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13776960 No.13776960 [Reply] [Original]

newfag here, I got binance and coinbase. I want to get into this crypto shit is that all I need or do I need to use other exchanges/wallets. I would like to get some LINK maybe but fuck me I have no idea what I am doing

>> No.13777005

But Eth on coinbase > send Eth to wallet on Binance > go to Link/Eth trading pairs > buy

Use MEW or get a ledger for cold storage

>> No.13777035

If you have to ask these questions you're better off just buying on Robinhood.

>> No.13777037


Not reputable

>> No.13777053

exchange and coin information with links to websites and whitepapers.

>> No.13777068

thanks fren, I also downloaded mewconnect i will use for storage and transfer from binance

>> No.13777111

I highly suggest if you can use KRAKEN, to use kraken instead of coinbase jews. coinbase is literally ran by scammy jews that will always find a way to lock your funds. also bank transfers take a shit ton of time on that shit exchange and even KYC takes ages.

Kraken are european Chads; their bank account is in germany...germans are very efficient and PRO. never had issues with them when i send an email the answer really quick.

they are just amazing. please dont use jew exchange like coinbase, a literal piece of shit

>> No.13777134
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ah yes, mewconnect

>> No.13777141

How the fuck do I cash out of binance

>> No.13777160

you don't.

you just wait for chainlink mainnet create a smart contract and convert your linkies directly to fiat onchain.

>> No.13777172

Maybe learn what the fuck you're doing and how to store/transfer crypto assets before trying to buy meme tokens shilled by autistic pajeets on a minesweeper strategy board

>> No.13777177

whats wrong with mew? it's awsome. just don't use the fucking website and download the offline version idiot.

>> No.13777179

buy bitcoin, download exodus, put bitcoin on exodus, use that as the exchange platform from there.

>> No.13777185

and fuck binance, i dont know why all you retarded niggers use that messy chink scam site straight outta 2010

>> No.13777208

Since your new whenever you send transactions send 1 cent test transactions to the addresses to make sure you it sends and you don’t mess up the transactions and lose everything also make sure you can delete your cold storage wallet and recover it again using your seed phasephrase in the event your laptop/computer breaks and you only have the seed so practice that

>> No.13777238

mewconnect the mobile app is garbage
the new mew site is garbage, it wasn't broken but they tried fixing it

everyone uses the vintage one

>> No.13777242

where would I even buy the bitcoin to put into exodus, coinbase takes too long and binance is risky apparently? I will also look into Kraken

>> No.13777273


>> No.13777365

kraken are really fast at doing KYC and bank transfers.

bank transfers during weekdays happen the next day and KYC only takes few hours if not minutes.

they truly are PRO.
love those gusy, they deserve me shilling them. had the worst experiences with coinbase.
they literally blocked my funds, and they block buy order sometiems when BTC is mooning too much. a true bunch of fucking scammers.
avoid coinbaseconnect at all costs

>> No.13777403

and just like that I deleted the coinbase app, i think i will stick with exodus and kraken

>> No.13777424

based you did yourself a favor.

>> No.13777709

>you don't.
Everytime you sell linkies, LINK moons a little
The only way to find inner peace is to accumulate more until it slowly takes over your daily life
One's LINK stack becomes the new social status
You might smile at the sight of increasing dollar value of the stack, but only more LINK brings true happiness
LINK is the store of autism
and there is no cashing out