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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13783975 No.13783975 [Reply] [Original]

only currency with zero fees and instant txs

>> No.13784004

It's bitcoin 2.0. The real uses of instatnt micropayments will start to be seen soon.

>> No.13784006

Looks promising.
But it has many bagholders

>> No.13784022

Frankly speaking, it should have forked after the BitGrail incident. Otherwise it's pretty promising.

>> No.13784159

Aside from OMG and ENG, unironically one of the most exciting projects in the space. Totally solves the transaction time that causes normies to have anxiety as they send crypto.

>> No.13784167

It's good, cheap, reliable, useful and safe. Jews hate it

>> No.13784254

FTM renders this shitcoin obsolete

>> No.13784388

LMAO FTM is a scamcoin

>> No.13784402

its bullshit, nobody cares about crypto as a currency anymore its all about utility tokens that things that will help the already existing FIAT ecosystem

>> No.13784493

why aren't we shilling this coin instead of LINK then. it could actually change something for the better (((and make us all rich)))

>> No.13784612

Why not both?

>> No.13784644

all time low, seems ready for a nice pump. Gonna pick some up.

>> No.13784667

Nano is till 90%+ down from ATH. Bitgrail incident had nothing to do with the protocol itself so its just baseless FUD at this point by the BTC cunts. They are scared that something this perfect can exist. Spam mitigation coming, ease of integration is coming, one of the most actively developed projects on the market. It has no fluff and it fucking works. Dont but this shit if u fucking hate money.

>> No.13784715

It was a great buy back when it was called antshares.

>> No.13784723

How new are you

>> No.13784724

lmao what
you mean raiblocks

>> No.13784736

No I mean VeChain

>> No.13784739

very... not ashamed to admit it

>> No.13784743

I have some FTM. NANO works now.
Also banano is fucking awesome. Kalium wallet is the best wallet

>> No.13784834

i just bought ETH a few hours ago but actually considering to sell my ETH and buy nano with it.

What you guys think?

>> No.13784853

Repeat with me. Crypto as a currency is a meme

>> No.13784866
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Fast, free, near instant, decentralized. Public ledger. It is almost like it is the spiritual successor to BTC, rather than the bastard children BCH & BSV.

>> No.13784878

Yes, an ERC20 scam token will make NANO obsolete...

>> No.13784884

ETH looks like it MAY pump, but Nano is actually moving too... the charts seem somewhat related. it would be nice to ride one and catch the other.

>> No.13784909

If you ever go through a divorce or owing debt to the irs, you will change your mind pretty quickly.
Crypto is the only thing you can truely own and all you need to do is get a brain wallet.
Plus it's a platform for innovation

>> No.13784952

It's shit

>> No.13784953

i think in that case its a better option to move your money into a relatively safe privacy coin (monero)

yeah indeed. nano is at its absolute bottom IMO. but its there for a long time now. so it can still take a while until it is mooning

>> No.13784956

I think nano won't be relevant again this year because Scamtoshi the glownigger cunt is wrecking the Golden Bull with his seedy antics.
fucking hope him and Calvin get shot before we go to zero.

>> No.13784978

>fucking hope him and Calvin get shot before we go to zero.

It's weird nobody has tried to blackmail him yet.

>> No.13784986

v19 is at 90% completion, should be done in 1-2 weeks. v20 is the final version, then the team starts marketing and developing payment processing solutions. See Nanoray or Brainblocks.

If anything, all this bullshit around BTC and its forks is good for nano in the long term.