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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, bnb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13810051 No.13810051 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13810063

binance will exit scam sooner or later, it's just a matter of when

>> No.13810069

>says increasingly nervous Anglo for the millionth time

>> No.13810072

Not everyone thinks like the every /biz/ entitled narcisstist loser.

Some people actually like to own companies that print money.

>> No.13810074

I don't think they're gonna exit scam at all
Why would they?

>> No.13810080

russiagate will be confirmed sooner or later

>> No.13810081

everybody should be nervous as a binance exit scam would mt gox crypto to hell

>> No.13810085

The funny thing is that the bigger they are, the less the chance of that.

It is very likely that smaller exchanges that try to copy binance, will "give up" when they dont become "as rich" and dissapear.

However there is actual value, and fun (for CZ) in being known and owning, the facebook/amazon of crypto.

>> No.13810086

B-but memes...

>> No.13810089

wtf BNB

>> No.13810091

go to sleep, cz
we aren't buying your scam

>> No.13810099

Fuck you boomer, go back into your sink, we want to talk about the rocket

>> No.13810100

You will.

Where else are you going to margin trade shitcoins? :p

>> No.13810106

Wow 3 posts Fudding BNB. Fear not desu senpai. Funda Safu. $100 eoy. prove me wrong faggots

>> No.13810108

Let's go back to the topic:

>> No.13810112

margin trading is for degenerates

>> No.13810115

> he doesn't know

>> No.13810120

...he said, with his desktop covered in tentacle porn and loli folders.

>> No.13810128

Anon, don't care about this lame 61yrs old hater.

Price predictions?

>> No.13810131

yeah but when

>> No.13810155

When? Look at the chart right fucking now

>> No.13810166

oh shit wtf

>> No.13810181

Did something happen? Most are just on 5% greens

>> No.13810197

from 32$ to 34,50$, if it breaks 35$ it can go to 40$

>> No.13810212

they announced margin trading

>> No.13810255

When should I sell my BNB?

>> No.13810276

No hurry fren. This shit will be huge. This is the next etherium. I wont be selling before 1000usd

>> No.13810286

Just like LINK, right?

>> No.13810319

This depends on the market, 1000 usd is too high at the moment.
If bullrun keeps going and the market cap reaches its ATH, then maybe.

>> No.13810494

No. Fuck link

Cz got some big plans for binance. It will go up there in time

>> No.13810495

>buy BNB
>immediately starts dumping

>> No.13810532
File: 64 KB, 633x758, 1542676329047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had 3k bnb and sold them for $5 per, not i could only afford 500

>> No.13810569

Yes, the plans can be big, but at this levels of total M.cap there's no money to go huge, for everyone.

>> No.13810636


>> No.13810658

You've still time to get in.
Get the fuck in.
Not now obviously, because it's the ath, wait for the first little retracement.

>> No.13810854

binance will be like biggest ever crypto exchange / company .... srsly their marketing, their userbase.. their innovations etc ... fueled by their coin wich mega tokenomics

srsly no matter how hard u hate it

>> No.13810870

This is only pumping because of the Harmony lottery.

>> No.13810907

Yes, shure

>> No.13811049

>bought at 0.0042677
>already losing money

tricked again

>> No.13811105

bought at fucking ATH basically
> it's the biz way

>> No.13811214

ath is 0.0043 today so I have hope

>> No.13811247

>let me exit scam my money printing machine
You he already recovered the $40 million he lost in the hack baiting noobs into buying the IEOs a few days ago? All three dumped at the same time. This chink is a genius.

>> No.13811256

>investing in a Chinese ponzi shitcoin

I'll stick with Bitcoin, thanks

>> No.13811404

> losing money going long on a bullish coin
It requires talent anon

If it retraces it should go back to 32-33, buy there and wait

>> No.13811564

imagine NOT thinking BNB will reach $50 in the short term

imagine NOT thinking BNB will reach $200 by 2020

>> No.13812458

Imagine thinking that an RBMK reactor can explode.

>> No.13812568

so i can only 4x in a year. seems like a pretty bad deal to me.

>> No.13813249

> t. poor
I know nigga, it sucks