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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13769405 No.13769405 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else bothered by the constant barrage of sales that encourage FOMO and get people to buy stuff they don't need so they can "save" money? Retail clothing stores seem to be the worst. Had a coworker friend who once bough $400 from Kohl's so "I can get $100 in Kohl's cash."

Given the massive drop in sales from JC Penney's "Fair and Square" marketing campaign that focused on having low prices rather than sales rekted the company's sales figures.

>> No.13769457

women make up 80% of consumer sales. usually a guy funding her spending

>> No.13769548

Sounds about right. The Kohl's cash coworker worked her ass off at two jobs (80-90 hours most weeks) only to blow it on stuff she didn't use that piled up.

>> No.13769568

why the fuck would the hour hand be exactly at 3 while the minute hand is past 30? stupid nigger drawing

>> No.13769601
File: 13 KB, 650x650, 1555360381215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw work at bestbuy and forced to shill morons a fucking bestbuy credit card and lease payments
imagine leasing a TV you can't afford in the first place, and then having to pay twice as much for it because you didn't pay off the lease quickly enough. Fuck me, no wonder everyone is poor.

>> No.13769733

Curious, how common was it that people would get a Best Buy credit card and basically lease to own a TV? Definitely a way to stay poor.

Will add that when I was broke for a couple a years, I made so many dumb financial and personal decisions that kept me poorer longer.