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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13808421 No.13808421 [Reply] [Original]


This has happened to some of you too

>> No.13808436

I refuse to work a 9-5 job
I'd rather steal
I don't know how or why anyone would do it. I worked for 8 months in my teens and said this is enough for me and found another way to make money

Having a job is for retards

>> No.13808444


>> No.13808467

>nonwhite detected

>> No.13808486

We need a sequel with link rising and then a third version where the new elite is striking back!

> another way to make money

>> No.13808532

wait how do you make money stealing? You cant sell stolen goods

>> No.13808541

Selling pills and shitty weed isn't a viable career option Jamal. Real ballers make doing absolutely nothing, think more Jewish next time

>> No.13808543

Real talk though, some jobs are actually quite decent if you're not a fucking wage slave. Eg product manager at a high growth crypto tech startup. Why the fuck would you not want a position like that if you're skilled enough? Pajeets with no education that can only work MCd jobs will obviously hate on Shekelstein.

>> No.13808564

I'm white and English, there is just no reason to work a 9 to 5 in current year. I tried it as I said but it took maybe 4~ months to realise this is a losers game and I was still a stupid kid then too. It's the easiest time ever in history to carve your own path (you can do it literally from your bed) and retards still settle for this because? Well, I don't know why they do it, couldn't tell you.
Do literally anything else, put yourself in a difficult position if need be, it will light a fire under you and then you'll see first hand how well you can deal with it yada yada, you'll live. Plebs settle because they have no burning ambition, secretly they love their shitty fucking jobs
Don't know but I'd make it work if I had to

>> No.13808586

The fuck is with the music? sounds like there are 4 fucking songs playing at once.

>> No.13808598

Or you could work for a fixed amount of time, live on barely anything and save for 2 years, then do your own shit with 5 digits saved up. Money begets money. Better than scraping the absolute bottom. You are avoiding work because you think you are better when really you are just a weak bitch who can't bring himself to grind for even a short while

>> No.13808611

Just an example, you want to do shit from your own bed, but you still need equipment. Fuck, how are you living? Probably under mommy's roof

>> No.13808618

Also, obviously not everyone can not work a job because then we would all be fucked, but the point is (You) shouldn't. Never mind what anyone else is doing, but (You) shouldn't lose this particular game of finding a way to survive without working a job you hate.
I don't need to work retard

>> No.13808622

yes this happened to me

>> No.13808648

That's still work though. You still need to grind your shitty YouTube channel and shill your sound cloud or whatever. That's still work. You can't escape work. You can only do work you love.

>> No.13808693

Yeah, work itself isn't bad. We're all working and I love working and don't really believe in leisure time. But I mean 'work' in the sense that you are working some shit job you hate for peanuts just to pay for your Game-boy subscription or w.e., that is fucking retarded. Read Hunger by Hamsun, tell your boss to fuck off and find another way no matter what it takes

>> No.13808775

When I was a teenager I worked at a gas station (Jersey where you pump people's gas) because I wanted ez money. There was a guy there who had worked at that gas station for 16 years. From his 20s into his mid 30s. I asked him why but I don't even remember what he said. It made no sense why he stayed there so long. Some people aren't motivated to improve their situations. Or they're too dumb to figure it out, maybe he spent 16 years complacently drinking and watching TV. There's nothing wrong with going to an office to work as a writer if you like writing. Or even a meme job like a game dev. Taking on more responsibility at work can mean moving into a more important or rewarding position, where you're actually making decisions. Some people get paid to sit around in an office and do fuck all, they chat with their boys the whole time and call it a day. I don't go by those narrow definitions, if you're getting paid to show up and chat with your friends you've made it. Bonus if you never have to do any work and can delegate it to subordinates

>> No.13808785

working is for plebs indeed.
but if you can find something you truly enjoy maybe its nice.

>> No.13808797

I used to wage cuck, now I wage Chad. It took 10 years and a lot of hard work, but now I have my dream job and actually enjoy working, while making good money at the same time.

>> No.13808834

Later in my life I interned at a financial firm and a guy there, mid 20s, out of college was making 120k a year plus bonuses, had his own place in New York. That's enough to set aside for a nice home later, or travel a lot when you're young. Every summer he can visit a different country.
This. It's not all bad. The best kind of jobs are the kind where you can leave behind a legacy or a portfolio of work imo. Bragging rights and big dick stuff. And for creative jobs, hella pussy

>> No.13808895
File: 1.83 MB, 1902x1002, buyminereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time to pump minereum it was 12$ before now its 0.012, there is only 5million coins in circulation so its easy to pump.

>> No.13809312
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>> No.13809344

>I have my dream job and actually enjoy working
literal cope lol

>> No.13809371


He gets depression for 2k $ . Those are peanuts m8.
Since no one in this Board is actually cost averaging this video should be renamed into" why you should cost average on your investments"

>> No.13809445

what about a 6-2, 2-10, 10-6 job. You still get wagie cagie free time unlike 9-5 where you lose hours commuting

>> No.13809475

This is what im doing rn. One year in finishing university, in a completely unrelated but decent paid local job. Own a car which has appreciated in value since I purchased it, and majority of paychecks are in BTC at a good price point, but i need to DCA some more.

v. comfy

>> No.13809478

Delete this

>> No.13809495
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