales.

>> No.13814043

not enough money youre a poorfag, too much money and you become a souless scum bag. No thanks buddy, I know I'm not rich but I sure am cumftabl

>> No.13814060

lol you sound washed up as fuck

"sales is a hard racket kid *sips* get out while you can"

the amount of btfod boomers in this thread is unreal, biz has no fucking libido

>> No.13814073

how do you balance work/uni? what do you study, and how are you managing your time in exam season? (fellow zoomer btw)

>> No.13814092

>soulless scumbag
As a capitalist, money works for you. You can sit back, be frugal and live happy. As a wageslave, you see your soul hourly. The only people who become "soulless" is because they wageslave too hard.

>> No.13814100

Based OP

Sales is indeed the Chad job of choice. I am in SaaS sales, make ~300k. 35yo.

Sales is about working your ass off to not get fired until you get lucky with a whale and make 90% of your comp off it. Managing a territory is the skill. Managing stress is paramount.

>> No.13814113

>you see your soul hourly
*you sell your soul hourly

>> No.13814114
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>industrial sales
>20 years old

Comfy as fuck lads

>> No.13814120

What the fuck are you talking about? Maybe B2C sales is like that, but B2B in a major corporation is not like that at all.

>> No.13814143

work is very flexible and I set my own hours except for our projection meetings and sales meetings I have about twice a week for a couple of hours. If your business knows your a student but you make them lots of money, youre the god of your own world.

tldr; get good at your job, set a schedule, demand respect

>> No.13814161

OP is selling flooring or cabinets for a boss who has a revolving door of suckers doing all the work for him.

>> No.13814172


>> No.13814173


OP Here, about to close on a massive $200,000 sale (hence my confidence to brag about sales on biz)

>> No.13814185

>OP Here
We have IDs here retard

>> No.13814197
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, crazy homless man yelling on street corner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop yelling you fucking autist

>> No.13814213

aha check mate well educated 4 channer, thanks for the tip

>> No.13814217
File: 78 KB, 800x834, yo-dawg-memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13814228

not quite, pretty small business and I am a top performer

>> No.13814247

I have an opportunity in sales development for a business e-commerce company. It's not really what I was looking for, but I'm looking into it anyways. Anyone got similar experience here?

>> No.13814249

ok whole truth? yeah its not the most relaxing job in the world. But, who cares man up

>> No.13814403

>man up
Easy to say when you're only 18 and barely into your first job.

>> No.13814420

i think that boom is over, its gonna be a lot of grinding on your part to people who dont wanna listen to what you have to say

>> No.13814582

>sales/business dev
This question comes up a lot. Should you take that shitty biz dev job? That depends. Do you want a career in sales?

Optimally, you will identify the company you wish to sell for (like AWS) and get a biz dev job there. At that point your only job is to impress the regional sales managers. You will need to move; top paying sales jobs are outside and you need to be prepared to jump on any territory that becomes available. Sales guys get fired or leave at a good clip, and sales managers hate nothing more than empty dirt. Be the easy answer for a manager to move into a spot and you just got a $150k raise.

If you DONT want to sell, don’t do biz dev. The job sucks. The job isn’t there to do long term, it is there to be a launchpad for a territory gig.

>> No.13814610

I’d shit post all day if it paid. Jobs are stressful if you’re not a fast food wagie.

>> No.13814638

Maybe when he see he is earning about 1k a month working his ass off he will quit

>> No.13814703

>Keep in mind I'm 18 and a student so I haven't hit a wall
Surprise surprise, an arrogant Zoomer, God this world is so fucked

>> No.13814734

> earn 1k a month

well im good at what I do so I doubt I'd have any huge loss streaks like that, but I know it's possible. I have savings for such an event

>> No.13814779

surprise surprise a spinless boomer who ruined the economy trying to shit on the up and comers

>> No.13814897

About what I was thinking. Wasn't really looking for sales so I'd have to do more research and think on it. May just keep looking.

>> No.13815228

sales is basically like sucking dicks

>> No.13815276

based zoomer. don't spend too much and invest it, you'll retire early

>> No.13815362

Zoomers a generation with access to all the info in the world but to arrogant to use it!
Keep blaming Boomers, but in reality, they were ignorant out of just plain general ignorance, Zoomers are ignorant out of there own arrogance.

Your arrogance is getting in the way of learning!


>> No.13815364

>hedging your life on a job where literally a bad week or two can take you out and make you look like a slacker in the bosses eyes no matter how much shilling you did last month.
toppest of keks anon.

>> No.13815454

I dislike sales people and think they should all be hanged.

>> No.13815461

Nope there are metrics to measure effort and I’m not in a corporation I have a good relationship with boss man. U think he doesn’t know that’s part of the sales game?

>> No.13815478

Ok good cope. All the degeneracy and retardation you see in zoomers today is a result of the seed planed by boomers

>> No.13815493

*sales is like GETTING your dick sucked B-)

>> No.13815550

>All the degeneracy and retardation you see in zoomers today is a result of the seed planed by boomers
So Zoomers are = to Niggers then, just blame someone else. God you Zoomers are dumb.


Blaming the Boomers just shows how little you understand of the world, thus proving my point about your arrogance.

>> No.13815552
File: 314 KB, 913x532, Ultimate_Stiff_Machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi will make ALL the announcements May 31st. Swimming against this current will be futile.

During the fireside chat with Jimmy, Craig will lay the foundations for all of his extraordinary claims, which will include posting independently-verifiable documents and evidence addressing some of the false allegations that have been leveled, and transferring bitcoin from an early block.

There will be extraordinary proof that can be independently validated regarding the Segwit flaw. Similarly, Craig will also discuss the fundamental flaws with privacy coins, such as Zcash & Monero. This will effectively kill "privacy coins" as Craig will show you that it is basically as private as running through Times Square with your pants around your ankles.

Craig will also expose the pure fraud that is binance. He will discuss how these bucket shop exchanges are all squarely within the realm of US control. To say so is not a mere assertion, ‘.com’ domains have been considered to come under US territory for decades now. It is well tested in law. All major exchanges, including Coinbase, will be immediately forced to remove the bitcoin moniker from BTC/BCH/BTG/BTCP and all the other scam forks that have deviated from the whtiepaper. This will all be legally enforceable by his recent copyright approval.

During a Q&A Dr. Wright will also be asked about the court proceedings vs Kleiman's estate. At this point he will reveal irrefutable proof that the TulipTrust is in fact real and the accurate name that Satoshi gave to his enormous stash of bitcoins. Craig will demonstrate how he will take sole possession of the TulipTrust in 2020 once the contract reaches maturity.

Listen, I genuinely care about Anons well being. Cryptoscammers have been trying their hardest to suppress the coingreek conference bcuz On May 31 there will be a sea of red across the board, with the exception of one coin that will rise from the red ashes like a phoenix. That coin is original bitcoin BSV.