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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13777683 No.13777683 [Reply] [Original]

>sold my links at $0.4 months ago
>one chance at salvation - instead i crafted this hell for myself

>> No.13777698
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>sold at $0.7
Wake me up from this nightmare

>> No.13777702

natural selection

>> No.13777716
File: 93 KB, 1080x809, Screenshot_20190522-180456__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never rebought.

>> No.13777732

You better get the fuck in now before it goes above $2 tomorrow. Anons, seriously, don't pull another "I paid 10,000 BTC for some pizza". It is better to own any amount at any cost right now. Spoonfeeding you guys here.

>> No.13777741

That sucks man how much were you holding?

>> No.13777778


>> No.13777791
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There is no salvation for you, sellers. You are cursed forever now, knowing what you could have had if you just had a little more faith.

Not even death will save you from this regret. You will carry it with you into the after life.

>> No.13777802

Wow. And I was pissed with myself for shaving down the stack to 3.5k. Why didn't you save at least a little bit

>> No.13777815

>not even keeping a suicide stack

>> No.13777827

buy in now or hope a huge dump in 30th

>> No.13777828

Heh I bought at 40c. Thank you for your sacrifice

>> No.13777849


>> No.13777879

After having to deal with early 2018 I don’t think I could live with myself if I did something like this afterwards.

>> No.13777890

remember me when you're on the other side

>> No.13777960


>> No.13777969
File: 44 KB, 374x363, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 173k in the presale and ico. Sold at 40c and never rebought.

>> No.13777996

buy in under $2 is like buying eth under $50

>> No.13778021

i made 70,000 this week

quitting my job on friday

>> No.13778036

I did the same thing. It kills me knowing how much I'd have if I had just rebought the bottom.

>> No.13778661
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oh well looks like i'll be wagecucking forever after all

>> No.13778686
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>> No.13778693
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>> No.13778724

Swallow your pride and buy back 1/5 of your stack you brainlet this shit is going to $10 before mainnet

>> No.13778774

Take a deep breath, anon.

This will dump hard post-mainnet, early June. It is not an if, but a when.

Buy in then and be saved.

>> No.13778779

Oooooff sorry OP

>> No.13778829

Binance coin would like a word with you
If the fundamentals are there (they are) this shit is never going back under a dollar

>> No.13778839

nothing against LINK but... don't do it man.

>> No.13778842


Pretty much this. LINK is well known on biz but literally nowhere else. It’s fun to fud this coin but look at the ChainLink twitter, sub reddit, etc. they are literally ghost towns. Imagine what’s going to happen when mainnet launches, mainstream media reports a “crypto” partnership with SWIFT. It’s gonna be game over fellas.

>> No.13778882

Dude, I’m rock hard

>> No.13779090

I did my swing linking in early 2018 and nearly lost everything. Turned my hands to iron and have been DCAing since last August. 37.5k at .35 avg, feelsgoodman