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13804289 No.13804289 [Reply] [Original]


I unironically just bought some more BSV. Many core cucks say that the postings of his don't match the posting times of Satoshi.

But this comment perfectly explains it. Also, the imgur image he links is here: https://imgur.com/QFJWW1P

His degree from the UK :). Holy fucking fuck. I will admit. This was my only doubt. And now it's resolved.

>> No.13804326

That is the gayest explanation for anything I have ever heard, and I have seen the ending to every M night shamalamamam movie ever made.

>> No.13804339

>has no problem running around claiming he's satoshi
>refuses to produce a simple signing key

>> No.13804342

You fucking dumb ass. He literally admits that he was in the UK.

>> No.13804437

oh yeah? does he have a bullshit explanation for all of this too? https://www.stopcraigwright.com/evidence
Forgeries, Fakes, and Plagiarism
Craig Wright edited old blog posts to link himself to the Bitcoin whitepaper.

Craig Wright faked PGP keys.

Craig Wright forged contracts and emails.

Craig Wright faked threats.

Craig Wright faked a public key signing.

Craig Wright faked knowing how to code ASM. Craig’s Tweet.

Craig Wright backdated documents to the ATO. “Craig Wright, has admitted that he backdated these invoices.” Fined $1,893,714.50 penalty.

Craig Wright forged a 2001 pre-Bitcoin whitepaper draft. He did so to shift the goalposts of Satoshi to favor Bitcoin SV.

Craig Wright plagiarized a paper on Bitcoin Script being Turing complete.

Craig Wright plagiarized a paper on selfish mining.

Craig Wright plagiarized a paper on block propagation.

Craig Wright plagiarized a blog post on Bitcoin address generation. Original here.

Craig Wright plagiarized a blog post on scipt. From Wikipedia.

Other Lies
Craig Wright lied about owning MtGox’s Bitcoin.

Craig Wright falsely states he doesn’t want fame or money.

etc., etc., etc

>> No.13804454

look at you greg, its a shame how gay you are

>> No.13804458

This, he's an incredibly blatant scam artist.

>> No.13804475

>He literally admits
that's convincing, mate, just bouoght 100k

>> No.13804481

ah yes, when presented with mountains of evidence that counters your stupid opinion, your only response is
>hurr durr gaaaay!!!1111!

>> No.13804485


All has been debunked.


>> No.13804507

>all has been debunked
No it hasn't.

>> No.13804517

lol, debunked... have you even looked at the long long long list of lies and frauds he has committed? that doc is pathetic.

>> No.13804544

Craig Wright claimed to have “a couple doctorates” in 2015 and on his LinkedIn. Neither were produced in his wheelbarrow of degrees stunt.

Doctor of Theology: Nobody can find it. Supposed University denied it.

PhD: University denied it . Finally was rewarded one in 2017. It has math errors.

Craig Wright lost a bet with Peter Rizun. He refuses to pay and tried to lie his way out of it.

Craig Wright admitted to faking blog posts for Wired.

Craig Wright: Turing never said that things had to be infinite. He never once in his life mentioned that. Alan Turing: we say that the machine has infinite memory capacity.

Experts Stating Craig Wright Is a Fraud
Nik Cubrilovic (security expert): Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto.

Peter Rizun (Bitcoin Unlimited chief scientist): rejects Craig Wright’s claim that Bitcoin can be faster than light speed.

Charlie Lee (Litecoin inventor): I can’t believe some people still think he’s Satoshi.

Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum inventor) writes 59 tweets about Craig Wright’s talk: Craig Wright is crazy.

Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum inventor) refutes Craig Wright’s negative gamma comment.

Amaury Sechet (Bitcoin ABC lead developer) refutes Craig Wright’s negative gamma comment.

Peter Rizun (Bitcoin Unlimited chief scientist) calls out Craig Wright lying about him.

Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum inventor) stands up at conference and calls Craig Wright a fraud.

Paul Sztorc (TruthCoin’s chief scientist) calls out mathmeatical errors in Craig Wrigt’s paper. “CSW is a fraud telling desperate LargeBlockers what they want to hear, veering into Econ for the purpose of desperate obfuscation.”

Andrew O’Hagan (London Review of Books editor) writes about how Craig Wright was paid $15M to claim he was Satoshi to escape financial difficulties.

Craig Wright’s mom says he’s prone to lying.

>> No.13804567

Krawisz suggests that Craig Wright is over the top to specifically attract a non-technical following . See also Microsoft research paper on Nigerian Prince scam emails.

In 2010, security expert says Craig Wright’s writing is “complete drivel and even laughable”.

Craig Wright claims secp256k1 can do pairing . Andy Polestra (Director of Research at Blockstream) refutes and Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum inventor) refutes , refutes more , and re-refutes.

Craig Wright Attacking Cryptocurrency Experts
Craig Wright attacks Cornell professor Emin Gün Sirer.

Notable Appearances
Video: A Bitcoin Cash World – Dr. Craig Wright and Jimmy Nguyen : At 23:25, CSW does not appear to know what signed/unsigned integers are.

Audio: GQ Releases Hilariously Sweary Audio of Craig Wright Interview.

Video: Craig Wright makes nonsensical claims (2014).

Video: Craig Wright claims to be working on AI, and evolutionary code (obviously never happened).

Technical Competence
Craig Wright misunderstood Satoshi’s Bitcoin code.

Craig Wright poses with nonsensical math to show off his mathematical proficiency.

Craig Wright didn’t understand Bitcoin transactions.

nChain staff amazed by gaps in Craig’s technical knowledge.

Those who have worked with Craig say he is not capable of being Satoshi.

Craig Wright misunderstood opcodes and hash vulnerabilities.

Craig Wright relied on technobabble and social manipulation with Peter Rizun.

>> No.13804580

In Relation to Satoshi
Craig Wright called Bitcoin “bit coins”. Satoshi never used this naming.

Craig Wright sold “Satoshi revelation” to nChain for “about ten million”.

Craig Wright: I am a lawyer and this is my area of speciality. Satoshi: I am not a lawyer (2009). Craig got his law degree in 2008.

Craig Wright: Anonymity is the shield of cowards. My life is open and I have little care for my privacy. (2008)

Craig Wright: Bitcoin is not a cryptocurrency. At no point have I said that Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. Satoshi: Maybe [cryptocurrency] is a word we should use when describing Bitcoin. Announcing version 0.3 of Bitcoin, the P2P cryptocurrency!

>> No.13804593

greg, this level of obsession is truly unhealthy. kill yourself

>> No.13804601


>> No.13804618

Okay, did Calvin pay for a shareblue team if his own to spam this board with Craig threads? It’s starting to seem like it.

Isn’t Craig still on the hook, via court order, to prove the original addresses are his in the libel cases?

>> No.13804642

literally not evidence though greggy

>> No.13804656
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>> No.13804732
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jan 2020 brapper sniffing time
time to accumulate more sv

>> No.13804735
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why is every bsv or csw thread hit with multiple people with huge autistic lists of copypastad bulletpoints? usually there is one or more who always makes like 20 posts, seemingly desperate to convince me not to listen to csw or consider his scaling ideas

>> No.13804827

I've just started looking into CSW because a friend is convinced he's the real thing. I don't know for sure, but my first impression was 'delusional narcissist'. Lists like the above have tended to confirm my suspicions.

Even his blog posts talking about what wine he's drinking, and what kind of vegetable lasagne he's eating and what fucking Mozart he's listening to (I like all that stuff but I'm not going to commit it to fcuking posterity inni)

Anyway.. there does seem to be a campaign against him, but asfaict, it's by no means unjustified. Just thoughts.