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13759763 No.13759763 [Reply] [Original]

Why Was Whalekiller Thread Deleted?

>> No.13759775


>> No.13759790

Aww ragey wagie. It’ll be ok.

One day you’ll be dead.

>> No.13759815

Idk. Wanted to ask him what the point of chaining promises is in JS if you’re going to use async/await. Haven’t written JS in years. Also was going to say to make a private repo on GH with a fake account for coding anons to combine collective autism

>> No.13759886

It's easier for me to debug doing that...I know it's retarded. It's boiler plate code just to give people ideas. I also usually use typescript and componentize everything

I might make a private repo, I need to get sleep at some point

>> No.13759916

Maybe because of the code and jannies got scared it was malicious. I've had that happen before when I posted random code snippets before

>> No.13759944

Whalekiller anon, any tips on finding a job online? Fiddled with content writing a year ago but now even with experience no one is replying back

>> No.13759947
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whats going on at the moment in the crazy world bots and link price?

>> No.13760031


>> No.13760071

Contact your local white collar recruiter, I'm very partial to Robert Half, and send a recruiter your resume. Ask them what needs improvement and for them to send you a few of their best resumes for positions which you are looking for.

Take the best aspects of each resume (formatting, use of language, etc...) and apply it to yours

I've done a ton of hiring over past 15 years and the number one problem with candidates that are qualified but can't get a job is they have a resume that looks like garbage and they have trouble with basic in person communication

I used to have the above problems because I'm a turbo autist, but I've learned to behave and come off as a "Brad" (not a chad)...even though the personality is a complete facade and I'm a screaming wojak behind my smiling face 99% of the time

>> No.13760084

A couple of whale bots doing some swinging and small bots really riding the swing. Nothing too malicious or out of the ordinary

>> No.13760101

Wasn’t shitting on it just know my own ignorance of the nuances of JS. Didn’t think of easier to debug. If you do make a repo I’m sure other codeanons besides me would be interested

>> No.13760135

no worries, javascript is my least favorite language and rarely use it but it's perfect for portable light stuff like bots

I'm a C# boomer who doesn't want to learn anything new. The best languages for bots are python and javascript...I don't do python either

>> No.13760179

damn anon if you really a a sharp boomer then id really recommend sprucing up on these little high level langies
the low level langies are cool but high level langies let you do 'way more' (less) in 'way less' time.
So you still do your csharp but you also do pypy and some others

>> No.13760223

I know them enough to BS through an interview or code for a project, but i'm a Sr. Architect so typically only do POC's and backend systems where c# and JAVA are still very popular (healthcare and and boomer finance)

>> No.13760255

Thanks fren
Sadly I need to turn to freelancing platforms since content writing isn't even a thing in my shithole, and they only entail cover letters which are overlooked for the most part.

>> No.13760417
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