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13783718 No.13783718 [Reply] [Original]

Any /bizfit/ anons around? I figured I should get myself in shape to make the most of my link gains. What's some good routines/diets to get /fit/ but not jacked. Don't want to get any bigger than pic related

>> No.13783735

>pic related
workout hard, eat like a schoolgirl

>> No.13783747

You won't accidentally get too big, retard. If you want to be low bodyfat %, just eat somewhat clean at your caloric maintenance and do strength training. A bro-split (doing each bodypart once a week with 2 days off) would be just fine for a beginner.

>> No.13783787

Is there any correlation between /fit/ gains and /biz/ gains?

I feel like whenever I stop lifting my portfolio dumps

>> No.13783829

Drink a cup of your own piss a day and your body will naturally grow muscle like that trust me I read about it on a health blog and it was legit.

>> No.13783867
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can boomers get /fit/?

>> No.13783874

HIIT training 4-5 times per week
Throw in some Ashtanga yoga
Never eat sugar
Don't drink calories, drink only water/black coffee/green tea etc

>> No.13783891

>can boomers get /fit/?

>> No.13783936
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former /fit/izen, currently nolinker crying over my losses. What are your current stats?
Or this

>> No.13783950

Get a pull up bar for your house and just do calisthenics, you'll never get that ugly bulk.

>> No.13784085

This is what I'm thinking
39 old fag here, not total beginner but not worked out properly for 3-4 years now. Was doing a 3-4 day split before, something like
1.-whole body w/chest
(chest press, push up, pull up, dead lift, ab exercise variation, in 2 blocks of 4 super sets)
3.-arms & chest
4. Shoulders
5. Back

Or some variation of above with rest days thrown in. Might start by going back to doing each body part once a week to start though.

Diet - only water, eat meat, moderate carbs. One bad thing is sugar gotta cut that down but I'm a junkie at this point

>> No.13784101


>> No.13784331
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Good. You don't look like a complete retard but I have many disagreements with your routine. I'm a big fan of scooby, rippletits and athlean-x and suggest watching them. /fit/'s sticky is also a good starting point if you need help with the basics. I did SL and managed to almost hit 1/2/3/4 in 6 months. SS is also good if done correctly. I would advise not to fall for memes but you're a marine and i'm a nolinker, let's be real here.

>> No.13784353

dumbshit... You will never get ugly bulk without taking steroids...

>> No.13784362

Anyone vegetarian fit. Have recently gone vegetarian and fell off , but I noticed a lot of leaning out and finally started to burn fat.

>> No.13784383

>fell for the fud meme
not gonna make it. my linky stays super stinky

>> No.13784392

Unironically Keto

>> No.13784605

Thanks for the advice, noted. Gonna start checking /fit/ more regularly. But seriously though, how can you not own any link? It's not too late fren, any amount is better than non

Yes seriously thinking of going down this road I'm starting there already. What's your thoughts on intermittent fasting? Is it worth it?

>> No.13784747

Start with the fucking basics. Full body routine every 2 to 3 days. Later on you can switch to a push pull split. Of course don't eat shit and drink softdrinks. Eat good food and only drink water and natural fruit juice. Do some HIIT, cardio sessions once in a while too. Those are the basics and that's all you need as long as you stick to it! See some first gains after a few months. Increase your training weights very slowly but consistently. Try different rep ranges, 6-10, 10-14, 14-20. Every body reacts differently and has their best rep range or "time under tension" for the best muscular growth. Beside your good food you may take some additional protein and creatine too. You can ditch all other subs, they only cost money.

>> No.13784772

I have better abs and wider shoulders than this guy.

>> No.13784784
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I'm a newfag, that's why. I started lurking on /biz/ right before the 2017 bullrun, and I didn't get in. I only started building my stack earlier this year right before the normies got easy access on crypto. I'm getting my hands dirty with stinky linky by the end of this week and plan to get to the pleb stack (1k) before the end of july. I don't deserve to make it anon, but I would never believe in my life that a bunch of strangers on a peruvian underwater basket-weaving forum would let me in on such a ride.
This guy gets it. Build a better relationship with your food and your body anon and then you are a made man

>> No.13784819
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>read Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
>do compound lifts 3x5 three days a week
>eat as much protein as possible to help build muscle
>drink a gallon of milk a day to gain weight/strength if you're a skinny faggot

>> No.13784860

WTF? How many of you /fit/ faggots are link marines? Am I missing something here?

>> No.13784913

Pretty fit but I'm a fucking 35 year old boomer at this point and can't get in the same shape I was in my late teens/early 20's (was ripped). Wondering if I should try some supplements like a fat burner or something, the hardest thing has been having my abs show even though they're super strong right now. The 30's spare tire is impossible to get rid of completely for me, it's just like a half inch of fat permanently circling my waist. Getting old sucks, lads. Enjoy youth while you can.

>> No.13784922

Thanks anon. Maybe let me add that you can train the most of your body with free weight compound exercises. I don't know the English terms of them all. I mean Rowing, bench press, deadlift, squats, lat pulls. You get me. Whenever you can use free weights instead of those bitchy machines. Free weights will get you far very fast. But remember: start slowly, light weight and do your exercises properly! You don't want to ruin your joints within a few years. If you follow all this advice and stick to it without excuses you will be a Hercules in 3 years.

>> No.13784925

Carbs under 30 grams per day until you look good in the mirror.

You’re welcome.

>> No.13784944
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our crypto gains are as real as our e-stats, fren

>> No.13784974

Shit I just jog a 10k every day and that works fine for me.

>> No.13784998

3 to 4 day split is for 10y gymies and roidies IMO. Nothing beats a consistent and proper full body / push pull routine.

>> No.13785006
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I did PPL & PHUL when I was first getting into fitness. made some decent gains doing that. Diet was pretty standard. Eat enough protein and go 250-500 cal above your maintenance for bulk.

>> No.13785009

i started starting strength last year and i weigh 117kg now. i take creatine but eat pretty healthy otherwise but i just keep getting bigger

>> No.13785025

Dear God I hate being fat. All my parents had to do was feed me a healthy, well rounded diet. But there's nothing I can do at this point, my body is destroyed. I got down to 160lbs, body was still disgusting so I just gave up.

>> No.13785043
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You deserve a nice brapper, fren. May your physical and crypto gains rech nice digits. On a serious note tho, your points are spot on and given OP's age he should take it seriously. Your advice is solid, and I'm still doing autistic levels of research despite not going to the gym atm
LARPing is what makes this place what it is

>> No.13785053


Unhealthily fit bizraeli reporting in.

Diet: intermittent fasting. It's very simple. Eat all your calories in an 8-hour window, which is easier than it sounds. First meal is lunch at noon, don't eat later than 8pm. It keeps your metabolism flexible, your insulin sensitivity high, favors lean mass, and most importantly gives you a resilience against the feeling of hunger.

Exercise: Just do compound exercises til you get you get to the point you want. That means squats, bench, overhead press, pullups, rows, and dips. Aim for 3 sets of 8-10 reps for all those.

>> No.13785079


Also as other anons have pointed out, avoid sugar like the plague, limit your red meat and saturated fat intake, get lots of protein from lean or fishy-fatty sources, eat a ton of vegetables because they keep you full, are low-calorie, and highly nutritious. Eat fruit for dessert. Frozen mango chunks are like fucking velvety ice cream.

>> No.13785096

I'm a newbie but here's what I'm doing:

I read these for the basics on losing fat/building muscle from a planning and dieting side:
1. Lyle McDonald's rapid fat loss Handbook
2. Lyle mcdonald's stubborn fat solution
3. Lyle mcdonald's ultimate diet 2.0
4. The muscle and strength nutrition pyramid
5. The muscle and strength training pyramid

I read starting strength for figuring out how to do lifts safely but I still keep injuring myself so once I finish dieting down to ~10% bodyfat I'm going to find a trainer who has competed or at least trained competitive bodybuilders... or maybe a powerlifting coach? Either way, I'll see if I can hire them to just show me how to do the lifts I want with proper form so I can stop hurting myself repeatedly and finally make real progress.

Fwiw, I have gone from 166lbs (after a couple days of dropping water weight) to 159lbs in three weeks of Lyle mcdonald's rapid fat loss Handbook, while lifting weights as he recommends. I'm 5'8''.

I figure that since it gets harder to build muscle when you have more muscle, I should burn fat before building muscle while I am still weak, so that any muscle k lose.will be easier to regain.

>> No.13785158

>Dear God I hate being fat. All my parents had to do was feed me a healthy, well rounded diet. But there's nothing I can do at this point, my body is destroyed. I got down to 160lbs, body was still disgusting so I just gave up.

Are you able to diet down till you're 10% bodyfat and then get surgery to remove the extra skin?

>> No.13785232

Maybe if Chainlink moons to $100, otherwise I couldn't even afford a root canal. That is the dream though. Yeah I could lose the weight easily if I tried. I changed the way I think about food so dieting isn't that hard for me. But I figured that if I can't take my shirt off at the beach anyway, I might as well just eat what I want. If I get rich off LINK then I would put the effort into getting truly /fit/ so I could get the surgery

>> No.13785246
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Excuse me
Drinking a gallon of milk a day made me gain a lot of weight.
Would not recommend

>> No.13785254

Thanks mister brapper, wish you the same! Out of experience I can say mastering the basics will bring you further than autistically microsearching detail after detail. The goal is always to do your reps clean and slowly add plates. If you reach a plateau on reps, add another day of rest. This should help you get through. If it doesn't, drop some plates, go to higher range rep and restart to add plates. So on and so forth. Am going that far to say you can train your whole body with 10 different exercises only. Don't overcomplicate. Simplicity and endurance is the key.

>> No.13785257

I've heard fasting can cause diabetes. Keto is great because it literally burns fat and you can eat all the cheese and meat your heart desires.

>> No.13785306

How exactly do you injure yourself? That sounds bad. 3 tipps:
1. Lower the fucking weights! Can also be an empty bar. Master your exercises slowly. Then very slowly add weight.
2. Look for some help in the gym. Regular gym goers are usually friendly and help each other.
3. Look for the exercises on youtube. There are definitely high quality channels where you can learn something.

>> No.13785360

pretty much /fit/ hacks and tricks in a nutshell


>> No.13785362


I combined overeating with 3/4 of a gallon of milk per day... I have never noticed fat.on my butt before but after a month of that shit, my ass now has a layer of squishiness over it even when I flex.

If you Lyle McDonald's stubborn fat solution, you'll find out that lower body fat (hips, thighs, ass) is the most time consuming to burn.

>> No.13785366
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>Frozen mango chunks are like fucking velvety ice cream.
My nigga
If you have enough time to invest in these books then I see no reason not to. I don't know most of them and I'm agnostic to most fitness books. I try to stick to the basics. My ATH was 297lbs and now Im around 187 hitting an ATL @ 176 a few weeks back. I have kept the low weight for a while now and I'm 6'4''.
I'm a bit tired so my post may make no sense so I will try to sum up. Stick to the basics. Do not overfill yourself with useless information. Being consistent is far more important that most things. If you want an extremely low bf% you have to make your body to go to extremes as well. It's not an easy ride, but the feels alone make it worthy
I just finished typing my reply when I saw yours.
>mastering the basics will bring you further than autistically microsearching detail after detail
In this day and age, you couldn't be more correct.
Dude, thank you for your posts. Your posts helped me too. I hope OP and other anons itt take your advice seriously and apply it. You are link marines after all

>> No.13785388

I do the lifts and then after a few days I notice my elbow hurts or my shoulder hurts or my scapula hurts. Then I think about it more and realize I was doing something weird with one of my arms or something that I didn't notice. And in some cases, like benching, I'm straight up not sure what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.13785411


scapula pain is normal, it's a trial of passage of growing up, never trust a lifter that doesn't have scapular pain from time to time

>> No.13785449

Forgot to say. Finding a good spotter or gym buddy is essential. If you don't have access to one, then hire a PT.

>> No.13785615

Wow the right is a real brapper!
>Stick to the basics. Do not overfill yourself with useless information.
Exactly this. Go regularly to the gym instead of being a gym book worm. And thank you for your very kind words!
Are you a gym newbie? Ellbow and shoulder hurt can or will be from classical over training. Start your gym life light and slowly. The body and joints have to adapt! More rest days in between gym days and less sets from exercises. Ellbow pain comes classical when you are overdoing arm isolation exercises and others. Stop arm isolation exercises. Only do pench press and lat pulls until your ellbows are fine again. Your shoulder pain could be the result of too wide hold of the bar when bench pressing. The wide angle in your shoulder brings unnatural pressure to your shoulder joint and may tear your shoulders. When bench pressing, take a hold so your hands are at the with of your shoulders. Now the angle between your arms and body will be lower and there will be less stress on your shoulder joints. I have to say this again: joints, especially shoulders and wrists, are sensitive. You can easily fuck those up if you take too much weight in the beginning or do the exercises wrong (too wide grip etc).

>> No.13785668

Let me say it more correctly. For the idesl bench press hand width: hold your arms like they were chicken wings lol. This is the width you wanna have. The ellbows can just go beside your body when you lower the bar thumbs are next to the outer side of your shoulder when you are at the bottom of the movement.

>> No.13785670

what do i fill my calories with if very low carbs?

a tonne of nuts every single day :(

>> No.13785680

>json parser

>> No.13785714

And just forgot to add. I hope you have a proper warm up. I would suggest 5 to 10 minutes at the rowing machine with a good speed. Then you have your arms, torso and legs equally warmed up.

>> No.13785918
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If you have joint pains my advice would be to see a doctor unless an anon comes up with an elaborate post, if you are experiencing muscular pain for more than 2-3 days you could skip your routine for a while and do exercises around the muscles that hurt. Elbow and shoulder pain are indicators of bad form during bench press. Scapula pain is good pain
This man of culture is correct again. I'm a frequent braposter but you deserve some good brappers, fren
Peanut butter is like a swiss army knife. It is high on protein and fat. Keep in mind that due to the high fat content, your daily calorie intake can derail if you go overboard
fud all you want, after falling for the FET meme, I'm buying link even if it hits $2 eow

>> No.13786111

So anons time to sleep now. Thanks for the nice conversation. Treat your body like you treat your link stack. Take care of it well so you still have it in good shape in 10 years. Don't suicide train in the gym like you suicide fomo in pumped binance shitcoins. Slow and steady wins the race. This is a fact for both gym rats and link marines. Be a greek god and linkie hyper race in 3 years. Over and out.

>> No.13786250

Like 40 push ups a day will get you that

>> No.13786316

>SS/GOMAD in 2019
mark pls go and stay go

>> No.13786329

based. Goodnight fren.

>> No.13786345


Totally agree with this guy.

I own a small business and bring in about $80k a year.

5am workouts are the only way. Such a great feeling when you're done. I do swimming 1x per week, running 2x per week, and weights and stretching 2x per week. Hot Yoga is phenomenal if you have time. Processed sugar and carbs are 100% cancer, avoid them and you're future self will thank you. Clean protein, fruit, veg, and occasional whole grains.

A little alcohol is good for the spirit but don't overindulge.

Fit and biz make a strong combo.

>> No.13786384


Avoid dairy at every turn. It's cancer.

If you're dead set on the dairy taste go for protein almond milk.

>> No.13786398

no sugar or carbs, what the hell do you eat to get upto like 2k calories?

10 chickens a day?

>> No.13786406


Dude I'm 33 and my muscle tone has never been better in my life.

>> No.13786412

Thx fren. This thread better get archived or i go full kekistan.

>> No.13786440
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please do go full kekistani. That keeps my brap-posting at bay

>> No.13786454



Bananas, Apples, etc...

Natural carbs are fine. Unnatural carbs are not.

Anything that has to be processed in a factory setting is not something you should be putting into your body. There's a handful of exceptions.

>> No.13786498


I see a lot of you don't get out the house.

Women love dad bodies, not sticks like your pic.

>> No.13786520

The NEET elite should have peak physique.