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13796024 No.13796024 [Reply] [Original]

Is having children a bad investment decision?

>> No.13796037

from an economic perspective, sure.

>> No.13796049
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I you don't have money to spare you will end up with a broken family, a divorce and a cozy place under a bridge.

>> No.13796069

On an individual level, yes. Especially if you are in a higher income bracket that gets no gibs.

If you are from a middle class family or higher, and you had parents that enabled healthy/financially successful childhood, you should have children. Otherwise you are extremely selfish. If you are from retard low class abusive parents, you don't have that type of obligation.

>> No.13796080


>> No.13796103

> he's supposed to do just one thing
> he doesn't because of some conventional green paper with numbers

>> No.13796146

it all depends on you anon
the wife you pick
how you raise them
what example you set for them to follow

>> No.13796201

if you don't want to become depressed and invest in funny internet money as your only purpose in life then yes a good investment

>> No.13796267


>> No.13796276
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The problem isn't money, the problem is women.

>> No.13796296

Depends on your IQ.
If high IQ, have children.
If low IQ, don't.

>> No.13796301

Most people on this board are too short sighted to realize the investment of family. You do not want to be an OLD and then have kids or worse yet, be an OLD without kids.

Most people you know will start to pair off by your mid 20s and start families by your early 30s. Those that do not will suffer for their waiting.

Consider that even if crypto does not pan out, you will have to wagecuck most of your life. Your family will be your anchor and reason to strive for greater things in life.

It is a fine line to balance, because kids take money, but not that much money until they get older. If you are white and somewhat intelligent you should have at least 2 kids.

>> No.13796356

i never thought about it this way desu

>> No.13796386


>> No.13796388

why would you work for nothing? having no children is the stupidestest thing i've ever heard of

>> No.13796408

Worked out for my parents. Part of my crypto gains will be going to their retirement fund.

>> No.13796419

the two seem to correlate

>> No.13796421

What is even the point in doing anything if you don't have children? Children are like time traveling bullets. They kill your enemies of the future. Personally I am having as many as possible. I intend to get five out of my current gf and if the chainlink singularity happens imma get me a bunch of concubines to have more.

>> No.13796430

Proves my point, your chart shows that there is a decline in marriage during unstable times.
People during unstable times like now have no money, thus broken families.

If you for example would earn 10K a month, you could without problems afford a big house and children, but if you are wageslaving at McWagie then surely you cannot.

>> No.13796433

What if I'm from a low-class family that really loves me and really wants grandkids but conversely were lazy fucks who never helped me with shit and still rent after like 25 years of marriage and didn't leave me anything?

>> No.13796455

helllllllo where does your money go when you die if no children
what were you working for
boy, you must love humanity as a whole and everything that's been going on if so
let me just voluntary opt my genetics out of the gene pool forever
mummmmm i worked 70 years for this cruise and now its cancelled aaaaaaa

he jews know this

>> No.13796457

The problem is finding a good mother for those children. 90% of girls are thots. You want a thot to bear your children?

>> No.13796475

retarded incel logic
you think every single one of your ancestors reproduced with highest quality mate?
sure, you aim high, but you don't fail altogether no matter the cost
your line can bounce back from a retard, it can't bounce back from extinction you dumb nigger

>> No.13796539

sure is bible ring in here.

>> No.13796683
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Every white man should bare 4 children
Invest in link become wealthy and marry an aryan princess make her your breeding queen for Aryan sons and daughters

>> No.13796754


Can not be a complete loner. Children are the sole provable purpose of life.
If you do not have them then you are a failure, if you have them you succeeded in the pirpouse your life has.

>> No.13796810

dumb yank faggot

>> No.13796828

Only if you're a moronic wageslave, have moronic wageslave children and do the Boomer "kick them out at 18 and sever economic ties with them" thing. If you are smart enough that you're a capitalist and raise your children as a biosphere of wealth and especially if you have multiple children. You are the patriarch of a now more monied family of which you'll reap the rewards of.

>> No.13797149

what's your situation like? are you still low-class poor fag? then the obvious answer is get your shit together first.

>> No.13797483

The real question is, Are private schools a good investment. The answer is yes, yes they are.

>> No.13797575
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It is if your parents didn't set you up for it. All the couples I see getting married aren't necessarily wealthy, but they all have one thing in common. They all came from good stable homes where the parents put their kids first. They saved their money, don't spend beyond their means, and have little to no financial problems. Sadly, lots of Millennials were abused emotionally and in some cases physically by their narcissistic, materialistic Boomer parents. Couple this with the fact that everyone is broke as fuck these days and you get a whole generation of people that just either won't or can't start families.