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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13806354 No.13806354 [Reply] [Original]

also I lost these coins when mintpal went tits up

>> No.13806373

What's your networth?

>> No.13806404

I still have some MAGAcoin

>> No.13806434

I'm not a /biz/ oldfag, but I am a crypto oldfag. Before 2017, I hung out on darknet market forums, which was pretty cool because most people weren't looking to good rich, but rather figure out how to utilize crypto to transact drugs (or worse) without getting caught. Since most of those got shut down 2-3 years ago, /biz/ is the most similar place I have found to the OG darknet communities.

>> No.13806446

/biz/ oldfags, what was /biz/ like before crypto? Now its all just chainlink, Creg Satoj, and shitposts.

>> No.13806487

I dunno probably 300-400k. contrary to popular belief, most oldfags didn't get rich off BTC. the 2014-2015 bear market basically wiped crypto off map for a couple years and everyone either sold at a loss or held massive bags. the only people who got rich were the dumb or lucky ones.

I do have like 350 ETH though so I'm fairly happy with it. could always use more though.

>> No.13806522
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there wasn't a /biz/ before crypto. back then we were on /g/ but the nerdy faggots complained to moot and he created /biz/ as a containment board for crypto. there was a period during the 2014-2015 bear market through when crypto was basically dead, and the board was basically the same threads every day.
>sell me this pen
>how do I start a porn site and make money
>/dropshipping general/

>> No.13806548

I've been on the board since /biz/ was created as a containment board for the cryptoshilling on /g/.

>> No.13806572


>> No.13806603

what were the best parts of biz in the old days? everyone grinding on business schemes and sharing advice? i think if you have the shillers effectively filtered the average iq is still 115 + here

>> No.13806620
File: 113 KB, 630x330, Screen-Shot-2017-05-19-at-3.42.49-AM-630x330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else remember the anon that would completely fucking spaz whenever we made minereum threads? god what a shitcoin. I'm amazed livecoin didn't scam me out of everything

he would come into every thread we made and post pictures of winnie the pooh sitting in a chair while red and screaming with pure rage

>> No.13806682
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>> No.13806684

in 2016 /biz/ was hands down the best place on the net to get the inside scope on which coins to buy. the retarded shillers hadn't moved in yet and basically every coin would mega pump as soon as it was listed on bittrex or poloneix. but then the discord channels and mega-high-supply shitcoins started to move in, and all the fun and profits went away. only presale buyers make money off the coins with 100billion circulating supply.

the people like me who made it through the bear market knew what we were doing so we didn't fall for the scams, and we bought up ETH while it was still in the $10-50 range. ETH gets shit on by corecucks now just as much as it did then.

>> No.13807003

no can do bucko

>> No.13807039

Chinks are waking up

>> No.13807045

What do you oldfags think of link and its shills?

>> No.13807123

Who remembers Long?

>> No.13807126

Buy it.

>> No.13807133
File: 331 KB, 1962x1340, Screen Shot 2019-05-24 at 12.36.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an oldfag, but I'll post this for the spirit of the thread. this was back when you could make ungodly gains from biz shills if you knew what to look for. I recall only seeing a few threads for this before the ICO. feelsbadman knowing we'll never have a market like that again

>> No.13807144

what do they sleep until noon?

>> No.13807152


>> No.13807159

technology wise it's a joke because the oracle problem is unsolvable, an external source can never bring trusted data into a closed system. also it's literally a handful of people led by sir gay vs. actual, professional teams. but /biz/'s shilling has managed to make it one of the best trading markets out there, even having a USDT market on binance so it's a staple and there will always be good liquidity.

>> No.13807179

Does anybody miss MOONcoin? I'm thinking of buying some for old times sake.
Also just remembered it because I logged into Facebook and saw my MOON page has 200+ followers (all of them are well-dressed men from India)
brb gonna check the discord too

>> No.13807198
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>> No.13807246

Based. Pump Doge.

>> No.13807273



How's Josh Garza and Paycoin are doing these days? wen moon sirs.

How do I turn $1 into $1,000,000.

>> No.13807286

Ethereum ICO ? stay bro,smart contracts? pfhahaha, that's a scam

>> No.13807364
File: 49 KB, 485x671, BFDFDB56-8789-4DD7-85D3-7E8EE3E57BE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still am upset I sold like 300 ETH at $15

>> No.13807401

>the board was basically the same threads every day
so just like it is nowadays

>> No.13807479
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yes, I'm glad you're here to keep us company

>> No.13807501

Rdd coin

Also when /biz/ was crypto generals instead of being the whole board.

Wish I wasnt 14 when I found out about bitcoin. I went all in when btc was $100 but that was only about $400.

Cashed out at $1k and bought a motorbike lol.

>> No.13807517

>have tf2 skin
>be offered 250 bitcoin for it
>nah im aight ( wtf is a bitcoin )


>> No.13807546

All in.
t. on /biz/ since December 2013

>> No.13807552


>> No.13808341

>most oldfags didn't get rich off BTC
Many retards in tron, verge, or raiblocks for 2 months at the end of 2017 made more than I ever did.

>> No.13808376

Wasn't this wolong's pet project? Back when cryptosanta was still active

>> No.13808405
File: 143 KB, 512x473, bitbean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only sprouting beans reach the moon~

>> No.13808420

I mined this shit and still have it

>> No.13808431

I had post number like 120 on here, I remember when this became a containment board from all the btc threads on /b/ and /g/

>> No.13808480
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>> No.13808508
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Do you remember wolong dumping it to 1 sat when he exit scammed?

>> No.13808520

>prove you're a /biz/ oldfag

>> No.13808535

imagine not being in Yenten right now.
Just buy SNTVT anon

>> No.13808552

Coinye. Erry fuckin' time.

>> No.13808557

I really miss the old /biz/. We would discuss real businesses, stocks, property and scams. Crypto ruined this board. And now after the dumpening, the board is filled with gay bloggers and nigger lovers. I fucking hate what this place have become!

Any other oldfags here?

>> No.13808575

Kek absolute retards. Pretty sure I still have a wallet from 17.

>> No.13808604

Solong Wolong!

>> No.13809085
File: 399 KB, 1080x1920, 753487FE-C1B1-456B-BF34-35A2C842CCFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring me back 3:

>> No.13809230

I lost 2 bitcorn I mined on a fucking laptop with slush's pool back in the day when my account mysteriously became inaccessible to me.

>> No.13809259

wow after ALL THAT still not all in on link? link is heading towards 4th position

>> No.13809274


>> No.13809276


A bunch of faggots arguing over how to drop ship fidget spinners.

>> No.13809281

pls sir buy espers on yobit

>> No.13809282
File: 4 KB, 484x86, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was my first post on /biz/ all the way back in '06

>> No.13809453

This board was always relatively garbage but linkies turned it into an unfunny hell.

>> No.13809534
File: 236 KB, 428x1220, Screenshot 2019-05-24 at 10.54.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mining pools from my old password manager. fucking cryptsy.

>> No.13809563

Don't listen to that faggot, he only have 400k to his name but he was here during the goden era of bitcoin

>> No.13809612

Someone on biz sent me like 50 ethereum (i think) and I sent 10 to someone else in the thread immediately to pass it on and I lost the wallet because you know when you leave the browser tab open too long and you return to it and it refreshes? Yeah that happened and I lost the wallet because I didn't save the pv key and skipped the keystore. I have tried endlessly to search for the actual thread with no luck
Then after I lost it I posted in the thread about it and everyone called me a retard and then the guy I sent 10 to sent 5 back
Pretty sure I still have that wallet written down in a journal somewhere but it's in my parents attic and I cba getting it. Might even be more in the wallet Idk but I'm kind of leaving it just in case

Bought btc in 2011 when people on /b/ used to give it away for source on pics etc

Wish I could find the thread just for the nostalgia but I think it's totally lost forever, tried so many keywords

I remember looking at Eth at 1 to 13 dollars and saying "too late, it's already mooned" etc etc

Posted here since day one of biz board

>> No.13809657

/biz/ was never really about business, just cryptos. A shame, really.

>> No.13809690

biz only started in 2014 fggt?

>> No.13809730

haha no it was simply make public in 2014 newfag

>> No.13809737


>> No.13809740


>> No.13809764

wolong pumps were a unique time in crypto history and I'm glad I was a part of it

>> No.13809776

Really? I'm not a newfag but I thought for a long time my memory was just playing tricks on me but I swear it became a board in 2014?

>> No.13809795

Kek. What a gem.

>> No.13809822

t. boomer

>> No.13809918

>technology wise it's a joke because the oracle problem is unsolvable, an external source can never bring trusted data into a closed system.

>> No.13809931

MOONcoin was my first moon mission shitcoin on that dodgy exchange... what was it called? bleu trade I believe... if so they must have had a makeover. I still remember the days when they had a simple layout with a fucking pie chart.

For all you newfags listen up because this is how easy it used to be to make money in those days. MOONcoin literally went from 2 sats to I believe 11 or so? Anyway /biz/ gave everyone the heads up @ 2, 3 sats and the smart ones dumped @ 10, 11 sats for the normies to soak up our bags.
This sort of thing happened every week.

>> No.13809941

kys psychopath

>> No.13809955

>He doesn't remember referral spam like points2whatever it was called

This is the thing that put me off Bitcoin as soon as I heard of it. I thought it was multi-level marketing referral kind of thing and didn't actually understand the tech behind it.

I thought it was coordinated viral marketing spam and didn't understand byzantine problem or any of that because brainlet and young

The referral spam was all over /b/ back then

>> No.13810005

Absolutely true, it's hilarious how easy it was to make money in 2017. There were zero depression/suicide threads.

>> No.13810032

I had original EY nigger coins before the piece of shit Waves took it down
Fucking kikes

>> No.13810158

i lost 6 btc when mtgox exit scammed

>> No.13810162

Lol you must be lost

>> No.13810194

I remember myself browsing their ico page wandering if I should throw a bitcoin in ( around 1000 ethereum during ico ) haha, at least I rode it later and sold at $1200

>> No.13810233

Turbo retard here. The absolute state of not selling chancoin at 30 cents

>> No.13810248

2th definitely