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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13766986 No.13766986 [Reply] [Original]

>25 on the charts
>No one outside /biz/ has heard about it
How is this possible? How has it gotten so far when the shilling hasn't even started in earnest?

>> No.13767010

Normies only care about Bitcoin and maaaaaybe ethereum.
No normie goes to cmc to check the rankings of their shitcoin.

>> No.13767062

Link marines FUD the reddit fags so it'll only be us that make it.

>> No.13767073

Industrial and institutional types are behind this pump. People in the know.

>> No.13767104

SWIFT, MSFT, Samsung.

Insiders are bagging

>> No.13767119

idk if this is even real, how do we know this is real...how do people not see this its in plain sight wtf is happening right now

>> No.13767127
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>No normie goes to cmc to check the rankings of their shitcoin.
tfw my most visited site is cmc

>> No.13767129
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>Industrial and institutional types are behind this pump. People in the know.
toppest of keks

>> No.13767131

Imagine not understanding what institutional money means

>> No.13767135

as delusional as it sounds, this must be it. no way in hell bizlets are worth 9 digit volume LOL

>> No.13767149

wtf, lol blue collar tradies are buying linkies?

>> No.13767161

Look at BSV today. This is how early we are. This guy who is unironically not satoj files a patent on daddy shitcoin that will be eventually thrown out. On baseless hype alone this gets a billion marketcap in a day. We are rank 25 but shitcoins galore are still ahead. We are just that fucking early.

>> No.13767178

link just made me 5k

>> No.13767181

Where is all the money flow coming from though? IIRC, biz is very obscure, only autists come to biz

>> No.13767183

Will this dip soon so I can buy some more?

>> No.13767206

multiple WSJ & MIT Tech Review articles, CNBC Africa interviews, front page of r/cc during every pump

>thinks no one has heard of link

>> No.13767214

Insiders ans companies who are using the network

>> No.13767238

stealth mode wasn't a joke

also, flooding it with the most retarded, cringe and offensive memes was done on purpose to keep normies out

>> No.13767289

We're about to flip BAT. The salt is going to be legendary.

>> No.13767323


>> No.13767328

Probably a combination of
plus the fact that
marketcap is a meme, especially with this type of volume. It's a big pump percentage-wise but like I said, compared to what satoj got today and some of the coins in this space it's small time.

>> No.13767343


Thank God I got it at $.98

>> No.13767354

IIRC, aren't big suits using the network being sold link tokens from the 650 million via OTC? I find it hard to believe that some boomer in a suit is making a binance account to buy internet tokens.

>> No.13767442


>> No.13767480

Good point i dont actually know for fact its just my logical assumption. But you have a good point.

>> No.13767493

literally wrong tho

search chainlink on cc my man

>> No.13767527

please FUD harder I don't want the Reddit normie fags on here to make it.. they don't deserve it

>> No.13767528

>It's not $1.30
Oh shit

My 12k stack feeling good right about now. Been holding some since 2017 and have been dca-ing since.

>> No.13767554

I've only got 100 of these and I still don't care, this is the best run I've had in weeks. Well, except for that lucky shot on MATIC the other day. Gains are gains

>> No.13767577

I'm actually in awe of how few posts there are, and how the comments are unironically filled with /biz/ FUD. Redditors really are that clueless?

>> No.13767583

time for another episode of do I buy more and risk the dump or do i wait and risk the pump

>> No.13767625

unironically yes

they are literally sheep

>> No.13767643


and this is the correct search

>> No.13767646

I hope you make it pooranon

>> No.13767658

they are still waiting for veChink pump LOL

>> No.13767766

That's the thing I don't understand, reddit isn't even aware of chainlink, biz is very obscure and consists of neets and autists that have very little disposable income, and big suits are likely purchasing linkies OTC...so where is all this volume coming from?

>> No.13767795

is biz even really that obscure?

>> No.13767843

Digits confirm. Yes these people are mouth breathing retards and they each get to vote just like you!

>> No.13767879

13k posts a day, how many users does that translate to?

>> No.13767919

I'm not poor, I'm just (a pretty old guy who's) new to crypto. Most of my money's in index funds. Still learning this shit, but LINK seems like a pretty damn legit product. I actually want to run a node instead of buy tokens.

>> No.13767938
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Well I do like 20 posts a day on average...

>> No.13767963

is it weird that bithumb is at only 1.11? they were leading the pumps previously

>> No.13768018

2.12 by Friday
Screencap this

>> No.13768024

4chan in general is pretty obscure...obscure meaning it's definitely not a website that normies frequent.

>> No.13768065

So happy I grabbed a 1k suicide stack months ago.

Not enough to make it but enough to not wanna mcfuckingkillmyself

>> No.13768087
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Rolling for $2 by eow

>> No.13768122

Oh, sweet boomer.
If you want to make money off of running a node, you'll need to have LINK tokens to stake. The higher the stake, the higher the reward.

>> No.13768223
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Make that 24 muhfugga

>> No.13768246

Holochad/Nolinker here. I hope all you guys make it. We have meme magic on our side. Good job frens.

>> No.13768545

Niggers buying from themselve to pump the price while waiting for guillible idiots to jumop in.

>> No.13768620

>Niggers buying from themselve to pump the price
I think this is the worst understanding of markets I've ever seen on /biz/

>> No.13768664

That's a fresh cut on my man sergs

>> No.13768667

Pretty much this, every normies I've talked to who has heard about crypto only knows the name bitcoin. The more hardcore normies who know a bit about finance or technology know "there's a second coin that's really big too".

I have yet to meet someone that knows anything about cryptocurrency other than "bitcoin was over $15K at some point".

>> No.13768682

Maybe Japs are moving in? Crypto is legit in Japan, more so than in Korea. There's never been a thread or any discussion about Japan's opinion regarding ChainLink. Kinda strange.

>> No.13768780

Korean whale group

>> No.13768877

no, but high level architects/engineers/developers are

>> No.13768888

2ch doesn't have a /biz/ equivalent, does it?

>> No.13768945
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>How is this possible?

>> No.13768947

Because /biz/ fudded this so much, that everyone outside of /biz/ literally thought it was a scam coin

>> No.13768996
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>> No.13769043

>Link moons

>CSW gets copyright for btc and pumps SV

>I missed out on 2017

>Down 300$ with only a small stack of BCH left

All my investment decisions leading up to this point have been wrong. Some people really weren’t meant to make it...

>> No.13769048

Well, that would be why I'm buying a few now. I read the documentation and figured I'd buy in a little before I tried to run a node.

>> No.13769087

A decent amount of the comments are legit well-crafted fud by bizraelis I believe

>> No.13769153

I wouldn't risk it.

>> No.13769202
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>.I mean how hard is ti to simply write JSON.parse(str) JSON.stringify(str)....ffs thi sis the most stupid coin I saw for a long time And I kinda hope people don't fall for it...I think mobius got it all figured and it looks like it's the best alternative.
I love you guys

>> No.13769232

1,000 of those are me shitposting at work every day

>> No.13769242


>> No.13769243

good question and nice digits

>> No.13769269
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I brought up Bitcoin at work when we were making small talk after wrapping up a daily meeting and some didn't know what it was. In a fortune 500 company. Normies don't know the difference between a blockchain, a crypto currency, and a smart contract.

>> No.13769327

>Some people really weren’t meant to make it...
fuck that mindset. fuck yes you can make it. stand up right now and shout I'M GOING TO FUCKING MAKE IT. and dont stop telling yourself that until you get there

>> No.13769572

no, only trent reznor is buying

>> No.13769710

If you were a swift dev or IT guy and you overheard some boomer that swift will use Chainlink you would be buying like crazy. My guess is that people in the know are buying and the word of mouth is spreading like wildfire. Not normalfags, just tech guys. Imagine when coinbase lists Chainlink.

>> No.13769806

Motherfuckers!! They saved the best fud for reddit. Kek.

>> No.13769835

They got arbitraged to oblivion by their own exchange. Most are wanting to get out. Not buy in