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File: 65 KB, 832x601, millenials3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13771435 No.13771435 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13771461

Ultra Chad living in van.

>> No.13771570
File: 102 KB, 785x757, kissclipart-angry-apu-apustaja-clipart-pepe-the-frog-video-po-fedc5c0d8c5674ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't millenials buying houses anymore

pretty easy because the prices are out of reach.

back in the days a single person could earn enough to buy a house while working at a deadend job at Ford, GM, or whatever.
You could literally have a wifi at home doing nothing and still earn enough.

Not to mention the education scam in the us which leads to massive debts and depression.

imagine paying for education, be in debt big time, getting a job, and buying a car, a house and offer somewhat value for your girl/wifi.
you bring yourself in the position of a slave.
you can´t escape anymore, because your are 600.000+ in debts.

if you don´t buy a house thoug
if you don´t buy a bmw to impress the jones
if you dont buy fancy 5$ starbucks coffee
if you don´t buy a 200m3 house where you only use 3 rooms anyways
if you don´t fall for the education scam and learn the basics by yourself...

i don´t have a house i don´t need a house.
i have no big income, nevertheless i have 0 debts.
i don´t even have a credit card.

but i can stop working tomorrow because i have savings because im not that stupid to buy a new bmw to impress people i hate.

happiness in life comes without material things

ever wondered why so much people with money are depressed? because theyre fucking soft and thought material things would change anything.

>> No.13771584

>You could literally have a wifi at home
You only have wired? Lol

>> No.13771597

Or you can, you know, live in one of untold thousands of places in this country that you never hear about where one can buy a property for cheap and live a nice, down to earth, peaceful, frugal existence without having to pay out the ass for all of this fake useless bullshit by working a 12 hour job for 6 days. But you know, "Silicon Valley.. oooooo". Have fun working that 70 hour job and have nothing to show for it because yor $8000 rent on the 50 square foot studio was due just to say you worked in Silicon Valley.

>> No.13771612

>paying for education

is like going to the "nba-school" to get into the nba.

nobody on earth would do that because nobody cares what your nba-school degree is on the court. the only thing matters is getting buckets.
maybe have a stepback three like my white nigga luka.

on the other hand, we live in a system where you need some bitch ass dregree to qualify to be a successfull busines person.

being good as something comes with being good and practicality, building a good busines can´t be teached at any scam college.

take that for data

>> No.13771618


>> No.13771653


yes exacltly, except you have nothing and start from zero.

if you aint doing internet shit, you need some sort of people around to have it starting.

a new whine busines can´t scale at a 2000 people ghosttown.
your twitch.tv streaming carreer for sure can if interwebz are nice.

>> No.13771850

nice "take that for data" Basketball American reference to tie it all together

>> No.13772107

even though im german coach fitzdale is a stud

>> No.13772597

>i don´t have a house i don´t need a house.
we are not all willing to live in our mom's basement

>> No.13772644

>I don’t have a house I don’t need a house

>> No.13772677

>i don´t have a house i don´t need a house.
you've basically already conceded that you'll never have a family or true stability then

I'm guessing your net worth is roughly 0 - it will bite you in the ass eventually