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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 20 KB, 669x377, ssese9233a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13763911 No.13763911 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck these shitcoins, holding back the Blockchain, CRAIG IS NOT SATOSHI

>> No.13763967

the only thing that is holding back the cryptospace is BTC and its cripple shit network

>> No.13763989

you are stupid i just did a dozen transactions a day ago and it was cheap and fast.

>> No.13764015
File: 153 KB, 1851x989, imaginebch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 10 minute block time
> fast


> cheap

BTC is the most pathetic BTC version there is.

>> No.13764029

Im about to unload my sv and link I made my money see yall on the moon

>> No.13764040

frankly my transactions went through in less than 3 minutes. cost me around 50 cents to move a bitcoin and some change back and forth and distribute it over a dozen addresses.

>> No.13764063
File: 73 KB, 1278x548, 1553320884740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13764080

it would cost 1000x less on BCH.
once the mempool is full again ( the business model of BTC is having high fees ) you wont be able to transact for 50 cents. it was $4 a few days a go. fucking retard.

anyone that is still in the BTC camp is a tech illiterate.

>> No.13764132

>it was $4 a few days a go
why do you think i waited a bit? i can read a fucking chart. bitcoin is heavily spammed when it's too cheap to transact on, from time to time it shakes the parasites off by spiking the tx fees. it's fine. even a $5 fee wouldn't be so be if i was in a hurry. way less than my wire costs. especially international wire man that's literal anal rape.

>> No.13764163

Having to wait to send a tx literally retarded

>> No.13764207

i was not in a hurry, i'm stashing btc for the long hold. distributing over my paper wallets. it's not a time sensitive thing.same shit when ln will be a thing you can just set up channels when it's cheap as fuck and use them for a month or more.

>> No.13764254
File: 161 KB, 750x556, skellybch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you are a complete retard like I thought.
only retards still use BTC. retards and very very rich people that got in early. no one that wants to make a $5 to $100 purchase is going to pay 1 dollar or 4 dollars for a transaction, that will clear in ~10 minutes. all the other big cap coins are tons ahead of bitcoin. Dash has instant send. second ttransaction times and super low fees. you can use it in a shop. not having to wait
BCH has 0-conf and soon also a pre consensus layer called avalanche that will allow instant transactions. Meanwhile BTC is doing fucking nothing but crippling itself with LN.
Merchants don't want to use that crap lmao. You think they want to set up channels, fund them, pay this pay that etc etc. LMAO. all the other cryptos are scan and go. BTC is a fucking mess. disgusting shell of what it used to be.

>> No.13764293

Anon, you're a Soiboy cuc k

This is the same was Hillary 2016 meltdown after Trump won

>> No.13764709

salty nocoiner talk we will see in 7 years

>> No.13765140

you completely made a fool of yourself, now go buy more core coin, you deserve to lose it all

>> No.13765171

fees will be essential in mature blockchains after few more halvenings.. miners will mine fees not free coins.. feeless blockchains are doomed

>> No.13765176

i'm gonna buy all the btc i can shitcoins need not apply. still hold a few cheap chink knock off bch in case core team shits the bed with their gamble. don't care for the rest.

>> No.13765243
File: 184 KB, 659x609, qDVDZAd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok you shitskins >>13764961 or stfu

>> No.13765270


unless they do burnout block rewards like XMR or have huge blocks like BSV such that so many transactions are in a block that all those tiny fees add up

>> No.13765299

dunno man, with btc the fees and rewards could be minuscule in sats and still worth it to the miners when btc hits $1mil and more.

>> No.13765396

4 fucking dollar fee, are you kidding me??????

>> No.13765429

bitcoin may not be the money for poorfags in the future there is not nearly enough for starters

>> No.13765490
File: 1.37 MB, 960x408, 1535704552350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in 20-30 years when each individual cell phone amongst billions if not trillions of cell phones have several yottabytes of storage space, able to contain quadrillions upon quadrillions times more space than all storage on earth now, this meme of a few gigabytes this way or that way wont matter

>> No.13765518

core devs did some differential equations and concluded that demand for free space is infinite thus no block will ever be big enough.

>> No.13765524

you wont use primary blockchain to buy yourself starbucks.. how much it'll cost you to move sizeable funds from your bank account and also how much time? you will use LN for everything else BUT primary security wont be compromised by a network with max 5nodes aka BSV

>> No.13765620

>the Blockchain

>> No.13765656

If BTC followed through with segwit2x then there would unironically be no shitcoins.

>> No.13765696

Bch is a shitcoin leeching of btc i nevee would touch and trust it to move my hard earned money you just wanna flip to have once in life more than 5 btc wtf is wrong with you btc is about to fuck banks and give money in our hand not to flip coins like a casino

>> No.13766512

You tell'm Sanjay

>> No.13766635

yes he is.