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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13791540 No.13791540 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13791572


If you want a career with advancement, don't have kids. I thought this was already obvious.

If you want a family, don't expect a nice career.

>> No.13791583

Soon komrade, soon.

>> No.13791598

>have kid
>kid makes youtube channel
>50k a month on a bad month


>> No.13791608

This is some mind fucking kikery to get you to be loyal to your kike masters and work hard like a good goy. OY VEY! Don’t procreate no time to spread your DNA! You will only waste precious time you could have spent empowering ZOG

>> No.13791624
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>> No.13791627


Statistical outliers will always happen anon.

>> No.13791643

As a former kid, I've never been upset that my parents spent too much time with me
>t. mid thirties and still learning who my parents are aside from not giving me any money

>> No.13791652

Family >>>>> Mammon

>> No.13791663

They are trying to be shocking to get the Mr Wonderful fans. We've actually fallen to this point.

>> No.13791666
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one day we will get rid of the parasites

>> No.13791670


>> No.13791672

Wageslaving is retarded. Sage

>> No.13791688
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trips confirm

>> No.13791694

And if they spent too little time you'd be upset with that too. Kids will never be satisfied, adults just live with dissatisfaction.

>> No.13791706

I don't know what that means but I'm about to take a 30% paycut to spend more time with my kids. I guess it's time to quit smoking

>> No.13791716

All I can say is that this is some sicko shit

>> No.13791729

Anyone that thinks your money is more important than the relationships you have and social support and your loved ones suffers from a mental disease. They are mutants

>> No.13791744

Liberism degeneracy

>> No.13791753

They are jews

>> No.13791762


Why are you all so triggered? Yes waging is shit. But I think all this article is doing is pointing out that a motivated single male is gonna be much more competitive and see much more success in his career than some guy torn between work and family and who can't commit 100% to either. Who's the boss gonna choose for promotion, that guy who's willing to work overtime and weekends and spends all his home time thinking about how to advance his career. Or the guy who occasionally has to take time off work to take care of his sick kid, can't come in on a weekend because kids birthday/football game, leaves at clockoff on the dot because he can't wait to get home and see the wife and kids, and never spends even a second thinking about his job once he's at home with his family, for him the job is just a money stream to support the family.

>> No.13791771

mammon is the god of money. The god on your $1 USD that says “in god we trust.” The federal reserve jews pray to it and use it as an excuse to commit global atrocities with 0 empathy

>> No.13791793

It’s ok you don’t have to be triggered. Not everyone can see the Edward Bernay’s style of social engineering. But most good humans will choose the company and development of their loved ones over ass kissing some power tripping faggot in an office. To each their own I guess.

>> No.13791806

>for him the job is just a money stream to support the family
Why the "just", i dont see how using the products of your labour to give your loved ones a better life Is something you can add a "just"....
I dont really have kids nor do i plan to buy it looks like a pretty meaningful existence to me desu...way less cucked than being work on weekends cuck

>> No.13791831

>the job is just a money stream to support the family
That’s what a job is to everybody, faggot. Anyone who claims otherwise is just lying to kiss their boss’s ass.

>> No.13791833


I'm not triggered, you are the triggered one. And there is nothing wrong with choosing family over work. Most humans would do that I agree. Most people also don't win in a competitive environment.


Employers hate it when you consider them a money stream to achieve your own end goals. They want you to be a deluded wagie who chose that job because you like the corporate culture and wanted to be "part of our family" and you are dedicated to their end goals and other delusional reasons that companies like to believe employee's work for them.

>> No.13791836

>you make less money when you work less


>> No.13791853


N-n-no this must be the result of Mammon worship! KEEP YOUR LOGIC OUT OF THIS KIKE!!

>> No.13791867

>Please white people, don't get any children. Also we need to import 3rd worlders because we need workers.

>> No.13791883

> As soon as we can replace them with robots this will stop too

>> No.13791955

most of you(all of you) have spent more time playing video games or zoning out in front of a screen gorging on propaganda media than you ever have spending "quality" time with your family

don't pretend like you give a fuck now

>> No.13792527

Thread after thread its Jew blaming. Come up with something original will ya

>> No.13792579

anti children, anti family propaganda
nothing more

I don't even care to look up the name of that journalist

>> No.13792598

And this is why we have unions. The bell rings, you clock out or get rekt.

>> No.13792609
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>I dont really have kids
what so just a little bit?

>> No.13792639

>you don't need to take care of your kid
>give us full control of your kids
>let us indoctrinate your kid against you without resistance as our educators spend more time with it than you do

If you don't invest time in your kid it won't be yours. History has some examples where they even managed to let the kids kill their parents. I.E. soviet times.