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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13763734 No.13763734 [Reply] [Original]

Kevin the jannie conformed the Starbucks partnership. Get the fuck in anon.

>> No.13764253

did you not get the memo, this is a scam

>> No.13764298

26k Amblet here. Will I make it?

>> No.13764334

just a reminder to never buy this scam. if you're too new to know what that is then enjoy your bags faggots.

>> No.13764341

Chances are very good as long as they “hit the ground running” with the Eu regulations taking effect in December.

>> No.13764373

Any idiot could realize it was simply an ambrosus shell company just as crayonic most likely is. Something obviously happened. The team has dropped tons of Easter eggs for anybody who isn’t a fucking idiot
>South Korea steak
>Phillip Morris

10usd eoy

>> No.13764418

Check the Reddit thread, Kevin’s comment was deleted. That’s all you need to know about ambrosus + starbucks

Ambrosus legal team is tops, they stole vechains trademark in the Eu. They would not allow ambrosus to use starbucks name in a case study unless this poc was done together with Starbucks

Thanks Kevin for dropping the Easter egg on us. We’re all gonna make it senpai.

>> No.13764586

>oh another muh partnership

>> No.13764716

Don't forget 3 Japanese firms including Fujitsu.
Also: Irish Whiskey, Migros, Waitrose, Swiss Chocolate, olive oil, GSK, unnamed commodities firm, Burberry, Nestle, Toblerone. Stay poor /biz.

>> No.13764718

Ya, yawn

All you faggots will fomo in at 1usd. And half of the fud on here is from the tg group trying to keep accumulating.

>> No.13764768

Some of these I’m not sure of, there isn’t even proof of Gsk on the testnet or amb even working with them on a poc. Nestle is another one I’m skeptical of.

Most of those I am certain are signed partnerships though.

>> No.13765252

The fact that the post from “Kevinthejannie” was deleted gives me full faith Starbucks will be using a sidechain off of ambrosus for customers rewards. I’m all but certain.

>> No.13765519

Yup the accumulating tg fags are quite as usual. The fud stoped, now they took a different approach of letting threads with breadcrumbs and real facts slip to the bottom and disappear.

Fuck you amb tg fags. All you faggots

>> No.13765601

Did swissbro get killed for losing everyone's money?

>> No.13765836

That faggot, kimichi and pharma fag we’re all larps from a group. Most know insiders or are insiders. These faggots have been accumulating for well over a year and most likely all wave 0.

>> No.13765871

I fucking love VeChain GmbH.

>> No.13765890

fuck i hate the amb tg fags and those fuckin larps so goddamn much. insufferable

>> No.13765921

Those tg fags went as far as to make bots on binance so they could accumulate more.

>> No.13765963

Kevin deleted his post right after this thread was made.


they don’t want people to know about the partnerships. I think the team and advisors talked to versetti and told him to shut the fuck up about the ndas who everybody could accumulate more.

>> No.13765985


>> No.13766046

No ones going to buy your heavy bags faggot!!

>> No.13766060

much moon sir

>> No.13766170

AMB was 6 cent back at the beginning of 2019 when BTC was $3.7k.
Now Bitcoin is at $8k and AMB is below 5 cent.
The only people still buying this scam are deluded bag holders trying to get their average buy price below $0.50.
Any "insider" has long dumped and never looked back. How long will the team's funds even last? A couple more months at max.
AMB will just quietly day this year together with hundreds of other ICOs.

>> No.13766304

Your one of these fuckers from tg fudding. Who are. Oleh?

Hmmm, I wonder why the price is so low. Is it the sensor fud provided by amb them selves? Or the vechain gmbh fud provided by the team. The have secret tg groups for fud with the main tg fags all involved. When amb wins the Eu competition tomorrow, along with the cemented Eu connections, along with the SIGNED contracts with big clients you anons will see. I was one of the fudders. I got my 100k and I’m ready now.

As for the “any insider has already dumped” the fact that NONE of the team wallets have dumped anything proves your full of shit. The devpool wallet was the only one that dumped, and they sold 7 million usd worth of amb over a 100 day period to clients for staking and to use on amb.net Etherscan will validate everything I just said.

>> No.13766415

That oleh faggot was mad when amb pumped past 550 sats because he’s wave 0 and wants maximum amb node rewards. He’s probably one of the main fudders on biz

>> No.13766498

>wave 0
What does this even mean?

>> No.13766538

Wave 0 is the first wave of nodes being onborded. It’s most likely amb friends and family. Nobody knows because the team has had 0 transparency concerning who and why they were chosen for wave 0. Wave 0 will be getting all of the rewards for them selfs. I’m sure the team will delay wave 1 so they can get as much as possible.

>> No.13766558

Former AMB holder here. Wave0 is not even real. The whole thing is a scam, most of the partnerships are shell companies.

>> No.13766603

Wtf are you talking about? Nds is a shell company? The INATBA is a shell company? Phillip Morris is a shell company? Fuck off you wave 0 accumulating faggot.

I will dispel any fud any of you have. I was posting or replying to all of the fud going on since q2 of 2018.

>> No.13766715

dropped them after the pilot
>phillip morris
not amb

Ever notice that bearwolf has fudded AMB for months and was never wrong? No, he's not accumulating- you don't need 2 years to accumulate. It's just a dead scam, nigger the bearwolf was right and has continued being right. There will be no price action for amblets ever. Tokens are not locked up now, if they ever were. All the shit like Seafood Commons or anyone else was shell companies, it's all a big hustle by Versetti.

>> No.13766799

Nds signed a fucking contract after the poc you brainlet. Done deal

INATBA is going to be calling the shots concerning regulations and mandates in the Eu

The Phillip Morris post ties hand in hand with the tobacco slides amb has been presenting for months, and also ties hand in hand with the 1c serialization stamp which in their case would be used for tax purposes. Anything else?

The team tokens have not been moved. The devpool had. The dev pool was specifically made for onbording companies and for them using as stake to run nodes.


Read all of his posts with wallet address at the end.

>> No.13766914

Keep btfoing these tg fags. You seem to know the project fairly well as do I.

>> No.13767058
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>nds signed a contract
muh contracts, muh partnerships. News flash they did a pilot then fucked off. Bet Versetti even paid for the chance at it. They aren't using AMB or they would be on mainnet and AMB wouldn't be 5 fucking cents.
>phillip morris was never confirmed but look it goes hand in hand with muh breadcrumbs
doesn't even need a rebuttal
>some random twitter faggot that doesn't even support your view
whoever this asshole is he says tokens were sent to exchanges. Fuck off whatever telegram or discord tranny you are.

>> No.13767142
File: 323 KB, 1876x1101, B7D8F7D0-CA2C-481F-AEEF-1D5F0B53E867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya, they’re just hanging out for the pilot. These type of pics are taken after contract singing. If you knew the business world you would realize this. Not only did they sign a contract with nds, their poc was so successful Korea will force all of their beef to be tracked on amb.net. Every single piece of steak

As for the random faggot, ok he’s a random fagot. I’m not gonna argue that. But FOLLOW THE FUCKING WALLETS that he posted. Amb made a blog post about all the ico money and exactly where it was going. Which tg faggot are you? Baeshoor?

>> No.13767226

Your proper grammar gives me hope that my stack of AMB I'm sitting on won't just fade into dust.

>> No.13767234

>Which tg faggot are you? Baeshoor?
Nigger if I was a tg faggot why would I be fudding? Or did even those faggots in tg turn against this scam now? Shit, they know better than you then.
That picture was months ago, mainnet is out there is no usage. Nigger it's over, it's just fucking over. Anyone who was once interested fucked off. Stop bagholding, they don't even hold their own tokens. How can tokens be locked up if they are on exchanges? It doesn't even make sense which is why even Versetti never addressed it. I was one of the ones that figured this out. I can find the thread. AMB is a scam and it uses the same logo as Versetti's previous scam. Time to sell.

>> No.13767402

This reply is so absolutely fucking stupid and uninformed I’m not even gonna go through and point out how 100% wrong every argument is.

>> No.13767459
File: 689 KB, 1440x1353, Screenshot_20190505-182644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just this.

>> No.13767511

Hey baeshoor go fuck yourself

>> No.13767536

>why would I be fudding
To accumulate you idiot
>how can the tokens be locked up if their on an exchange
The devpool was always on an exchange. It was never locked. Versetti said a year ago that they would sell onbording tokens via the exchange. If you look at the days of 5-7million usd of volume, the trades were structure. Hmmmmm, looks exactly like how versetti said they would onboard. The actual team tokens were unlocked on April 22nd and never moved to this day
>another amb scam using the same logo
Sss is a shell company to develop IoT gateways just like crayonic is most likely a shell company to manufacture their 2 mass produced sensors.
>time to sell
Yes but in at 1usd faggot

Amb 10 usd eoy

>> No.13767663

Checked and factual

>> No.13767816

Connor’s a NEET and chungus bungus is just a pathetic cartoon bunny who lost his life savings to Connor

>> No.13767882

They post on tg all day. They are either neets living in mommy’s basement eating tendies with ketchup or they are traders with no jobs. Those are the only 2 options.

>> No.13768111

The fud gets btfo’d and magically it stops and the tg fags aren’t replying anymore. They want this bread to get stale and die.

>> No.13768215

if project is appealing marketmakers will pump it through the roof when bull run will begin, if they don't like it then no matter of fundamentals

>> No.13768235

>”the tokens are locked”
>No they arent
>”bro they are locked on exchanges stop fudding to accumulate”
Can’t make this shit up

>> No.13768238

The price will be tied almost directly to node returns from bundles. So I would disagree.

>> No.13768274

Baeshoor was pro AMB wasn’t he? You discord trannys can’t even get your boogeyman right. Ain’t nobody buying your bags.

>> No.13768284

You don’t seem to understand

Let me break it down so your 70 iq brain can understand. They were different wallets. You had the dev fund to onboard clients and to pay for security auditors THIS WAS NEVER LOCKER

Than you have the team “payment” funds. These were locked until April 22nd and to this day were never moved. The tg fags were the ones posting all the
>look the team is dumping
Fud. Open your eyes anon.

>> No.13768334

>be bitfinex mafia
>have 500,000 BTC
>move the market whatever you want +20000% or -95% in a week
>oh, this project has tied returns, nonono hold on guys
>pamp eet crash eet
>amber not affected, peace and calm

>> No.13768346

>Than you have the team “payment” funds. These were locked until April 22nd and to this day were never moved.
Fucking prove it faggot, there is no dev wallet, go check this shit on etherscan the top wallets are exchanges. Burden of proof is on you just like your non existent partnerships.

>> No.13768366

Ya he’s pro amb, but he is most likely a wave 0 node holder. When the Hermes and atlas nodes are onborded, the mainnet will be 100% live and the wave 0 guys benefit from no partnerships and cheap amb. Amb is paid per bundle. 12usd per bundle in amb. If amb is 10c, that’s 120 amb split using their algo snd payment system between wave 0 node holders. If amb is 1usd per amb that’s only 12amb split up. Does your dumb ass see what’s going on? The lower the amb price, the more baeshoor, Boggs faggot, and all the other amb fags get to accumulate via node rewards.

>> No.13769049

Checked based and redpilled

>> No.13769492

forgot to change IP's, faggot