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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13797225 No.13797225 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else getting Chainlink vibes?

>> No.13797394

Where do you buy this shit?

>> No.13797422

check the other threads

>> No.13797429


>> No.13797446

I have 2.4 million but I wish I bought more

>> No.13797457

i bought 500k yesterday but soemthing didnt sit right so i had weakhands and panick sold. feeling retarded today so i picked up 75k. do you see this going far? i assume so

>> No.13797467
File: 7 KB, 225x224, wjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is going to JUST so many people here

already took my profits

>> No.13797490

i missed out on chainlink... i'm not missing out on reserve. all in and holding until $1000

>> No.13797502

chink exchange

>> No.13797503

100,000,000,000 billion coin supply x current price: 0.00454 USD
= $454,000,000 marketcap

seed round: $0.0004/RSR (usd) - already 11x
private round - already 2-3x

>> No.13797542

No tokens getting released until 1 year from now. Houbi gonna pump this shit to not be worse than Binance

>> No.13797831

Kek, yes the early sellers (you) will be wracked with regret watching this hit 500 sats in the next few weeks

>> No.13797872

I just signed up and dont see Reserve in the markets...what the fuck? Where is it?

>> No.13798238


>> No.13798988

Made 50% already, bought back in - still on an uptrend

>> No.13799015

>worrying about supply when were all just in this for a quick 10x. kek, never change bizlet

>> No.13799044

I am getting MATIC squared vibes

This pump will be talked about for generations

>> No.13799106

The nice thing is, this coin will lead the world into mass adoption. Imagine if their pilot in Venezuela is a success...literally half the shitstorm economies of the world will drop money into reserve as the ultimate store of value. I can see funds actually investing into this as a 'conservative' crypto

>> No.13799114

this is a jewish cone, the shit countries will not be btfo by their central banks, but since this will be pegged to the usd those countries will still be btfo by the federal reserve and their inflation.
still I sold half my link and bought 11 million rsr yesterday, this will unironically become big, all the silicon valley companies will start to accept it as payment, then amazon and ebay will follow (I imagine thiel still has a board seat and lots of stocks and connexion in paypal/ebay)... imagine paypal switches to RSD... bruuuh we're unironically going to make it. link and rsr is all you need now (link is bigger but this has a mc 20 times lower so has more room to grow).

>> No.13799143

Jesus. Invite us to your yacht party when we hit 1$

>> No.13799165


It's not even on CMC or other exchanges yet.

If it was, then maybe you would have a point...

>> No.13799200

Some countries have a shit economy for a reason. Nobody is gonna allow some 25 year old Silicon Valley hotshots to bring their own currency into a market that they control strictly.

>> No.13799211

deluded. i am planning to buy a million as suicide insurance but not today. it will stay in crab mode at best and likely dump. it's on the way to triple-top and if it gets rejected again we will easily dump back 15-20% in sats. i keep it on my shitcoin radar but fuck buying on dying volume when everyone 3x'd. that is catching knives 101.

>> No.13799215

People said the same thing about ripple and xlm in 2017, i can tell ur new here frendo

>> No.13799221

>56% tier venezuelans are going to massively adopt a literal who crypto project
kek they'll never figure out how to use it

>> No.13799268


How many countries do you think are going to shut down the internet, to stop crypto adoption?

>> No.13799280
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Most of the tokens with be hoarded by exchanges, or periodically brought by exchanges (giving them a periodic pump)...


Because holding the RSR token, means that you can buy directly newly minted RSV (the stablecoin).

Otherwise, you will have to buy through an arbitrator, and pay their fees. So if an exchanges wants to have 5 million RSV without wasting money on fees, they will simply have 5 millions RSR on hand (they will likely, if they are smart, buy at low prices).

So the actual circulating supply will be lower, the majority of RSR will either be stored by exchanges, or periodically brought by exchanges whenever the price dips enough.

They explain it all on their website and in the whitepaper.

The RSR token is a pretty smart way of giving money to investors, and stablizing the RSV coin (they sell off RSR tokens, to suppress the price of RSV if it spikes above $1).

Do you get it now?


>> No.13799294

I get the service cannot be provided because of government policies halp!

>> No.13799301

Reserve marketing strategy
> please dictator sir, let us use RSV as your new currency!
And the Venezuelan people are certainly going to love living in a hyper-inflated country forever. It will get so big it can't be ignored. That is when the adoption will happen
They're literally hiring locals to sell it and show people how to use it once they launch the app. They've also partnered with the largest cell phone manufacturer in SE for the same reason. Kek, gl

>> No.13799403

only 40% of venezuelans even have smartphones. this strat is gonna bomb hard.

>> No.13799718

it's pretty fucking hilarious how deluded americans are when it comes to mobile payments.

Literally the entire world including 3rd world shit holes use mobile payments. They make up something like 50% of all payments in Asia and even higher in Africa. Meanwhile burgers are just starting to transition from swipe to chip and pin credit cards. When I travel to the US and I tap my credit card Americans freak out like I just performed black magic.

This is the future

>> No.13800210

I went all in.

>> No.13800267

you mean took 1.5 years to reach $1 ?

>> No.13800293

I feel we are getting another leg up soon. Volume decreasing. Big spike in volume soon.

>> No.13800330
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>> No.13800335

>volume decreasing
>pump incoming
pick one anon....
we got rejected 3 times, volume is drying up and the leg ups have been weaker every time. this is dumping soon so the faggots who are up by 300% can swing-trade a little. just wait or you'll get to enjoy the falling knive experience ala MATIC

>> No.13800360
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if you wanna buy use the CHAD ref code:


>> No.13800377
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>already took my profits
let's hope it doesn't run away from you

>> No.13800384

>coin has literally been out for a day

>> No.13800440
File: 25 KB, 630x630, 1558550153407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those interested, this is an ERC20 token
just listed yesterday on Huobi

here is the contract address:

here is the token page:

Use the CHAD refcode to scoop up some for yourself and wait for it to get listed on other exchanges to collect your profits

Plan on taking profits but keeping a nice suicide stack since this project looks promising in the long term

They're looking to solve the problems with Tether. Also looks like an excellent use case for crypto where the application of blockchain technology makes sense

>> No.13800516

look at the chart and tell me with a straight face we aren't correcting downwards. don't be a cuck and join MATIC 2.0 and lose 50% of your money

>> No.13800607
File: 50 KB, 512x512, 1524010578902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy coin made by pajeets
>buy coin made by superior aryans

tough choice anon

>> No.13800641

There are a million coins that can serve that function.

>> No.13800699

>look at the chart and tell me with a straight face we aren't correcting downwards.
you can't

>> No.13800731

checked. volume is down as well, see you at a 20% discount soon

>> No.13800792
File: 24 KB, 1281x264, maticfetch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took my gains back to MAT and FET. Reminds me of ONT and WAN, I made a fucking killing off of those 2 last year.

>> No.13801558

its a fucking stable coin linked to a fluxuating coin.
im not buying into a stable coin gimmick. fuck off faggot

>> No.13801794

its going to hit another ATH tomorrow. It will keep this trend day after day for a bit.

>> No.13802002
File: 776 KB, 661x688, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No... It's the RSR token is a token that allows the holder to buy RSV at spot price.

You aren't buying RSV, you are buying the RSR.

Exchanges will buy RSR whenever they want to purchase RSV. The company will also sell off RSR when they need to lower the value of RSV.

So the price will fluctuate, but we will likely see far higher prices (long term) than the ones we are currently seeing, because Exchanges will likely buy cheap and HODL for whenever they need to buy RSV.

Tether is shady as heck, and will likely collapse one day. RSV (with is hard backing from Coinbase, Peter Thiel, Sam Altman, etc) will be looking at being a no. 1 replacement for Tether.

They are also focusing on real world adoption, via apps.

It surprises me how many people like you on 4chan don't seem to have done any research...


It's a solid project, for short term and long term gains IMO.

>> No.13802065

That's a yikes dawg from me anon. Use your brain for once: this is a U.S. based project, but the only place they can get listed is a scammy chink exchange. Why would burgers list somewhere that burgers can't even buy? Also their investor page namedropping washed-up boomers to pump their bags. Enjoy funding another ICO cash grab.

>> No.13802196

>but the only place they can get listed is a scammy chink exchange.

I don't think it's a matter of they 'could only', they chose to do it.

They opened up their tokens to the Asian market first, and non-US.

Then, later it is opening up to the wider market.

Have you done any research to stat that this is just a pump and dump?

This board is unbelievable sometimes.

People here have pretty much spoonhead a project that has genuine potential.

Tether is likely going to collapse, and this is going to be a replacement backed by some big investors.

I hope any anon reading does their own research.


>> No.13802230

>replies in reddit spacing
You gotta go back, son.

>> No.13802255
File: 362 KB, 720x751, 20190523_152428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I get Chainlink vibes when they dickride a certain superior project in the whitepaper.


>> No.13802677

im getting JNTleman vibes

>> No.13802879

> a fucking stable coin being shilled
the absolute state of biz

>assuming exchanges would even want to dabble with this shitty system when easier alternatives like tusd and pax exist

>> No.13802950

this tbqh

>> No.13803054

What a piece of shit the price is already flat

>> No.13803155

it literally got listed yesterday you nigger

>> No.13803200

Dubs of truth

>> No.13803470

You just gave me ptsd by mentioning jnt
I was so convinced that was my moonshot that ignored all the faults
That was a really hard lesson to learn

>> No.13803565

lmao this coin is a sleeper. its literally got real world application with huge investors , remember when holo mooned during bear market because it was a 'game changer' lmao this coin will 5 x from here within the month, id bet on it.Hopefully the rest of more orders fill

>> No.13803627
File: 122 KB, 813x767, 1eB7wz_Ltnh52BfpSx6trwL4J_M6ctVYLTG1zMYvgE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will a mere 15k stack get me?

>> No.13803661

a lightly used 1st gen Sony PSP

>> No.13803771
File: 85 KB, 640x919, 3nfaj14gs3m21_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much ti,e to I have to accumulate? what's a good bag size if i plan to dump it if it 5x

>> No.13803879

there we go again

>> No.13804560

this. its listed on coingeko but the whole concept of this shitcoin is a "stable coin backed by an unstable coin" - literally the most retarded shit ive ever heard.
as always /biz/lets excell at losing money.

>> No.13804581

This will unironically reach 20 billion $ in market cap in the heights of the upcoming bullrun, this is a x1000 from where I got in at 20m.
niggers that's like the 1000$ eoy meme for link, but a thousand times more realistic (assuming they don't dilute the supply before the bullrun)

>> No.13804594

weight - counterweight = balance

>> No.13804605

1 to 3 mil

>> No.13804625
File: 81 KB, 882x669, RSR_investors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bags are loaded,
coinbase and paypal will pamp this

>> No.13804665
File: 28 KB, 600x328, 555comeonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad have you heard of MakerDAO?

>> No.13804680


>> No.13804698

Amerifats BTFO.

Just withdraw a little everyday.

>> No.13804711

try withdrawing no more than .1btc and get back to me

>> No.13804731

fucking twats ever heard of fees?

>> No.13804875

yep fees will rekt you, but I'd rather pay the fees many times and live in the US where a software engineer makes 80k$ a year than not pay fees and live in a third world shithole where I make 12k$ a year as a fullstack engineer

>> No.13805281

I bought in lads, I'm sorry. RSR will never reach 5400 again.

>> No.13805311

it let me withdraw with my vpn and i didnt have to submit ID. screenshot or you're lieing

>> No.13805837

Getting in on the groundfloor on what looks like a very good project. Thanks for the quality shill.