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File: 79 KB, 950x677, BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13785173 No.13785173 [Reply] [Original]


The only reason he's getting away with it is because the author is not known. You could register too for $55! They only ASK you to "confirm". That confirmation is "Yes!".

Literally zero verification, straight from the horses mouth that this is just a register, nothing more.

Typical con-man smoke and mirrors AGAIN.

>> No.13785221


>> No.13785520

I bought this with my life savings. Should I sell now?

>> No.13785795
File: 222 KB, 950x534, Craig-Wright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op not reading his own "fud"
he confirmed he is satoshi and they believed him and he's willing to risk penalties if you think the real satoshi is out there and decides to come out to dispute craig's claim
op btfo
game over, bsv wins because craig is undisputed as satoshi
nobody can prove otherwise
>inb4 redditors sperg out with screencaps from greg
no proofs

>> No.13785885

>he confirmed he is satoshi and they believed him
Stupid cunt, do you really think they give a fuck, either way? It's purely a register, nothing more.

But oh no of course you don't. Fucking pajeet shill.


In terms of risking penalties, this is the sort of shit con men do, cover up lies with bigger lies. He also has a dodgy billionaire sugar daddy backing him.

>> No.13786503

Craig's NSA boomer coin is shit and he'll never be satoshi

>> No.13786664

Craig is Satoshi it's obvious. Now shut the fuck up and get on with your life schizo freak.

>> No.13786680

Literally retarded

>> No.13786692

There’s another guy who sweared the same called Ronald María, you absolute brainlet faggot

>> No.13787164
File: 3.56 MB, 256x188, 1555067597509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we've got two copyright satoshis! Awesome

>> No.13787188

>He is Satoshi because he would get in trouble if he wasn't Satoshi if the real one is still alive and decides to press charges.

You realize that literally every story of a con artist that got caught is about how they never actually believe they're going to until it happens. These people have no brain when it comes to risk taking. They have no care for the consequences because they're god, and they're above consequences.

Yes, Craig can be completely lying out his ass while putting it on public record with the US Judicial System, because he earnestly believes he's going to get away with it. These people exist.

>> No.13787252

Yeah let's get the authorities involved. Typical scammer behavior. Let's involve the government and courts. Classic scammer modus operandus.


Wait, no.

The opposite.

Fucking retards.

>> No.13787299

Typical if he works for the nsa

>> No.13787364
File: 362 KB, 696x449, 1558502604307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's a scammer he's a fraud he's going to jail the government is gonna put him behind bars
>He works for the NSA he's a stupid fed, he's a government stooge


>> No.13787446

You think the government is afraid to throw it's useful idiots in prison?

>> No.13787493
File: 24 KB, 266x338, Craig waaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah let's get the authorities involved. Typical scammer behavior.
It literally is. Vexatious litigation is scammer 101

>> No.13787635

The penalty is like $2500 you fucking retard. It's no risk for him. Now being sued is, and you have a point there. Why would he risk being sued to death if he's not Satoshi.

>> No.13787836
File: 1.72 MB, 920x1232, 20E8E330-A406-426C-BCDE-F5F61BA7056B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This they are legit so caught in their narrative they can’t even realize when something goes against it. I am so fucking stiff at what is about to happen in the next year(s)

>> No.13788016
File: 999 KB, 500x267, 1554694174568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will never be an organic adoption of boomer craigs shitcoin

>> No.13788029

op is a faggot kek

>> No.13788028

Now that's a rare Craig, where did you get it?

>> No.13788069

Yea not by you cringelord anarchists. Probably by large corporations or governments. Newsflash: developed cpuntries are well governed. Wow!! Who would have thought!

>> No.13788131

>civil courts, not criminal courts


>> No.13788199

No corporations have, nor will, adopt sanjays vagana. Craig alone is the death of Calvins project

>> No.13788281

>yeah dude anarchy yeah fuck government anonymity ftw!!!
You're a dead end.

>> No.13789094

large corporations like nChain and CoinGeek !

>> No.13789514
File: 26 KB, 482x590, cve5aTc_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine how insane you have to be to blatantly lie to the public like that. Imagine actually putting yourself in that spot, then going into a narcissistic fit when people aren't playing along with your obvious delusion.

It's so easy to prove, and so obvious he isn't Satoshi. It's so childish, it's hard to find the words to describe it. It's beyond cringe.

Why, why would you do that to yourself?

>> No.13790036

What's really cringe is the amount of brainlets on this board posting pictures, memes and shitposts supporting this conman.

>> No.13790072

>modus operandus
IQ50 detected

>> No.13790199

Is that his son?

>> No.13790212

They’re just trolls imo

>> No.13790225

Most likely it's one guy who has a bunch of proxies

>> No.13790637

Not on this scale under this scrutiny, retard. The levels of autism on this board are too high.

>> No.13790662

Guess I Iearned something. You're still the retard.